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CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................................. 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 3
1.2 BACKGROUND OF STUDY ........................................................................ 4
1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................................ 4
1.4 AIM ................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................ 5
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY ....................................................................... 5
1.7 LIMITATION OF STUDY............................................................................ 5
1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................ 6
1.9 PROJECT LAYOUT ..................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................. 7
2.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................... 7
2.2 MAIN BODY.................................................................................................. 7
TYPES OF IR SENSORS .................................................................................... 8
CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES ....................................................................... 9
HOW AN IR SENSOR WORKS .......................................................................11
OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................12
The country has made significant progress towards the augmentation of its power
infrastructure. Moreover, poor quality of power supply and frequent power cuts
and shortages impose a heavy burden on Ghana’s fast growing trade and industry.
So current scenario insist towards highly efficient and effective usage of any form
of power in educational institutions like Colleges and universities where we use
power for our teaching in class room or labs. It is common practice that most of us
leave the class rooms or labs with lighting on even if no students or Faculty
members are present. In some cases we see only few students sitting in one corner
of the class room and entire light is on. All these amounts to unnecessary wastage
of power contributing to country energy resource Lot of research been conducted
on smart lighting system, where automated lighting system with visitor counters
been implemented. Researchers also have employed vacancy sensor that replaced
the standard wall switches. Using passive Infrared Technology called IR, these
sensors combined the occupancy detection and voltage switching in a single
package. The advantage of our system is that electrical appliances be switched on
or off in a particular area in class room based on the presence. The purpose of
proposed system is energy saving.


People tend to leave the lights on for a very long time without switching it Off.
Due to carelessness of users, large amount of power is consumed and as a result
electrical energy is wasted. In order to overcome this situation, we have designed a
lighting control system which automatically switches Off the lights when the place
is unoccupied.
1.4 AIM
This research aims to provide a more energy efficient lighting system at the
Takoradi Technical University (TTU) - Oduro block and to decrease the energy
consumption, it can reduce the energy consumption to reduce the over
expenditure on electric bills

The objectives of this study include;

a. To decrease the energy consumption, it can reduce the energy consumption

from normal practice in order to save energy for future.

b. To reduce the over expenditure on electric bill.


This study’s finding will seek to help reduce the wastage of electrical power and
reduce cost of bill.


But in all the research discussed, there are some few limitations like two people
entering room at the same time if doors are wide open, range of sensors to cover
the large room and also cost effectiveness So we here have developed a Automatic
Lighting control with for classrooms by considering our class rooms being divided
into grids. Here we have one IR sensor placed at the entrance of class room and
also another IR sensor inside the class room where classrooms divided into grids to
sense the presence of human. The reason behind placing sensor is that the ceiling
mounted sensors are expensive and that these sensors can sense object/personnel to
a limited range only. This means that one sensor might not cover a full room and as
such requires additional wiring in case of wired sensors.


a. ARDUINO -Arduino is an open hardware development board that can be used
by makers to design and build devices that interact with the real world.

b. PHOTO-COUPLER -A photo-coupler is a device incorporating a light-

emitting diode (LED) and a photo-detector in one package.

c. PHOTO-DECTECTOR -A photo-detector (PDs) is an optoelectronic device

that converts incident light or other electromagnetic radiation in the UV, visible,
and infrared spectral regions into electrical signals.

d. OPTO-COUPLER – A is an electronic device made up of an LED emitter

combined with a photo-detector, separated from each other in proximity.

e. FRESNEL LENS – A Fresnel lens is a succession of concentric rings, each

consisting of an element of a simple lens, assembled in proper relationship on a flat
surface to provide a short focal length.

f. PYRO-ELECTRICITY – Pyro-electricity can be described as the ability of

certain materials to generate a temporary voltage when they are heated or cooled.


In this chapter gives an introduction and a brief explanation on how the system will
work as well as the objectives, significance and how it goes to reduce cost of
electrical bills.


The objective of this chapter is to provide an impression of the kinds and scope of
the relevant existing research study. As the need of automation system increases
day by day, many industrialist and researchers are working to develop most
efficient automatic system to operate and control different machine based on the
requirement. With the help of automation the use of electricity become more


There are several journal papers that have been published based on the smart
lighting which is the hot topic in the current research. Efforts are made to improve
the current approaches for the lighting system for better efficiency and low power
consumption with hybrid approach.

Richu Sam Alex proposed a system which reduces the power consumption of the
street lighting system about 30% compared to conventional design. This system is
fully automated. It also uses arduino so that control station can also analyze all the
performances of the system.

Daeho Kim worked on smart LED lighting system by using Infrared and
Ultrasonic sensors together. Here they proposed a model which continuously tracks
the human motion. Output based on the human tracking data which is obtained by
these sensors are responsible for determining the On-Off control of the LED
lighting. Previously existing system fails in continuously monitoring the motion of
an object by using each sensor separately. For the same reason, the efficiency of
the existing system is low. By the hardware implementation they developed a
model to improve the efficiency which helps in smart lighting. The proposed
approach make use of sensors in which IR sensor sends the sensed data to the
MCU board which in turn sends the same data to the LED control layer.
Depending on the results of the sensed data LED control layer turns on the lighting
system. Human presence is detected by IR sensor and continuous tracking is
possible by the Ultrasonic (US) sensor. As before the sensed values are sent to the
MCU board by US sensor which controls the On-Off of the lighting. US-IR
positioning based system has to be studied in future

Michele Mango proposed a low cost, wireless, adaptable sensor based smart
lighting system which makes use of PIR sensors and motion sensors. It is helpful
for controlling the light intensity and power consumption using LED light.
Dimming of light is achieved using PIR sensor only in presence of obstacles
around. Main advantage of this system is energy conservation.

An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared
radiation in its surrounding environment. Infrared radiation was accidentally
discovered by an astronomer named William Herchel in 1800.

While measuring the temperature of each color of light (separated by a prism), he

noticed that the temperature just beyond the red light was highest. IR is invisible to
the human eye, as its wavelength is longer than that of visible light (though it is
still on the same electromagnetic spectrum).
Anything that emits heat (everything that has a temperature above around five
degrees Kelvin) gives off infrared radiation.

There are two types of infrared sensors: active and passive. Active infrared sensors
both emit and detect infrared radiation. Active IR sensors have two parts: a light
emitting diode (LED) and a receiver. When an object comes close to the sensor,
the infrared light from the LED reflects off of the object and is detected by the
receiver. Active IR sensors act as proximity sensors, and they are commonly used
in obstacle detection systems (such as in robots). Passive infrared (PIR) sensors
only detect infrared radiation and do not emit it from an LED.

Passive infrared sensors are comprised of: Two strips of pyroelectric material (a
pyroelectric sensor) An infrared filter (that blocks out all other wavelengths of

a. A fresnel lens (which collects light from many angles into a single point)

b. A housing unit (to protect the sensor from other environmental variables,
such as humidity)


An infrared sensor is a device that detects infrared radiation in its environment and
outputs an electric signal. An infrared sensor can detect movement as well as to
measure the heat of an object.
The Infrared Sensor can detect infrared radiation, which is invisible to our eyes. An
infrared sensor is a photodiode that is sensitive to infrared light. When infrared
light hits the photodiode, the resistances and output voltages change in proportion
to the magnitude of the IR light.
The working principle of an infrared sensor is similar to the object detection
sensor. This sensor includes an IR LED & an IR Photodiode, so combining these
two can be formed as a photo-coupler otherwise optocoupler.

The physics laws used in this sensor are planks radiation, Stephan Boltzmann &
Wein's displacement.

a. Planck’s Radiation Law: Any object whose temperature is not equal to

absolute zero (0 Kelvin) emits radiation. IR radiant energy is determined by
the temperature and surface condition of an object. Human eyes cannot
detect differences in IR energy. They are primarily sensitive to visible light
energy from 400 to 700 nm; therefore, they are not sensitive to the IR
b. Stephan Boltzmann Law: The total energy emitted at all wavelengths by a
black body is related to the absolute temperature.
Wb = σ T 4
where Wb = is the total energy emitted, σ the constant = 5.67 × 10− 8 m− 2K− 4,
and T the absolute temperature (K)
c. Wein’s Displacement Law: Objects of different temperature emit spectra
that peak at different wavelengths that is inversely proportional to
temperature. The relationship between the true temperature of the black
body and dominant wavelength has been described by:

𝑘 2898
λ max= = or λmax ×T =2898
where λmax is the maximum wavelength (m), k the constant, and T the absolute
temperature (°K).

Emissivity depends on color, surface roughness, moisture content, degree of

compaction, field of view, viewing angle, and wavelength of the light.


IR LED is one kind of transmitter that emits IR radiation. This LED has the
appearance of a standard LED, and the radiation it emits is not visible to the human
eye. An infrared transmitter is used to detect the radiation by infrared receivers.
These infrared receivers are available in photodiode form. IR Photodiodes are
different from regular photodiodes in that they only detect IR radiation. Different
types of infrared receivers exist based on voltage, wavelength, package, and other
When used as an IR transmitter and receiver, the wavelength of the receiver must
match that of the transmitter. The transmitter is an infrared LED, and the receiver
is an infrared photodiode. The infrared photodiode is activated by the infrared light
produced by an infrared LED. The photodiode's resistance and the change in output
voltage are proportional to the amount of infrared light obtained. This is the IR
sensor’s fundamental working principle.
Once the infrared transmitter generates emission, when it arrives at the object &
some of the emission will reflect toward the infrared receiver. The sensor output
can be decided by the IR receiver depending on the intensity of the response.

The main aim is to prevent wastage of unwanted electric power in school. This
whole process is operated totally automatically by using its sensors.

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