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False friends

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Legend ≠ Legenda

myth subtitle

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Ingenuity ≠ ingenuidade

creativity naivety

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Realised ≠ Realizou

understood accomplished

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Support ≠ Suportar

help endure

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Exit ≠ Êxito

way out success

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Notice ≠ Notícia

information news

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Appointments ≠ Apontamentos

formal arrangement notes

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Sympathetic ≠ Simpático

understanding nice

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Assist ≠ Assistir

help attend

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Sensible ≠ sensível

acting on good judgement sensitive

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

novel ≠ novela

fiction book soap opera

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Adept ≠ Adepto

having a natural ability to do something supporter
that needs skill

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Discussion ≠ Discussão

exchange of ideas fight/argument

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Highly educated ≠ Bem educado

well-read and schooled with very good manners

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Pretend ≠ Pretender

act as want to

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Actually ≠ Atualmente

in fact/really currently

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

False friends

Choose the correct word.

1. The tourist was very educated/polite. He thanked me for my help.

2. Her first novel was a success/exit. She sold many books.
3. They were shouting. It looked like they were having a discussion/ an argument.
4. Did you watch the notices/news on TV last night?
5. I couldn’t understand the film because it didn’t have any subtitles/legends.
6. The company is actually/currently recovering from a recession.
7. Susan assisted/attended the parents and teachers meeting last Friday.
8. I can’t believe his ingenuity/naivety, he still believes in Santa Claus.

MySelfie| 10º Ano | Unit 1 - It's a teens' world

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