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Name - Raunak Dutta

Student Code- BWU/BNC/23/253

Name of Department. - Cyber science & Technology

Programme Name - Advance Networking & Cyber


Course Name – Computer Networks

Course code- BNC10101

Flow Control: Mastering
Decision-Making in Code

Unlock the power of flow control to make your

code more dynamic and responsive. Learn how
to control the flow of execution with if/else,
loops, and switch statements.
Introduction to Flow Control

Flow control is a fundamental concept in

programming that allows us to alter the
sequential execution of code. It enables us to
make decisions and repeat actions based on
certain conditions.
What is Flow Control and Why is it
Flow control is essential in programming as it gives us the ability to
automate tasks, respond to user input, and handle various scenarios.
It allows our programs to adapt and make intelligent decisions .
Example of Flow Control:
If/Else Statements

If/else statements provide a way to execute

different blocks of code based on a certain
condition. They effectively enable our programs
to choose between multiple paths of execution.
Example of Flow Control: Loops
Loops are used when we need to repeat a block of code multiple
times. They allow us to iterate over collections, perform calculations,
and carry out repetitive tasks with ease.
Conclusion and Summary of Key Points

Flow control is a critical skill for developers, empowering them to

create flexible and intelligent software. By mastering if/else
statements, loops, and switch statements, you'll be able to craft more
efficient and robust programs.

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