Web Mapping

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Topics: Google Maps and Wikimapia
•Google Maps is a Web-based service that
provides detailed information about
geographical regions and sites around the world.

•It also offers aerial and satellite views of many

places. In some cities google map offers stree
view comprising photographs taken from
https://maps.google.com or
Desktop View
Mobile View

•to “organize the world’s information and make

it universally accessible and useful.”

•”Increasingly as we go about our lives, we are

trying to bridge that gab between what we see in
the real world and the online world.”
How does Google Maps work?
•When Android phone users turn on their Google
Maps app with GPS(Global Positioning System)
location enabled, the phone sends back bits of
dataor Google Maps collects data form its users,
and this data is used to demarcate changing
boundaries and waterways, display new bike
paths, among other things, and this helps to keep
the “ base map” as up-to-update as possible.
•Street View
Many people do not know
about the working of the
Street View option fo the
Google Maps. The aim of
the Street View is giving a
360 degree view of almost
all places on the earth.
Another layer of
justification for the
correctness of these
Google Maps, it
collaborates with the
Google Earth Project,
getting high resolution
pctures of the earth
from satellites above.
•Location Services
Google access the
location data collected
by your smartphone.
This data can be useful
in real time traffic
updates, estimated
travelling time and
What is Wikimapia?
•Wikimapia is a multilingual open-content
collaborative map, where anyone can create
place tags and share their knowledge.
•One of the main characteristics of
Wikimapia is that it's constantly changing,
striving to be always up to date and correct
and to collect more and more information
from all the sources at hand.

•Our goal is to describe the whole world by

compiling as much useful information about all
geographical objects as possible, organize it
and provide free access to our data for public
How does Wikimapia work?
•Wikimapia data is wholly made by Internet
volunteers, who contribute to the project on
their free will. Marking places, adding
descriptions provided with proof links, giving
them appropriate categories and uploading
photos to Wikimapia let people easily share
information about the world with their friends
or publicly.
While contributing, user gains experience and
gets access to more advanced tools (e.g.,
linear features for marking roads, rivers,
railroads and ferry routes). A user can also
share Wikimapia data to blogs, sites and
social networks, as there is an option to put
the map on your page.
• You can add and describe it yourself -
simple tools for map editing are available to
all users. You can create place tags for all
kinds of static objects and areas, write
descriptions and add photos for them, edit
existing ones, organize objects in categories
for better data structuring, leave short
comments, etc.
You can literally become an explorer,
searching, using filters by countless
categories, see photos and
descriptions of places you've never
been to, and discover places you want
to go, all of them added and described
by people like.

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