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Being a Reporter: The Art of

the Interview
• What qualities do you think are important
for a successful reporter?
• Have you ever interviewed someone? If
so, who was it and what was the topic of
the interview?
• How would you prepare for an interview
with an important political figure?
• Can you think of any challenges that
reporters might face when conducting
Being a Reporter: The Art of the Interview
Being a reporter is an exciting and challenging profession that requires excellent communication
skills, curiosity, and the ability to ask insightful questions. Interviewing people is a key aspect of a
reporter's job, as it allows them to gather information, gain insights, and present compelling
stories to the public.
The art of the interview lies not only in asking the right questions but also in actively listening to
the interviewee's responses. A good interviewer knows how to engage their subject and create an
atmosphere of trust and openness. This enables them to elicit valuable and authentic information,
as well as capture the interviewee's unique perspective.
Before conducting an interview, a reporter must thoroughly research the topic and the person
being interviewed. This background knowledge helps them ask relevant and informed questions,
demonstrating their expertise and professionalism. Reporters often prepare a list of questions in
advance, but they should also be flexible and ready to adapt based on the direction the
conversation takes.
During the interview, it's crucial for reporters to maintain a neutral and objective stance, allowing
the interviewee to express their thoughts freely. They should use open-ended questions to
encourage detailed answers and avoid yes-or-no responses. Follow-up questions play a
significant role in digging deeper into the interviewee's statements and uncovering additional

However, being a reporter also comes with its challenges. Interviewers may encounter subjects
who are hesitant to share certain details or who try to divert the conversation away from sensitive
topics. In such cases, reporters need to employ their communication skills and tact to navigate
these situations gracefully, while still seeking to obtain the necessary information.

In conclusion, being a reporter involves more than just asking questions. It requires the ability to
build rapport, actively listen, and adapt to different interview styles. By mastering the art of the
interview, reporters can create captivating stories that inform, entertain, and inspire their
Activity: Interviewing a Person about Their Trip

• Imagine you have the opportunity to interview

someone about a trip they have recently taken.
Your task is to create a set of questions to gather
information about their experience. Remember
to include open-ended questions to encourage
detailed responses.
• Remember, the key to a successful interview is
to be prepared, attentive, and respectful. Enjoy
the process of gathering fascinating travel

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