Basic Concepts of Quran

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1.The Quran is in the words of Allah:
No book can claim to be in the language of Allah except the Holy
Quran. This book is a relationship between man and God through
the Holy Prophet.
This Book being the Book of Allah has its elevation to such an
extent that nobody can judge of it. This everlasting miracle is the
Book of Allah the Almighty.
Allah confirms this fact, when He says:
“And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant
him protection so that he may hear the Words of Allah.” (Qur’an,
This verse prove that the Qur’an is the words and speech of Allah
the Almighty that He has revealed to His Prophet Muhammad
(peace be upon him).
2. Its Words are a Miracle:
• The words of the Quran in the shape of verses are in such
form that nobody can claim to construct such words and
this is the great miracle which has been announced by Allah
in the Holy Quran.
• Itis also true that how the brain of the creature can
compete the wisdom of Allah who is the Creator of all.
3.The Quran is concise:
• The Quran is considered concise in terms of its size and length,
consisting of 114 chapters and 6,236 verses.
• The Quran uses a clear and simple language that is easy to understand
and memorize.
• The Quran covers all aspects of life in a compact and comprehensive
• The conciseness of the Quran makes it easily accessible and memorable
for people of all ages and backgrounds.
• The Quran is designed to be easy for remembrance, as stated in Surah
Al-Qamar, verse 17.
4.There is Depth In the subject:
• The language of the Holy Quran is simple, but the meaning
and message of its verses is deep and profound.
• Every verse has a direct relationship with current events and
humanity's journey through time.
• Every verse serves as a clear guide for how people should live
their lives.
• The Quran is considered miraculous because, despite its simplicity, it
is considered impossible to duplicate or recreate its depth and
• The Quran's depth and timeless relevance is demonstrated by the
verse in Surah Al-Isra 17:88, (where it says that even if all of
humanity and the jinn were to gather together, they would not be
able to produce a book like the Quran.)
5.The Holy Quran creates Mental and Social
• The Holy Quran is believed to have the power to bring about a
mental and social revolution.
• It provides guidance on spirituality, morality, and social
interaction that can lead to personal growth and development.
• By reading and following the principles outlined in the Quran,
individuals can develop self-awareness and a greater
understanding of their place in the world.
• The Quran encourages Muslims to work towards creating a just
and equitable society through its teachings on social justice and
• It is seen as a tool for personal and social transformation,
inspiring and guiding individuals and communities towards
greater understanding and growth.
• The Quran promotes self-reflection, positive change, and social
6.The Holy Quran is the syllabus of social Life:
• The Holy Quran is considered the central religious text of Islam.
• Muslims believe it to be the word of God as revealed to the prophet
• The Quran contains guidance on beliefs, ethics, personal conduct, and
social and political matters.
• It provides a framework for how Muslims should live their lives and
interact with others.
• Interpretation and application of the Quran's teachings can vary among
different sects and communities of Muslims and can change over time
based on societal and cultural factors.
7. The Quran: Guide to Righteousness

• The Holy Quran is considered to be the final and

complete guidance from God for humanity, and it
is a source of guidance for those seeking
• It contains teachings and guidance on various
aspects of life, including moral values, ethical
behavior, spirituality, and social relationships.
• Quranic Verse:
"This is the Book; in it is guidance sure,
without doubt, to those who fear Allah.“
"The Quran is the rope of Allah, and whoever
holds fast to it will be guided, and whoever strays from it will
be lost."
• This verses and hadith emphasize the importance of the Quran
as a source of guidance and a means of attaining righteousness.
8. There is no doubt in this Book:
• This book is free from all doubts and suspicions. It is free
from all mistakes and falsehood. This book is true in words
and actions.
• If anybody finds any doubt about the Book, there is doubt
in his brain.
• He tries to find out mistakes in this Great Book it means he
has been led astray and fallen away from the true, path.
‫“ٰذ ِلَك اْلِكَتاُب َال َر ْيَب ۪ف يِه ُهًد ى ِلْلُم َّت۪ق يَن‬

“This is the Book: There is no doubt about

it. A perfect guidance for the God-revering,
pious, who keep their duty to God.”
(Al-Baqarah 2:2)

"And surely, it is We who have revealed

the Quran, and surely, We will preserve
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:99)
9.The Book is Shifa for the People:
• The Quran is Shifa and mercy for believer, meaning(cure or healing).
• Not only the Shifa for body but also for the heart and soul.
• If one is sad and depressed, reciting verses of Quran can lift one's
• If a person has a habit of committing sins, can recites verses.
• Honey is defined as Shifa in Holy book ,honey is a source of cure for
10. The Quran invites towards faith and
• The Quran is a central religious text for Muslims and is considered to be the
literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
• The Quran covers a wide range of topics including the oneness of God, the
purpose of life, ethics and morality, and provides guidance on social,
economic and political issues.
• One of the key themes of the Quran is the invitation to faith and willfulness,
where each person has the free will to choose the path of righteousness and
submission to God or to reject it.
• The Quran encourages personal responsibility, self-reflection, and spiritual
development through seeking knowledge and understanding.
• The Quran is considered to be a source of inspiration and comfort, and its
teachings shape the beliefs, values, and practices of Muslims.

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