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Writing a Report

Unit 8
M.Phil Science Education
COE Gilgit
Research Report
• A written document about a research, containing information about
what was done, how it was done and what results were obtained is
called research report, thesis or dissertation.
• The basic purpose of research report is to communicate to others in
the field, complete and accurate information about what was done,
how it was done and what results were obtained.
Research Report

• Typical Format and section of the Research Report

• All research reports contain three major sections, namely:
• 1) the introductory explanation
• 2) the presentation of the data collected and its analysis
• 3) a summary of the general conclusions.
• Some researchers add a fourth section, namely:
• 4) recommendations for future action.
• these sections can be split into more logical units, the report may
contain more than five or six chapters.
Research Report

• A typical chapter outline of a research report is given below:

• Chapter I - Nature and background of the Study
• Chapter II - Method of the Study and Presentation of Data
• Chapter III - Summary of the Study and General Conclusions
• Chapter IV - Recommendations
Research Report
• Chapter I - Nature and background of the Study
• Statement of the problem
• Reasons for making the study
• Review of related literature:
• Further elaboration of the problem
• General hypothesis
Research Report
• Chapter II - Method of the Study and Presentation of Data
• Actual steps followed in course of the research
• Instruments used for collection of data:
• Validity and reliability of instruments
• Population and sample studied
• Description of the evidence gathered
• Summary of data
Research Report
• Chapter III - Summary of the Study and General Conclusions
• The final chapter should present briefly arguments and data supporting
the conclusions. It should contain a brief recapitulate on of the entire
study and should present briefly arguments and data supporting the
conclusions drawn from the interpretation of data. Some researchers
also include within this chapter a section on recommendations about
actions to be taken to use the new knowledge discovered in the study.
Research Report
• Chapter IV – Recommendations
• The recommendation may also point to further studies of the problem
that should be carried out .

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