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Answer the following questions.

1. Who is Dan?

man lad
2. What did Dan has?

can van
3. What can you see in the van?

can,fan, and can can, cat, and mat

4. What did Dan get in the van?

fan pan
5. Why did Dan get the fan?
He is cold. He is hot.
At the Farm
Mary went to the farm with the
family. She saw a big horse, a big cow,
and a goat. The animals
at the farm are
very brave and
strong. I like to fed
the animals at the

Answer the following questions.

1. Who went at the farm? Mary and friends

Mary and her family

2. What are the animals in the farm?

horse, cow, and goat
cat, horse, and cow

3. Where are the animals? At the zoo

at the farm

4. Do you have farm animals at home? What are those?

5. Do you take care of your animals? Why?
Playing Soccer
Emma loves soccer. Emma will
play with her friends. She can run fast
and fast. She can kick the
ball into the net.
Emma is the best
player in the team.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who loves to play soccer? Emma Jemma

2. Emma will play with ___. his friends her friends

3. Emma can ___. run fast jump high

4. Who is the best player in the team?

Mella Emma

5. What is your favorite sport? Why?

The boys and the girls love to go
to sledding. They always play and sled
down the hill
during afternoon.
Sledding is so
much fun with
Answer the following questions.

1. Who loves to go sledding? boys boys and girls

2. Where did they sled? Up the hill down the hill

3. When did they sled? afternoon morning

4. Sledding is so much fun with ___.

boys friends

5. Do you play a sled already?

My Pet Dog
I have a pet dog. It’s name is Sam.
Sam likes to run and catch a big ball and
a small ball. I take
Sam to the park
everyday. We play
at the park with
Answer the following questions.

1. What is the name of the dog? Sam Pam

2. What Sam likes to do? run and catch balls

eat bones

3. Where did they go everyday? farm park

4. What did they do at the park? play eat

5. Do you have a dog? If yes, do you play with your dog?

Matt’s Bike
Matt has a new bike. The bike is
a big. The bike is color blue. Matt rides
his bike every
afternoon. He will
go to the park and
ride with his bike.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who has a new bike? Luke Mike

2. WIs his bike big? yes no

3. What is the color of his bike? red blue

4. When did Mike ride his bike? every morning

every afternoon

5. Where did he go and ride with his bike?


The kids love to draw. Jack

loves to draw. He loves to draw a car.
Jen loves to draw a house. Jill draws a
park. Sarah likes to draw a sea. These
kids love to draw anytime.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who loves to draw? kids boys

2. Who loves to draw a car? Jack Jill

3. What does Jen love to draw? park house

4. What does Jill love to draw? park sea

5. Do you love to draw? Why? Why not?

Apple Picking

Liza likes to pick apples. She

likes to eat apples because apple is her
favorite fruit. There are red apples and
green apples. She like the red apples the
best. I pick ten apples.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who loves apple? Liza Lisa

2. What does Liza want to pick? oranges apples

3. What are the colors of the apples? red and green

red and orange

4. How many apples does she pic? six ten

5. What is your favorite fruit? Why?

Playing in the Snow

Ben loves winter. It is cold

during winter. He can play in the snow.
He will play with Sonny. They play
every afternoon in the snow. They like to
make a snow man. They have so much
Complete each sentence below.

1. Ben loves ___. winter summer

2. He play in the ___. park snow

3. It is ___ during winter. hot cold

4. Ben will play with ___. Lucy Sonny

5. They like to make a ___. Snow man castle

Reading is Fun

I am Brant. I am a grade 2
pupil. I like to read books. I like to read
stories with my family. I like to read a
book with my friends. We like to read a
book about puppies. Reading a book is
Answer the following questions.

1. Who loves to read? Brenna Brant

2. What grade is he in? Grade 1 Grade2

3. He reads stories with his ___. family friends

4. What do they like to read with his friends?

about puppies
about kittens

5. Do you like to read books? Why? Why not?

Bugs in the Jar

Linda sees a jar. The jar is big

and it is color blue. The big jar has a lid.
The bugs are in the blue jar. I see three
bugs in the big blue jar.
Answer the following questions below.

1. Who sees the jar? Linda Liza

2. What is the color of the jar? red blue

3. The jar is ___. small big

4. What is in the jar? bird bug

5. How many bugs in the jar? two three

Val and Don
It’s a beautiful day. Val and Don
go for walk. They come to a
river. They see big trees and
rocks at the river. Val and Don
want to go for a swim.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who goes for a walk?

Val and Pal Val and Don
2. Where did they go?
river sea
3. What did they see?
animals trees and big rocks
4. Did Val and Don want to go for swim?
no yes

5. Why they want to go for swim?

It is a bad day. It is a beautiful day.
Jack’s Net
Jack has a net. It is a red net.
The net fell. The red net fell in the
well. The net is wet. Jack is sad
because the net fell in the well.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who has a net?

Meck Jack
2. What is the color of the net?
red yellow
3. What object fell in the well?
jet net
4. Is the net wet?
no yes

5. Why Jack is sad?

It is because of the pet. It is because the
fell in the well.
Bob’s Pet
Bob’s pet is a rabbit. It’s name
is Ton. Ton the rabbit is in the
box. It hops from the box. It
hops and hops to the cot.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who has a pet?

Bob Tom
2. What is the name of the rabbit?
Tom Ton
3. Where is in the rabbit?
in the box under the bed
4. Did the rabbit hop from the box?
no yes

5. Where did the rabbit hop?

to the bed to the cot
Kit and Rick
Kit is a girl . She likes to lick and
Pick many stick onto things.
Kit has many pals. Her best
pal is Rick. Rick likes to fix
and mix things. They do not
fight but play.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who is Kit?
a girl a boy
2. Who is Rick?
Kit’s best pal Kim’s best pal
3. What Kit likes to do?
lick and pick many sticks fix and mix things
4. What Rick likes to do?
lick and pick many sticks fix and mix things

5. Do Kit and Rick hurt each other?

no yes
The Pup
Rud has a pup. The pup is a pug.
Pug is a gray pup. It can tug.
The pup can tug on the rug. Rud
and the pug plays together
and they had fun.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who has a pup?

Ron Rud
2. What is Rud’s pup?
pug hen
3. What is the color of the pug?
brown gray
4. What did the pug can do?
hop tug

5. Do Rud and the pug have fun?

no yes
A good Girl

It was Monday morning.

Little Jen got up. She made His bed. She
took a bath. She Put on a clean clothes.
She combed her hair. She ate rice and
fish, then
brushed her teeth. She got her bag and
said, goodbye Ma, and Pa.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who is the good girl?

2. Why Jen is a good girl?

3. What are the things she do when waking up?

4. Are you doing the same like Jen?

5. Where do you think Jen is going?

A Hungry Fox

Once upon a time, there was a

fox. He was very hungry. He reached in
a garden. He saw ripe grapes. The grapes
were out of his reach. He jumped again
and again but all in vain. At last he said,
“the grapes are sour”.
Answer the following questions.

1. What is the title of the story?

2. Who is hungry?

3. Where did the fox go?

4. What did he see in the garden?

5. Why do you think he said that the grapes are

Playing with Friends

John went for a bike ride. He rode

around the block. Then, he met some
girls he knew from school. They all rode
to the field to play. John had a great time
playing games with his friends.
Answer the following questions.

1. John went for a ( car, bike ) ride.

2. He rode around the ( block, circle ).

3. Then he met some ( boys, girls ) he knew from


4. They all rode to the ( park, field ).

5. John had a great time playing ( games, ball )

with his friends.
Ben Goes Fishing

Ben and his dad went fishing. Ben

took the pole and his dad took worms.
They got on a boat. Ben put a worm on
the hook. He put his line in the water but
he did not get a fish.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who went for fishing?

2. Who took the pole?

3. Who took the worms?

4. Did you experience to go fishing? If yes, tell your


5. Did John got a fish?


A duck made her nest under some

leaves. She sat on the eggs to keep the
warm. At last, the eggs broke, one after
the other. Sweet little five ducks came
Answer the following questions.

1. Who made a nest?

2. Why the duck made a nest?

3. Why she sat on the eggs?

4. How many ducks came out?

5. Do you have a pet? If yes, how will you take care

of your pet and why?
The Best Bee
Long time ago,
there was a bee named Billy. He
was so cute but he was brave and
wise. He enjoyed playing in the
garden. One day, he saw a bee
hive set on fire. He help and save
other bees to come out.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who is Billy?

2. Describe Billy the bee.

3. Why Billy help and save other bees?

4. If you are Billy, do you do the same way? Why?

Why not?

5. Do you like be brave like Billy? Why?

A Lion and A Mouse
Once upon a time,
there was a lion and a mouse.One
day the lion was sleeping while the
mouse was playing on it. Then, the
lion woke up and caught the
mouse. He was going to eat the
mouse but he ask forgiveness to
the lion. The lion let
him go. After some days, the
lion caught in a net. The mouse
cut the net with his teeth. It was
free. He thanked the mouse.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who was caught by the lion?

2. Why the lion let him go the mouse?

3. If you were the lion, are you going to let the mouse
go? Why? Why not?

4. Who was caught by the net?

5. Why did the mouse help the lion to be free?

Hiding in the Firs
Miggy ran after
Lenie. Lenie ran faster than Miggy. She
ran down by the fir trees. She hid
under the ferns. Miggy searched for
her. Miggy heard some noise. Was it
a bird? A purple came out! Both of
them ran back home in a hurry.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who ran faster?

2. Where did Lenie hide?

3. Who searched for Lenie?

4. What is your fear? Why?

5. Why did Miggy and Lenie go back home fastly?

The Lion and the Boar
It was a hot summer
day. A lion and a boar reach a small
water body for a drink. They begin
arguing. Then they realized that the
vultures are waiting for one or both
of them to fall, to feast on them.
They decided that it was best to

make up and be friends

Than fight and become food for
vultures. They drink and the water
together and go their ways after.
Answer the following questions.

1. Who are arguing?

2. Why did the lion and the boar argue?

3. What did they realize?

4. If you are one of the animal in the story, what

would it be and why?

5. Why did they decide to become friends?

Paul and Erick
Paul could not walk
at all. He could only crawl. Maybe if
he was not so small, then, he would
not always fall. Erick the puppy with
big paws. But Paul and Erick the
Puppy are friends. Erick the puppy
always at the side of crib ‘s Paul to
watch him.
Answer the following questions.

1. Is Paul a baby?

2. Why Paul could only crawl?

3. Who is Erick?

4. Do you have a pet? Do you take care of your pet?


5. Why do you think the pet dog is loyal to his master?

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