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3/9/20XX 2

3/9/20XX 3
Let’s see the definition of some Other terms!

3/9/20XX 4
Read and do the exercise!

3/9/20XX 5
3/9/20XX 6
At some point during the loud, computer-generated showdown at the end of the film, amid all the
fake violence, Greg was struck from nowhere with a very real and shattering blow. A blow so violent
it would blind a man with pain. He managed to get off the bed and move toward the door before he
fell, legs splayed and face-first.
He was probably dead by the time his face hit the green rug. […] Detective Scott Apple showed up a
little more than an hour later. He is a short and very fit man with graying hair that he wears combed
straight up in spikes. He is all cop. His wife had been a cop; he met her on the job. He was one of the
assault-team leaders on the department’s SWAT team. He is one of those men who never stop
But there was little here to interest him. No sign of a break-in or struggle. Nothing disturbed in the
room. No blood or obvious wounds. Fleniken’s wallet was still in the back pocket of his jeans and
had a stack of $100 bills in it, so robbery wasn’t an issue. Those staying in nearby rooms had heard
nothing. As Apple questioned the neighbors, he told them it was probably a “natural-causes thing.”
Sad. He poked around Fleniken’s bags, looking mostly for pills—some clue to his collapse. There
were none. Dr. Tommy Brown had a time-tested method. It took him 45 minutes to conduct a
postmortem exam, inspecting a body inside and out, measuring and weighing organs, all the while
describing what he found and noting the metrics that fleshed out the official form. The circumstances
of Greg Fleniken’s death, as reported, were unremarkable.

3/9/20XX 7
Continue the story! Give us suspects and a trial. Finally, tell us what really happened.

3/9/20XX 8
3/9/20XX 9
Create a murder story. The murder weapon must be, at least, one of the objects learned previously.

3/9/20XX 10

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