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 It is a condition that’s give you freedom from hazard,
risk, an accident that may cause injury, damage, and
loss to material or property damage and even death.

 Safety is also define state of being safe from harm

or danger. It involves measures and practices
designed to minimize risks and ensure-well being in
various aspects of life such a personal,
occupational, or environmental.
 Security is a protection from, or resilience against,
potential harms caused by others, by restraining
the freedom of others to act. Beneficiaries of
security may be of persons and social groups,
objects and institutions, ecosystems or any other
entity or phenomenon vulnerable to unwanted

1. Using diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats.

2. Maintaining effective armed forces.
3. Implementing civil defense and emergency
preparedness measures.
4. Ensuring the resilience and security of critical
5. Using intelligence services to detect and defeat.
6. Protect classified information.

1. Moral- spiritual consensus

2. Cultural cohesiveness
3. Economic solidarity
4. Socio-political stability ecological balance
5. Territorial integrity
6. International harmony
 Is a communication of intent to conflict harm or loss
on another person. Intimidation is a tactic used
between conflicting parties to make the other timid
or psychological insecure for coercion or control.
The act of intimidation for coercion is considered as
a threat.

 Threats can be classified into four different

categories; the direct, indirect, veiled, conditional.
Internal threats- our national security environment is infused with four
important dimensions. Internal threats to our national security make
up the first dimension.
1. Moro islamic liberation front(MILF) – the MILF is constructive
peace negotiation, the armed activities of the group continue to be a
source of serious concern, particularly the build- up its defensive nd
offensive capabilities. Hand in hand with this security problem is the
threat from the Abu Sayyaf Group(ASG), a small bad of highly
mobile terrorists with suspected links to internal networks.
2. The communist party of the Philippines/new people’s army
/national democratic front(CPP/NPA/NDF) – continuous ton pose a
serious threat to national security, although presently weakened in
comparison with their peak strength in the period 1985-87.
3. Organize crime – is a national security concern. The challenge of
illegal drugs in particular , has grown into a major threat to the national
4. Grave incidence of poverty – is also serious threat top national
security, especially to the extent that it breeds rebellion, crime and
dissidence. Poverty incidence affects about one third(1/3) of Filipino
5. Economic sabotage – undermines the market economy, the financial
system and the nation’s resources. Under this category are underground
activities such as counterfeiting, money laundering, large-scale
smuggling, inter- oceanic poaching and commercial dumping.
6. Graft and corruption – has become another threat to our national
security by virtue of the huge scale by which it saps public resources,
undermines the morale of the civil service and affects the delivery of
quality basic services.
7. Severe calamities – cause serious food shortages, abet hoarding or
profiteering tool stands at more than 13,000 lives lost and 179 billion
worth of property destroyed.
8. Persistent environment degradation - poses a long term security
threat. The attrition o forest and watersheds, air- land-water
population and the proliferation of toxic substances are a cause of
sickness, death and diminution of national productivity and well

1. The multi-lateral dispute over the spratly islands, is a source of

intermittent tensions, owing to the build up structures, believed to be
military – oriented by some claimant countries in the area.
2. The smuggling firearms and contraband, illegal migration and
occasional movement of foreign terrorists through the porous borders of
our southwestern frontier have elicited transnational concern. Philippine
law enforcement agencies work closely with international police
organizations, bilaterally and multilaterally, to check this activities.
3. The lingering effects of the currency crisis affecting the countries within
the Association of south east asian nations(ASEAN) are a cause of
regional anxieties which tend to aggravate the political instabilities and
socio-economic dislocations involving the poorest people.
4. The serious economic disparity between rich and poor nations keeps
the world In a state of instability and virtually on the brink or war in
many places.

5. Ethnic, religious and cultural conflict pervades many regions and

nations including our own. It is constantly exacerbated by mass
poverty, limited access to resources , denial of human rights , lack of
national integration and internal issues.
Cyber threat – Phishing – is a
includes theft, messages
espionage, manipulated by a
violence, and user, causing them
sabotage of to perform actions
anything related to like installing a
technology, virtual malicious file,
reality, computers, clicking a malicious
devices, or the link, or divulging
internet. sensitive.
Spyware – a malicious actor gains access to an unsuspecting user’s
data, including sensitive information such as password and payment

Computer worm – malware that exploits software vulnerabilities

and backdoors to gain access to an operating system. Once installed
in the network, the worm can carry.

Crime – (criminal groups) organized groups of hackers aim to break

into computing systems for economic benefit.

1. Secure your premises. It should go without saying, but personal

safety at home starts with securing your property and your
possessions. The best way to make sure you and your family stay
safe from threats at home is to invest in a monitored home security
2. Keep a low profile at home and online. Avoid any kind of threat to
your home or family by maintaining a low profile.
At home: steer clear of displaying over symbols at your
home that could indicate a police officer lives there.
Online: Do not put your department name or badge number
anywhere online.
3. Communicate with your family. As much as you may try to shield
your spouse and children from fear and worry, it’s important to
make and share a safety plan with them.

4. Use social media wisely. The internet has made it easy for hostile
individuals to find personal information about police officers and their
families, a process known as Doxxing.

5. Avoid identity theft. Identity theft is an increasingly serious threat to

american consumers. Identify theft happens when your personal
identifiable information(PII) becomes compromised. Identify theft can
happen to anyone at any age can completely ruin your credit.
ID theft scams and fraudulent unemployment claim scams are on
the raise amidst the pandemic. To avoid identify theft here’s
what can you do:
 Never share social security numbers, PINs, and other
numeric data linked to your indentity and logins.
 Do not put credit card numbers in emails.
 Avoid opening emails from people you don’t know, and never
click on links or attachments unless you can be sure that they
are legitimate.
 Stay away from online quizzes asking for facts about your
personal life events and preferences.
6. Protect your finances. While monitoring your credit for any
changes or signs of identity theft, you should also be keeping
a close eye on all of your financial accounts for suspicious

7. Plan for your future. Having an insurance policy in place

from a trusted provider can help mitigate the devastating
financial challenges families can face after an auto accident,
burglary, natural disaster, or more.
Constitutional national security – recognizes that a
nation’s security measures should not infringe upon
the fundamental rights and freedoms of its citizens as
defined by the constitution. It often involves the
establishment of legal frameworks, check and
balances, and oversight mechanisms to ensure that
national security actions are carried out within the
boundaries of constitutional principles.
The elements of constitutional national security can vary based on the
specific country and its constitutional framework. However here are
some elements:
1. National Defence: this includes measures to protect the country
from external threats, such as maintaining armed forces, intelligence
agencies, and border security.
2. Rule of Law: requires adherence to the rule of law. It means that
security actions and measures must be conducted within the legal
framework, respecting constitutional rights and due process.
3. Civil Liberties: recognizes the importance of safeguarding civil
liberties and individual rights , such as freedom of speech, assembly,
and privacy. It ensures that security actions are proportionate and do
not unduly infringe upon these rights.
4. Checks and Balances: to prevent abuse of power, often involves
check balances, including separation of powers between branches of
government , legislative oversight, and judicial review.
5. Transparency and Accountability: these should be transparency in
the formulation and implementation of national security policies, as
well as mechanisms for accountability to ensure that those
responsible for violations or abuses face consequences.
6. Public Participation: inclusive and informed public participation in
shaping national security polices can help ensure that they align with
constitutional principles and democratic values.
7. International law and human Rights: constitutional national security
also takes into account obligations under international law and
respect for human rights standards in order to maintain the country’s
reputation and credibility in the global community.

1. Judicial Review: in many countries, there is a system of judicial

review where the courts have the power to review the contitutionality
of laws and actions taken by the government in the name of national
security. This helps to ensure that any measures taken are in line
with constitutional principles.
2. Legislative oversight: the legislative branch of government plays a
crucial role in overseeing national security actions. They can
establish committees or commissions to monitor and review the
implementation of national security measures, ensuring that they are
consistent with constitutional principles.
3. Human rights and commissions: Many countries have independent
human rights commissions or ombudsman offices that monitor and
investigate complaints related to human rights violations, including
those that may occur in the name of national security. These bodies
ensure that individual rights are protected and that national security
actions do not infringe upon constitutional principles.
4. Privacy laws and data protection: in the digital age, privacy laws
and data protection regulations are essential for safeguarding
individual rights while addressing national security concerns. This
laws establish boundaries for collecting, storing and accessing
personal information, ensuring that national security measures
respect privacy rights.
5. Transparency and Accountability Mechanisms: Governments can
establish mechanisms to promote transparency and accountability in
national security actions. This can include regular reporting to the
public, independent audits, and oversight bodies to ensure that
national security measures are carried out in a manner consistent
with constitutional principles.
<< End of Report >>

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