Mental Health and Rights of Women and Children

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Mental Health and Rights

of Women and Children

May A. Estiandan
RA9262 Anti- Violence against Women and Their Children Act of 2004
Classified as Personal and Private offense but as a public crime, and all
forms of abuse, be it psychological, economic, or physical are covered.
Oct. 2, 2002
Intimate partner violence and gender –
based violence
Lemkey explain the cause of Domestic
 Cultural Violence
 Evolutionary Theory
 Feminist Theory
 Biopsychosocial Theory
 Exchange Theory
 Investment Theory
 Resource Theory
 Social learning Theory
 Marital Power Theory
 Traumatic Bonding Theory
 Ecological Thory
IPA Intimate Partner abuse
Children’s Rights
 The rights of the child are a set of universally recognized rights and
protection for children, typically defined as individuals under the age of 18.
These rights are outlined in the United nations Convention on the rights of the
Child (CRC), which is one of the most widely ratified international human
rights treaties. Here are some of the key rights of the Child as defined by the
 Right to life Every child has the inherent right to life, and governments should
ensure their survival and development.
 Non Discrimination Children should not be discriminated against on the basis
of their race, color, gender, religion, disability, nationality, or any other
 Best interests of the Child .
 In all actions concerning children, their best interests should be a primary
 Rights to identity
 Children have the rights to a name, nationality, and family.
 Freedom of Expression
 Children have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and expression.
 Protection from violence
 Children should be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, abuse, neglect, and
 Education Every child has the right to education that is directed to the fullest development of
their potential.
 Health Care Children have the right to the highest to engage in play, rest, leisure, and
recreational activities.
 Protection in Conflict
 Children affected by armed conflicts should be protected and not be subjected to recruitment
into armed forces.
 protection in adoption
 In cases of adoption, the best interests of the child should be the paramount of consideration.
 Freedom of Religion
 Children have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.
Women’s Rights
 Right to equality women have the same fundamental rights as men, and they
should not be discrimination against on the basis of gender.
 Rights to Life and Personal Security
 Women have the right to live free from violence harassment and harmful
traditional practices like female genital mutilation.
 Freedom from Discrimination
 Women should not be discriminated against in areas such as educational
employment, and health care.
 Right to Education Women have the right equal access to education and
should not be denied this opportunity based on gender.
 Right to Health This includes access to reproductive health services and
 Political participation women have the right to participate in politics and
decision-making processes.
 Freedom of Movement
 Women have the right to move freely and choose their place of residence.
 Economic rights
 Women should have equal opportunities and equal pay
for equal work. This includes property and inheritance
 Freedom of Expression
 Women have the right to freedom of speech and the
ability to express their opinion.
 Marriage and family Rights
 Women should have the ability to choose their spouse
and enter into marriage freely. They also have the right
to a safe and healthy family life.
 Freedom of movement
Mental Health
Mental health Activities
• Encourage Peer-to-Peer Shout-Outs. ...
• Take a Friday afternoon off. ...
• Exercise together. ...
• Provide an educational mental health workshop. ...
• Set up zen spaces in the office. ...
• Group meditation. ...
• Midday self-care time. ...
• Talk to your leadership team about mental health.
 Mindful meditation 🧘
 Sign up for a virtual guided meditation! With this
activity, you and your team will learn breathing
exercises that alleviate stress and tension. Plus, it'll
equip everyone with what's needed to start their own
mindful practice.
 Why is this a great virtual team building activity
for Mental Health Awareness ? Meditation is ripe
with benefits for your emotional wellbeing. A
dedicated practice raises your self-awareness,
sharpens focus, and reduces stress.
Virtual yoga class 🙆
Our physical health and mental health go hand in hand. For remote teams, the
stress of sitting in front of a computer all day can really affect our bodies and
minds. That's why it's important to practice regular self-care in the form of
A virtual yoga class will help your organization's mental health initiatives by
incorporating mindfulness and movement into the everyday routine, reducing
stress in the process! The combination of breathwork, reflection, and physical
activity makes it an incredible team experience for improving employees'
mental health.
 Physical activity gets those endorphins flowing
and is scientifically proven to improve mental
health! Yoga treats your body & mind with an
energy boost while minimizing the effects of
anxiety and tension. Plus, a virtual fitness class is
always an out-of-the-box team-building activity.
 Terrarium workshop 🪴
 Did you know having plants around blossoms into mental health
benefits and increases happiness? These green friends are
gorgeous and super stress-relieving.
 It's no wonder a virtual terrarium workshop makes for the perfect
Mental Health activity. In this hands-on workshop, your
employees can brighten their workspace by designing a unique
environment for their very own air plant.
 Why is this a great idea for Mental Health Awareness
Month? According to PsychologyToday, having some little
green pals in the workplace can reduce depression and anxiety.
Plus, plants are also known to increase focus and productivity
Cook together in a healthy cooking class

 Try encouraging team members to cook at home by taking a virtual cooking

class together!
 What we eat plays a significant role in our health and wellness. With a
healthy cooking class, you get the pros of clean eating, and your employees
feel supported when it comes to caring for their basic needs. Not to
mention, you'll create a better sense of connection for your virtual teams.
 Why is this a great idea for Mental Health Awareness ? A well-balanced
diet improves concentration! And when you prepare meals that nourish your
soul, that has been shown to improve our mental health and moods overall.
Relieve stress with an aromatherapy workshop 🌷

 Get your team involved in an aromatherapy & essential oils

workshop, where each person can create a therapeutic scent.
 Plus, learn the unique properties of different oils, like how lavender
oil can reduce anxiety and promote better sleep!
 Want to turn it into a wellness gift exchange? Find a team member
to swap your handmade oils with to make the event even more
 Why is this a great idea for Mental Health? Aromatherapy is no
joke — inhaling the scent molecules from essential oils stimulates
the emotional center of your brain.
Women’s and Children’s Rights
 Article 15: Equality before the law – Women and
men are equal before the law. Women have the
legal right to enter contracts, own property, and
choose their place of residence. Article 16:
Marriage and family – Women have equal rights
with men in matters related to marriage and family
relations.Sep 6, 2023
Increase funding
Keep girls in school
Can be safe and play
Economic Empowerment
Give women cash IRC gives cash
Include women and children indecision making

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