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The Learning Goals 1

Knowing Your Destination. Informing the Journey

choose appropriate quantitative research design

describe sampling procedure and the sample

construct an instrument and establishes its validity and


plan data collection procedure

plan data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing

(if appropriate);
Chapter 3 2

Research Design

The Sample

The Instrument

Data Collection Procedure

Plan for Data Analysis

Research Design 3

What’s the plan?

The purpose of the study

Research Design 4

What’s the plan?

Quantitative Research Designs

True Experimental
Descriptive Correlational Experimental
Research primarily Design
concerned with cause
Used to investigate the
and effect
Cross-sectional survey direction and
relationships in studies Pre-Experimental
design is done when magnitude of Design
that involve
data is collected at a relationships among
manipulation and
single point in time. variables in a
measurement. It
particular population.
utilizes the method of
Research Design 5

What’s the plan?

Experimental Designs

True Experimental Quasi-Experimental Pre-Experimental

Design Design Design
One-group pretest-
Participants are
posttest design
randomly selected.
provides a
There is an
experimental and a Participants are not
description of a group
controlled group randomly selected.
of participants before
where the
and after the
experimental group is
exposed to treatment.
Research Design 6

Writing this section

This study is quantitative in nature since the

What is the general methodology or
research question we seek to answer lead to
01 research design do you intend to utilize in
numerical data.
your proposed study?
Specifically, the study is correlational as it aims
to determine if there is an association between
02 Why did you choose this research design?
senior high school students’ use of social media
and their attention span in class and assess
whether the degree of association between these
variables is significant. What specific type of the research design
Cristobal & Cristobal (2016) defines correlation will you use?
research as the research design employed to
investigate the direction and magnitude of Why did you choose this specific
relationships among variables in a particular methodology?
Population and Sample 7

Getting a fraction to understand the whole

A subgroup of the target
population that the researcher Target Population
plans to study for generalizing
A group of individuals with some A more advanced research process is
about the target population.
common defining characteristic that to select individuals or schools who
the researcher can identify and study
are representative of the population.

a group of individuals who
have the same characteristic

Determining the Sample Size

There are a few guidelines that we would suggest with regard to the
minimum number of subjects needed.
 For descriptive studies-a sample with a minimum number of 100 is

 For correlational studies, a sample of at least 50 is necessary to

establish the existence of a relationship.

 For experimental studies, we recommend a minimum of 30

individuals per group

Fraenkel & Wallen (2012)

Sampling Techniques 9

Probability Sampling

What sampling method? probability or non-probability?

And what sampling techniques were used?

Probability method-simple random, systematic, stratified, cluster, or multi-

stage cluster sampling.

Non-probability method- convenience, snowball, purposive, or quota

Sampling Techniques 10

Probability Sampling


Drawing randomly from a list of the Taking every kth element in the
population (e.g.: names from a hat, using a population as a sample, where
matrix of random numbers).
Sampling Techniques 11

Probability Sampling


a process in which certain The selection of groups, or
subgroups, or strata, are selected for the clusters, of subjects rather than
sample in the same proportion as they individuals
exist in the population
Sampling Techniques 12

Non-Probability Sampling

CONVENIENCE The number of samples is
SAMPLING decided by the researcher and
is selecting a group of selection is also made out of
individuals who are availability of the respondent.
conveniently available
for study
Sampling Techniques 13

Non-Probability Sampling


Using researcher’s judgment to select
a sample that they believe, based on One sample leads on to more
prior information, will provide the of the same kind of sample.
data they need.
Think of this 14

A researcher wants to conduct a

practical research in order to determine
the effectiveness of peer counseling on
the decreasing the truancy of his
classmates. Of his 56 classmates, he has
selected 20 whose residences are within
a kilometer’s radius from the school.

What sampling technique did the

researcher use?
Do you agree on the strategy he has

The Sample
The target population of the study are the senior high school students during the
second term of the academic year, 2017-2018 of De La Salle Araneta University in
Malabon City. These students belong to three different strands of the SHS program,
namely: Accountancy and Business Management (ABM); Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS); Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

With a population size of 500, the researchers will consider a sample of 223
respondents determined using Slovin’s formula for computing sample size with a
five percent margin of error. These samples shall be randomly selected through
stratified random sampling with the SHS strands being used to define groups and
SPSS to randomly determine the samples.
The Instrument

The Key to Finding the Answers

Describes the kind of instrument you will use for gathering data in the
study. Is it an interview schedule (for a survey), a questionnaire, an
interview guide, observation guide, FGD guide or case study guide?

How did you construct the instrument?

The Instrument

The Key to Finding the Answers

1 This refers to the questionnaire or data gathering tool to be constructed,

validated and administered.

If researcher-made, it must be tested for validity and reliability.

If adopted, the student should indicate its description as to its items, scoring
3 and qualification.

4 The researcher must explain its parts, and how the instrument will be
validated. The instrument to be used should be appended.
The Instrument

The Key to Finding the Answers

A survey questionnaire is a commonly used type of instrument in research that lists

questions about a topic with spaces for responses.

Yes/No Coding
Do you consider research to be I use my phone during class.
important? ___ 4 Always
Completion ___ 3 Often
___ 2 Seldom
When I hear my phone
___ 1 Never
ring, I _____________________
Which of the following do you
consider in buying a phone?
___ brand name
___ price How do you feel when you
TYPES of leave your phone at home
___ specs
QUESTIONS accidentally.
___ others, please specify
The Instrument

The Key to Finding the Answers

Instrument Design
A good questionnaire must
Name (Optional)
1 Contain different types of questions:
personal, attitudinal or behavioral;
Age _________ Sex __ M __ F Grade
sensitive questions (if applicable).
Use strategies for good construction:
2 uses clear language, makes sure that I am enthusiastic about being a student
answer options do not overlap; posing ___ SA ____ A ____DA ____SD
questions that are applicable to
The Instrument

The Key to Finding the Answers

Instrument Design
A good questionnaire must

Validity is the ability of an instrument to

measure what it intends to measure.

Reliability refers to the consistency of results.

Valid and reliable. Underwent pilot
3 testing to a small number of
Please repeat the question.

Evaluating questions

1. Do you like cellphones?

Unclear, vague question
Do you believe that students must be allowed to use cellphones during class?
2. Do you believe cellphones and laptops must be allowed for use inside the
A combination of two questions
Do you believe that laptops must be allowed for use inside the classroom?

3. Do you consider a quadcore processor to be an important feature of a

Contains jargon
Is the speed of response of the cellphone important to you?
Please repeat the question.

Evaluating questions

4. Whenever the teacher is discussing in front of the class and a phone

rings right in the middle of it, it can be distracting. Do you find the
ringing of a phone distracting enough to take you out of your focus?
Too long
Do you find ringing sounds of a phone distracting while in class?
5. Agree or disagree: The school should not discontinue its ban of
cellular phones in class.
Double negatives
Do you agree that the school should continue banning phones in class?
The Instrument

Writing this section

SHS Students’ Social Media Use and
Their Attention Span in Class What instruments will you use to
01 gather data to answer your research
questions? Describe the instruments.
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to
the following questions:
Why did you choose these
1. What is the level of social media usage of 02 instruments?
Grade 12 students of De La Salle Araneta
University (DLSAU) in terms of: What are the major parts of your
a. forms of social media? instruments including the major
03 variables and sub-variables to be
b. frequency of social media use? measured?
c. mode of social media use?
2. What is the attention span in class of 04 What rating scale will you use?
Grade 12 students of DLSAU?
The Instrument

Writing this section

This study shall make use of two research What instruments will you
instruments to provide data on the 01 use to gather data to answer
variables being studied. A validated your research questions?
questionnaire will be used to determine the Describe the instruments.
respondents’ level of social media use. To
measure the respondents’ attention span in
class, the researchers intend to use a
mobile application. These instruments are
02 Why did you choose these
further described in the succeeding
The Instrument

Writing this section

Social Media Use Questionnaire. The purpose

02 Why did you choose these
of this questionnaire is to assess the respondents’
level of social media use in terms of three instruments?
factors: form of social media use, frequency of
use, and mode of use. It was developed and
tested for validity and reliability by Cruz (2012)
for his research on the impact of social media
usage on the academic performance of Grade 10
students in the Philippines. Aside from being
recent, the researchers have decided to use the
instruments because it has been constructed with
the context of Filipino students in mind.
The Instrument

Writing this section

A cover letter addressed to the researchers is attached to
the questionnaire explaining the research, its rationale What are the major parts
03 of your instruments
and purpose, and the general instructions on how to fill
out the form. The questionnaire is composed of four including the major
parts. Part one seeks to gather data regarding the variables and sub-
demographic profile of the respondents which includes
their sex, age, and SHS strand. Part two of the
variables to be measured?
questionnaire lists down all available forms of social
media and instructs the respondent to check those which
they use, as many as applies. Part three seeks to
determine how frequent the respondents use social media
by asking them to rate their level of frequency to 10
statements. Possible responses are limited to a five-point 04
Likert scale: (5) Always, (4) Often; (3) Sometimes; (2) What rating scale will
Seldom; (1) Never. you use?
Data Collection Procedure

Let others know step-by-step

Describe whose permission will be sought and what arrangements

1 need to be made to administer instruments.

After all permissions have been granted, discuss how the samples will
2 be contacted and explain the process of administering the

3 State how the questionnaires will be retrieved.

Data Collection Procedure

Let others know step-by-step

The process for gathering the needed data in the study is described in
the following steps.

1. The researcher shall seek the permission of the authors of the

instruments that will be adapted in this study.
2. The researchers will secure permission of the university to obtain
a list of SHS students from which the samples will be selected.
Also, a permission to conduct data collection will be sought from
the concerned officials of the school.
Data Collection Procedure

Let others know step-by-step

The process for gathering the needed data in the study is described in
the following steps.
1. The researcher shall seek the permission of the authors of the instruments that will be adapted in this study.
2. The researchers will secure permission of the university to obtain a list of SHS students from which the samples will be selected. Also, a permission to conduct data
collection will be sought from the concerned officials of the school.

3. The questionnaires shall be distributed to the selected samples

during one of their classes with a permission from the facilitating
professor and the note of approval of the university.
4. Questionnaires shall be retrieved the same day as they were given
to ensure a higher return percentage of questionnaires.
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

This section indicates how the data will be analyzed and reported; it should specify the qualitative and/or
quantitative methods that will be used in analyzing the data gathered for the research.

1 Describe analysis to be done for each research question, following sequence in

Statement of Problem.
State if tests of hypotheses will be done and for what purpose.
Add scoring system for instruments.
4 Avoid giving formulas or standard procedures for statistical

Data Analysis and Interpretation

descriptive analysis...

Data Analysis and Interpretation

inferential statistics...
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

SHS Students’ Social Media Use and To answer the questions presented under the Statement
Their Attention Span in Class of the Problem, the following statistical tools will be
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to 1. Percentages will be used to present and analyze data
regarding the demographic profile of the
the following questions: respondents.
1. What is the level of social media usage of 2. Weighted mean will be computed to represent the
Grade 12 students of De La Salle Araneta responses of each respondent to the questionnaire
University (DLSAU) in terms of: and their attention span score while standard
a. forms of social media? deviation will be used to determine the degree of
variability in these values. This mean shall be
b. frequency of social media use? interpreted as follows:
c. mode of social media use? 3. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation
2. What is the attention span in class of Coefficient will be used to determine the degree of
Grade 12 students of DLSAU? relationship between social media use and attention
span. The correlation coefficient will be interpreted
as follows (Dela Cruz, 2005)
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

SHS Students’ Social Media Use and To answer the questions presented under the Statement
Their Attention Span in Class of the Problem, the following statistical tools will be
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to 1. Percentages will be used to present and analyze data
regarding the demographic profile of the
the following questions: respondents.
1. What is the level of social media usage of 2. Weighted mean will be computed to represent the
Grade 12 students of De La Salle Araneta responses of each respondent to the questionnaire
University (DLSAU) in terms of: and their attention span score while standard
a. forms of social media? deviation will be used to determine the degree of
variability in these values. This mean shall be
b. frequency of social media use? interpreted as follows:
c. mode of social media use?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

SHS Students’ Social Media Use and To answer the questions presented under the Statement
Their Attention Span in Class of the Problem, the following statistical tools will be
Specifically, this study shall seek answers to 3. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
will be used to determine the degree of relationship
the following questions: between social media use and attention span. The
2. What is the attention span in class of correlation coefficient will be interpreted as follows
Grade 12 students of DLSAU? (Dela Cruz, 2005)
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

In numbers I dwell, a critical key,

Small or large, my impact you'll see.
For findings robust, guess what's my role?
In research's heart, I shape the whole.
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

In the field or lab, I come to play,

Gathering truths, night and day.
Through surveys, experiments, or observation keen,
What am I, the researcher's data dream?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

In the sea of numbers, I find my way,

Patterns and insights, I unveil each day.
From spreadsheets and graphs, to tests profound,
What am I, decoding research's sound?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

In the hands of inquiry, I take my place,

Measuring realms with precision and grace.
Numbers and data, I bring to light,
What am I, the researcher's insightful sight?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

I'm the architect of scientific might,

In every study, I set things right.
Variables dance in patterns, unseen,
What am I, in research's grand scheme?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

I'm the gatekeeper of truth, elusive yet near,

In research realms, I'm held dear.
Without bias or flaws, I stand tall,
What am I, ensuring credibility's call?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

In numbers' embrace, I paint the scene,

Summarizing data, crisp and clean.
Mean, median, and mode I unfold,
What am I, in statistics' tale told?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

Consistency is my constant friend,

In measurements, I defend.
Through trials and tests, I prevail,
What am I, in research, never frail?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

Beyond the surface, I dive into the deep,

Drawing conclusions, secrets to reap.
With hypotheses tested and uncertainties tamed,
What am I, in statistical mysteries named?
Plan for Data Analysis

Putting Puzzle Pieces Together

In the realm of the unknown, I take my stance,

A tentative claim, a researcher's chance.
With expectations high, yet unproven still,
What am I, in the experiment's thrill?

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