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• It is the largest network in the world that connects

hundreds of thousands of individual networks all over the
• The popular term for the Internet is the “information
• Rather than moving through geographical space, it moves
your ideas and information through cyberspace – the space
of electronic movement of ideas and information.
First Use of Internet
• Internet is a network of interconnected computers
that is now global
• Internet born in 1969 - called ARPANET –
(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network)
• 1969 ARPANET was connection of computers at
UCLA, Stanford, UCSB, Univ. of Utah
The uses of the Internet

• Send e-mail messages.

• Send (upload) or receive (down load) files
between computers.
• Participate in discussion groups, such as mailing
lists and newsgroups.
• Surfing the web.
What is Web?
• The Web (World Wide Web) consists of information
organized into Web pages containing text and graphic
• It contains hypertext links, or highlighted keywords
and images that lead to related information.
• A collection of linked Web pages that has a common
theme or focus is called a Web site.
• The main page that all of the pages on a particular
Web site are organized around and link back to is
called the site’s home page.
How to access the Web?
• Once you have your Internet connection, then you
need special software called a browser to access the
• Web browsers are used to connect you to remote
computers, open and transfer files, display text and
• Web browsers are specialized programs.
• Examples of Web browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla
Firefox, Internet Explorer.
What is a Web Service ?
Web service is when a computers talk to each other over the web using HTTP
and other universally supported protocols.

A Web service is an application that:

• Runs on a Web server

• Exposes Web methods to interested callers
• Listens for HTTP requests representing commands to invoke Web methods
• Executes Web methods and returns the results

Internet companies including Amazon, eBay and Google are now using web
Open, Standard Technologies

• XML – tagging data such that it can be exchanged between

applications and platforms
• SOAP – messaging protocol for transporting information and
instructions between applications (uses XML)
• WSDL – a standard method of describing web services and their
specific capabilities (XML)
• UDDI – defines XML-based rules for building directories in which
companies advertise themselves and their web services

• Open, text-based standards

• Modular approach
• Inexpensive to implement (relatively)
• Reduce the cost of enterprise application integration
• Incremental implementation
Common and popular uses for the Internet
and Web
• Publishing information
• Assisting user in finding information
• Supporting communication and collaboration
• Building online community
• Providing software applications
• Providing a platform for expressing ideas and opinions
• Delivering media of all types
• Providing a platform for commerce
• Supporting travel and navigation
Social Networking Definitions

• Social networking system: system brings people

together in a central location in order to socialize
or conduct business, on Internet sites
• Social networking site: is a website on the Internet
specifically focused on the building and
authentication of social networks for people to
chat, socialize, debate, network, gossip, share
ideas, share interests, make new friends, etc
Dangers and Problems
• How many of these users are aware of the
dangers and problems with these websites:
– Dangers:
• Exposure to racism, indecent photos, threats, sexual
– Problems:
• Loss of Privacy
• Self incrimination
Problem: Loss of Privacy
• Age of information
• Identity theft or stalking
• Areas include:
– Personal information
– Phone numbers
– Screen names
– Workplace
– Interests
– Schedules Can lead to:
– Spring Break plans Identity theft or
• Exposure: Racism, nudity, • “You are presenting
threats, and sexual yourself as potential prey
predators for people who don't have
• For example: good intentions at heart,”
– 16 year old girl molested
after a man tracked her
down using her work
information provided
– 21-year-old man, arrested
for the rape of a 14-year-
old girl he found on
• Very serious problem
Self Incriminating
• You aren’t the only ones using these websites
– Police, school officials, and potential employers use
these websites
• Examples:
– Denied admission to school because of blog
– A woman lost her job for derogatory comments on
Collective Intelligence
• The definition of collective intelligence is:
‘a shared or group intelligence that emerges from the
collaboration and competition of many
• In 1911 William Morton Wheeler observed ants working in a
group and saw them as not individuals but as one single unit
working as one in a colony which created a “superorganism”
• A year later in 1912, Émile Durkheim identified society as
the sole source of human logical thought. Which we believe
to be a true statement because a lot of our knowledge is from
other people so we are like the ant colony.
One Of The Best Examples Of Collective
Example Number 1: Politics
• One example of collective intelligence would be
political parties and the way in which the take
the views of people to form policies, select their
candidates and run election campaigns.
Example Number 2: Games
• Online multi-player games are another example of
collective intelligence. Games such as Halo, Second
Life and Call Of Duty rely on gamers coming
together as a community to form the game’s
Example Number 3: Wikipedia
• The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia is one of the
best examples of collective intelligence. Anyone
can add information to an existing page or indeed
create a new page of information; pages also
hyperlink to other areas of the website that people
have edited.
Example Number 4: Google
• Google is a prominent example of collective
intelligence. The search engine is made up of
millions of websites, which have been created by
people all over the world.
Example Number 5: Facebook
• The social networking world is perhaps the most popular
form of collective intelligence. Friends post statuses which
then act as newsfeed, which informs other friends of their
thoughts. Friends can also recommend other friends,
applications and pages to any person on their friend list.
Final example: Amazon
• If a person has a Amazon account they can buy or sell products to
other people with accounts this is collective intelligence because the
people are making up the website.
• The website also recommends items that may also interest you
judging on what you have already looked at which is collective
intelligence also.
• Things such as customer reviews can also be heavily influential
when choosing a product. You are essentially basing your opinion
off of the opinions of other members of the public.
Theories on collective

According to Don Tapscott and Anthony D.
Williams, collective intelligence is needs four
principles in order to exist which would be
openness, peering, sharing and acting globally.
• Openness: for collective intelligence to work to it’s
full potential it needs people and companies to
be open about their ideas to the rest of the public
on the WWW so their products can be improved.
• Peering: taking old information or products and
modifying them to match yours and others
personal needs before releasing it to the public so
people can take full advantage.
• One example of this would be torrents. For
torrents to work the more people you have the
faster you can download what you are looking for,
if a file only has 3 people downloading it it will
take a long time but if it has 3000 it will take less
Sharing and Acting Globally
• There has been the question of whether it should
be illegal to distribute intellectual property from
companies because other companies can use it to
their advantage.
• An example is if a company did a survey and got
results and then a rival company got the results
and used them for their own gain.
• Apple VS Microsoft
• We have already explained acting globally it is
essentially how the internet works with collective
Types of Collective Intelligence
• In our opinion we think the internet would not be able to
flourish without the use of collective intelligence.
• When we do not know something Google is used to
further our knowledge and with websites such as Amazon,
Takealot we can update our knowledge on new or old
products that we may be interested in purchasing.
• It’s astounding to go from Wheeler observing ant colonies
to the global tool that is the internet which we as a
population rely on so much.
The End

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