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Gender Bias

Jerwin Nico H. Quijano

What is Gender bias ?
Gender bias is the tendency to give preferential
treatment to one gender over another. It is a form of
unconscious bias, which occurs when someone
unconsciously attributes certain attitudes and
stereotypes to a group of people.
Gender Bias Examples
1. The Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap refers to a phenomenon in many societies where
women often earn less than men on an hourly or salaried basis for
equivalent work (Blau & Kahn, 2017).

2. Lack Of Paternity Leave

Many societies still hold onto traditional gender roles, seeing child-rearing
as primarily a woman’s role while men are typically expected to provide
financially, leading to an absence or lack of paternity leave policies (Rehel,
Gender Bias Examples

3. Gender Role Assumptions

These are preconceived ideas about roles and feminine and
masculine behavior attributed to men and women based purely on
their gender (Eagly & Wood, 2011).

4. Gendered Interview Questions

Gender bias often manifests in a host of non-work-related interview
questions, such as marital status, childcare arrangements, or plans for
maternity leave, typically asked to women candidates (Rivera & Tilcsik,
Gender Bias Examples
5. The Glass Ceiling
The ‘glass ceiling‘ is a metaphorical barrier that impedes women and
minorities from ascending to top corporate positions, hampering their
career growth (Cotter, Hermsen, Ovadia, & Vanneman, 2001).

6. Perks and Benefits affect Gender differently

The perks and benefits companies offer can significantly contribute to gender bias
and opportunity discrepancies between genders. This is especially true when it
comes to benefits for working parents since women are typically assigned to act as
the primary caregiver of children, which has led to a motherhood penalty.
→ Gender bias manifests in a variety of ways. It can
affect men as well as women, although due to the
patriarchy that manifests historically in most
societies, women tend to be more affected than
men in more domains.
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