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Graphic Representation

Mr. Saad

Graphic Representation
Statistical tables Contains data in the form of numbers
but numerically data usually not attractive graphs and
diagrams is more attractive method to present data.
There are different types of diagrams and graphs used
to represent data
1) Simple Bar-chart
2) Multiple Bar-chart
3) Sub-divided Bar-chart
4) Pie Chart
5) Histogram
6) Polygon
2 7) Historigram
Simple Bar Chart/Diagram
A simple bar chart or bar diagram is a graphical
representation of data using rectangular bars with lengths
proportional to the values they represent. Here are the
steps to create a simple bar chart.
Simple Bar diagram is used to represent geographical,
Historical, Numerical, and the qualitative data.

Example 1:In a firm of 400 employees, the percentage of monthly salary
saved by each employee is given in the following table. Represent it through
a bar graph.

Savings (in percentage) Number of Employees(Frequency)

20 105

30 199

40 29

50 73

Total 400


Multiple Bar Chart
Multiple Bar Chart are used when the data are in the
form of different groups and each group contain two or
more pieces of information.

Subdivided Bar chart/ Component
bar chart

Pie Chart:
Imagine a teacher surveys her class on the basis of
favorite Sports of students:
Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Badminton
10 5 5 10 10
Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Badminton

(10/40) × 100 (5/ 40) × 100 (5/40) ×100 (10/ 40) ×100 (10/40)× 100
=25% =12.5% =12.5% =25% =25%

Football Hockey Cricket Basketball Badminton

(10/ 40)× (5 / 40) × (5/40) × 360° (10/ 40)× (10/ 40) ×

360° 360° =45° 360° 360°
=90° =45° =90° =90°


A histogram is a graphical representation of a dataset
that shows the distribution of the data. It is a type of
bar chart that displays the frequency or relative
frequency of each value or range of values in a dataset.
Used to identify patterns, outlier and gaps.
E.g: Uncle Bruno owns a garden with 30 black cherry
trees. Each tree is of a different height. The height of
the trees (in inches): 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 71.5,
72, 72.5, 73, 73.5, 74, 74.5, 76, 76.2, 76.5, 77, 77.5,
78, 78.5, 79, 79.2, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87. We can
group the data as follows in a
frequency distribution table by setting a range:

Height Range (ft) Number of Trees (Frequency)

60 - 75 3

66 - 70 3

71 - 75 8

76 - 80 10

81 - 85 5

86 - 90 1


Frequency Polygon:
A frequency polygon is a graph that is used to display
the distribution of a dataset. It is similar to a histogram
in that it shows the frequency of data points within a
given range or interval, but instead of using bars, a
frequency polygon uses lines to connect the data
A frequency polygon provides a visual representation
of the distribution of the data and can help to identify
trends or patterns in the data. It is often used in fields
such as statistics, data science, and finance to analyze
and interpret numerical data.
Example: with help of histogram
In a batch of 400 students, the height of students is given in the
following table. Represent it through a frequency polygon.

Height in Cm No. of students

140-150 74

150-160 163

160-170 135

170-180 28

total 400


Draw a frequency polygon from the following data by
using without using histogram:

Daily Wages Mid Point No. of Workers

10 − 15 10+15/2=12.5 40

15 − 20 15+20/2=17.5 70

20 − 25 20+25/2=22.5 60

25 − 30 25+30/2=27.5 80

30 − 35 30+35/2=32.5 60

Daily Wages Mid Point No. of Workers

A Historigram is a graphical representation of a time
series that reveals the changes that occurred at
different time periods. A first step in the prediction (or
forecast) of a time series involves an examination of
the set of past observations. In this case, historigram
may be a useful tool

Example: Draw a Historigram to show the population
of Pakistan in various census years.

1951 1961 1972 1981 1998 2017

33.44 42.88 65.31 83.78 130.58 200.17



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