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1.Which of the following statements is true about “Self
a. refers to the characteristics that we believe we
b. a person’s subjective description of who the person
the person thinks he or she is.
c. a feeling of having respect for yourself, your abilities
or confidence in one’s own worth
d. refers to how we want to be
2. If the way that I am is aligned with
the way I want to be, then I feel a
sense of _______.

a. Peace of Mind c. Anxiety

b. Mental distress d. Depression
3. It is the “process of self-actualization and learning that
combines an individual’s mental, physical, social,
emotional, and spiritual growth.

a. Cognitive development
b. Physiological Development
c. Holistic Development
d. Self-Development
4. The example of this are anger,
happiness, fear, sadness, and the likes.

a. Thoughts c. Feelings
b. Behavior d. Development
5. It is the age where most girls have completed their
physical changes related to puberty.

a. 15 years old c. 13 years old

b. 16 years old d. 18 years old
6. It is the stage of development in adolescence
wherein they seek friends that share the same
beliefs, values, and interests.
a. Physical Development
b. Emotional Development
c. Intellectual Development
d. Social Development
7. It is about understanding your own habits,
needs, desires, feelings & everything else that
matters in your personality?

a. Self-reliance c. Self-
b. Self-awareness d. Self-discovery
8. Who is the proponent of
Psychosocial Development?

a. Erik Erikson c. Albert Bandura

b. Rene Descartes d. Jean Piaget
9. It depends on our innate characteristics-talent and
experience accumulated in the process of personal

a. Personal Effectiveness
b. Personal Development
c. Personal Benefit
d. Personal Development
10. How many stages are there in
Psychosocial Development?
a. 8 c. 9
b. 10 d. 11
1. It is the stage wherein
individual contemplate
romantic relationships and
2. The main question in this
stage is “Can I trust the people
around me?”
3. The main question in this
stage is, “Am I good or bad?”
4. Erikson defines this as the
belief that a positive outcome
will result from effort.
5. The main question in this
period is “Did I live a
meaningful life?”
6. Erikson define this as the
capacity of human beings to
make decisions and act on them.
7. In this period, they are
gaining the power to make
decisions, take risks, and start
cultivating a sense of self-
8. It is a sense of concern for
others and a desire to contribute
to their well-being.
9. It reflects the accumulation of
knowledge and experience
throughout life.
10. It is the sense of direction, a
long-term goal in life.
True or False
1. Environment can affect the
physical health.
2. Emotionally unhealthy people
are in control of their thoughts,
feelings, and behavior.
3. A good circle of friends
reinforces a person’s comfort level
with their individuality.
4. The more we study, the more we
learn; while the more we learn, the
more we can study.
5. As we grow spiritually, our
attitude toward life also changes
for the worst in many ways.
6. Behaviors are usually seen,
while thoughts and feelings are not.
7. Asking yourself each month
before going to bed what you have
done to keep your inner self or
being healthy or sensitive.
8. From puberty to adulthood it is
divided in 3 stages: Early
Adolescence, Middle Adolescence,
and Late Adolescence
9. Puberty can cause emotional
changes related to increased sexual
feelings, self-image, and social
10. Persistence makes you keep
moving forward regardless of
emerging obstacles.
1.Which of the following statements is true about “Self
a. refers to the characteristics that we believe we
b. a person’s subjective description of who the person
the person thinks he or she is.
c. a feeling of having respect for yourself, your abilities
or confidence in one’s own worth
d. refers to how we want to be
2. If the way that I am is aligned with
the way I want to be, then I feel a
sense of _______.

a. Peace of Mind c. Anxiety

b. Mental distress d. Depression
3. It is the “process of self-actualization and learning that
combines an individual’s mental, physical, social,
emotional, and spiritual growth.

a. Cognitive development
b. Physiological Development
c. Holistic Development
d. Self-Development
4. The example of this are anger,
happiness, fear, sadness, and the likes.

a. Thoughts c. Feelings
b. Behavior d. Development
5. It is the age where most girls have completed their
physical changes related to puberty.

a. 15 years old c. 13 years old

b. 16 years old d. 18 years old
6. It is the stage of development in adolescence
wherein they seek friends that share the same
beliefs, values, and interests.
a. Physical Development
b. Emotional Development
c. Intellectual Development
d. Social Development
7. It is about understanding your own habits,
needs, desires, feelings & everything else that
matters in your personality?

a. Self-reliance c. Self-
b. Self-awareness d. Self-discovery
8. Who is the proponent of
Psychosocial Development?

a. Erik Erikson c. Albert Bandura

b. Rene Descartes d. Jean Piaget
9. It depends on our innate characteristics-talent and
experience accumulated in the process of personal

a. Personal Effectiveness
b. Personal Development
c. Personal Benefit
d. Personal Development
10. How many stages are there in
Psychosocial Development?
a. 8 c. 9
b. 10 d. 11
1. It is the stage wherein
individual contemplate
romantic relationships and
2. The main question in this
stage is “Can I trust the people
around me?”
3. The main question in this
stage is, “Am I good or bad?”
4. Erikson defines this as the
belief that a positive outcome
will result from effort.
5. The main question in this
period is “Did I live a
meaningful life?”
6. Erikson define this as the
capacity of human beings to
make decisions and act on them.
7. In this period, they are gaining the
power to make decisions, take risks,
and start cultivating a sense of self-
8. It is a sense of concern for
others and a desire to contribute
to their well-being.
9. It reflects the accumulation of
knowledge and experience
throughout life.
10. It is the sense of direction, a
long-term goal in life.
True or False
1. Environment can affect the
physical health.

2. Emotionally unhealthy people
are in control of their thoughts,
feelings, and behavior.
3. A good circle of friends
reinforces a person’s comfort level
with their individuality.

4. The more we study, the more we
learn; while the more we learn, the
more we can study.
5. As we grow spiritually, our
attitude toward life also changes
for the worst in many ways.
6. Behaviors are usually seen,
while thoughts and feelings are not.

7. Asking yourself each month
before going to bed what you have
done to keep your inner self or
being healthy or sensitive. -FALSE
8. From puberty to adulthood it is
divided in 3 stages: Early
Adolescence, Middle Adolescence,
and Late Adolescence . -TRUE
9. Puberty can cause emotional
changes related to increased sexual
feelings, self-image, and social
relationship. -TRUE
10. Persistence makes you keep
moving forward regardless of
emerging obstacles. -TRUE

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