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World of birds.

Kremenets district
Wildlife of Kremenets region is
very rich and divers. The local
fauna includes 61 species of
mammals and 187 species of birds.
In the 16 halls of the
Kremenets district
museum of local lore are
5,5 thousand exhibits.
Funds of institution has
more than 50 thousand
Kremenetskiy museum
has sections:

of nature,
of history of the region,
Literary hall of Taras
In Kremenets museum
of local lore are many
interesting and exciting
exhibits. However,
their uniqueness stand
out collection of
exhibits showing
different types of birds
common in Kremenets
area. you can find such
birds as: barn owl,
goshawk, magpie,
honey buzzard, tawny
owl, ruff, etc .
Species – Skylark (Alauda
Genus – Lark (Alauda)
Family – Lark (Alaudidae)
Order – Passerine (Passeriformes)
Skylark is slightly larger than a sparrow in size and
has a dim but attractive body color. It’s back is gray,
sometimes brownish-yellow with colored patches,
bottom is whitish, breast covered with brown colorful
Light brown trickle. Head of skylark decorated with a
small tuft, tail bordered with white feathers. Over dark
eyes - light eyebrow. Camouflage color of skylark
helps him hide in the grass and ground. Males can be
distinguished from females by the larger size and the
Куріпка сіра
Species – Partridge (Perdix
Genus– Partridge (Perdix)
Family –
Phasianidae (Phasianidae)
Order –
Galliformes (Galliformes)
A grey partridge reminds a small hen, by a size a little
more rock-dove.
Covered and tail comparatively short, rounding.
A beak is rather yellow, feet are rather yellow grey.
Males little larger than females.
Feathers on the top of the head are greyish-
Male Female

A forehead and other are part of head are ferruginous-

red. A neck is grey. The back and upper part of tail
brownish-gray with thin brown transverse stripes.
The low part of body is grey with easy white striped.
On parties of body wide brown transversal stripes.
Hooded Crow
Ворона сіра
Species – Hooded Crow (Corvus
Genus – Crow (Corvus)
Family – Crow (Corvidae)
Order –
Passerine (Passeriformes)
The back and abdominal side painted in gray, head,
wings and tail - in black. The wings are strong,
strained, a body-structure is strong.
Thin long feet are finned to the
trickle, three long fingers are
pointing forward, one - back.
The steering feathers of tail are
long enough. A powerful and
sharp beak in bases is black, and at the end - grey.
Lesser Grey Shrike
Сорокопуд чорнолобий

Species – Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor)

Genus – Shrike (Lanius)
Family – Shrike (Laniidae)
Order – Passerine (Passeriformes)
sized shrike is
with the rounded head,
short tail and short
massive beak In the
coloring dominate
black and white colors,
only on a light
background of belly
stands pink plaque.
Top of adult bird,
including the crown,
From covering ears across the forehead is broad
black stripe - so-called "mask" that females front
and a blurred brown color. Other details of
plumage in males and females do not have
Species – Jackdaw (Coloeus
Genus - Crow
(Corvus Linnaeus)
Family - Crow (Corvidae)
Order - Passerine
The plumage on the back: black in young and adult
Flight feathers: during the flight we can see that the
tips of feathers are arranged separately.
Head: for young birds darkly-grey back of head, for
adult more light. There is a black little cap on a pop
py head.
Plumage on a breast: darkly-
grey or black, for not young birds lighter.
House Sparrow
Горобець хатній

Species - House Sparrow

(Passer domesticus)
Family - Ox-bird
Suborder - Singing
The fact that the sparrow
- the most famous bird in
the world can be
attributed to its inherent
characteristics. It is very
interesting and at the
same time cautious bird.
His role in this was
played by his ability to
adapt. He was
accustomed to the food
that brings people: bread
Kestrel Боривітер звичайний

Species – Kestrel (Falco

Genus – Falcon (Falco)
Family – Falcon (Falconidae)
Order –
Falconiformes (Falconiformes)
A small falcon is measurin
g with a magpie.
In colouring of plumage of
birds noticeable sexual
dimorphism. The male is
bright red. On the wings
visible wedge-shaped
brownish-black spots, the
amount of which increases
towards the tail. The upper
part of the wings, back,
shoulders and waist are
Eagle Owl

Species – Eagle Owl (Bubo

Genus – Owl (Bubo)
Family –Owl (Strigidae)
Order – (Strigiformes)
Eagle Owl - one of the largest owls in the world
and the largest owl in Ukraine. In nature, easily
recognizable by size, legs feathered to the claws
To that bird peculiar sexual dimorphism(a female l
arger than male). An adult bird from above has a
dark red color with whitish spots and longitudinal
stripes. A tail is darkly-brown, with light stripes.
A beak is dark-brown. The iris of eye is orange.

Species – Jay (Garrulus Glandarius)

Genus – Jay (Garrulus)
Family – Crow (Corvidae)
Order – Passerine (Passeriformes)
The plumage on the
chest and back
brownish-pink Covering
wings painted in bright
turquoise color,
complete with a pattern
of black stripes. The
upper part of the head is
covered with short black
and white feathers,
which can rise up to
form a small fringe.
Beak short and sturdy, colored in black. From beak
to the neck stretching wide black "mustache".
Strong legs are painted in a light brown color.
Species – Raven (Corvus
Genus – Crow (Corvus)
Family – Crow (Corvidae)
Order –
Passerine (Passeriformes)

Raven - one of the largest members of his family.
A plumage is solidly black, with bluish-green
metallic gleam.
The external edges of the large strained wings are b
The tail is long, has a
sphenoid shape. Legs are
black, covered with
feathers to the forearm,
three fingers pointing
forward - one back.
Powerful conical beak
painted in black and
slightly curved in the
Also you can find such birds as:
barn owl, goshawk, magpie, honey
buzzard, tawny owl, ruff, etc .

Made by Yurii Kokhanevych

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