Apresentação - Revisão - 3 Série - 4º Bimestre

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Etapa Ensino Língua

Médio Inglesa

English Review

4o Bimestre
I am Mary Zahara. I am passionate about
fashion, and I have been designing clothes
since I was a child. I love the challenge of
creating something new and beautiful, and I
am always inspired by the latest trends. I am
confident, hard worker, and I am always
willing to learn new things. I am also a team
player; I can work well with others to create
great things. I believe my designs can
empower young women to feel confident and
Sou apaixonada por moda e desenho roupas
desde criança. Adoro o desafio de criar algo
novo e bonito e sempre me inspiro nas últimas
tendências. Sou confiante, trabalhadora e estou
sempre disposta a aprender coisas novas.
Também sou uma jogadora de equipe; posso
trabalhar bem com outras pessoas para criar
grandes coisas. Acredito que meus desenhos
(projetos) podem capacitar mulheres jovens a se
sentirem confiantes e bonitas.
1. Is it possible to infer what career
this person is more inclined to?
What could be this career? A
career in fashion, designing
2. What are the qualities and skills
that this person considers
important to point out about
herself? She loves the challenge
of creating new things, she is
confident, a hard worker, always
willing to learn new things, and
can work well with others.
3) Since when has she been
designing clothes?
She has been designing clothes
since she was a child.

4) What inspires her to design the

She is always inspired by the latest
Na prática
Analise as descrições a seguir e indique a profissão que
mais se alinha com cada uma delas:
1. A healthcare professional who provides
support to patients, monitoring their vital signs,
administering medications, and providing
emotional support.
2. A professional that prepares items for
consumption in the food industry, especially in
places such as restaurants, hotels, and resorts.
3. The professional who specializes in cutting,
styling, coloring, and dyeing hair. Hairdresser.
Analise as informações a seguir
Na prática e responda às perguntas.

• E.E. Prof. Carlos Pórva, Taboão da
Serra, SP. High School, 2010.
• Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São
Paulo, SP. Bachelor in graphic design,
December 2016.

• E.E. Prof. Carlos Pórva, Taboão da Serra, SP. Ensino
Médio, 2010.
• Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, SP.
Bacharel em design gráfico, dezembro de 2016.
Na prática
1. What kind of information does
this type of text present?
2. What is the highest level of
degree that this person has?

1. Que tipo de informação esse tipo

de texto apresenta?
2. Qual é o nível de graduação
mais alto que essa pessoa
Na prática
1)What kind of information does this
type of text present?
Someone’s educational information.
2)What is the highest level of degree
that this person has?
A bachelor in graphic design.
3) What about you?
I am a High School student.
Qual das alternativas a seguir apresenta
uma oração com o uso correto do Simple

a- Amanda are creative and curious.

b- He can swims very well.
c- Brendon can manages his time and work
under pressure.
d- She like to cooperate with other
e- He swims very well.
Qual das alternativas a seguir apresenta
uma oração com o uso correto do Simple

a- Amanda are creative and curious. is

b- He can swims very well. can swim
c- Brendon can manages his time and work
under pressure. can manage
d- She like to cooperate with other
professionals. likes
e- He swims very well.

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