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Active and Passive Voice

Simple Past Tense


Lista Litta
Cara pembentukan kalimat aktif (active voice) menjadi
kalimat pasif (passive voice):

• Kalimat aktif yang dirubah harus memiliki objek. Jadi dalam hal ini
kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang
memiliki objek).

• Subjek kalimat aktif diubah menjadi objek kalimat pasif. Sebaliknya,

objek kalimat aktif diubah menjadi subjek kalimat pasif.

• Kata kerja dalam kalimat pasif harus berbentuk Past Participle (V3)
apapun jenis tenses dari kalmat aktifnya. Kemudian V3 didahului
oleh to be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) yang diikuti oleh “by
(oleh)”. Dimana to be disesuaikan dengan tenses dari kalimat aktif.

• Susunan kalimat disesuaikan dengan tenses.

Simple Past Tense

ACTIVE VOICE S + Past Tense (V2) + Object + …..

S (object of AV) + was/ were + Past Participle (V3)+ by +

PASSIVE VOICE object (Subject of AV) +……

AV : Clara ate sardines and rice this noon.

(Clara makan sarden dan nasi tadi siang.)

PV : Sardines and rice were eaten by Clara this

(Sarden dan nasi dimakan oleh Clara tadi siang.)

To be dari Simple Past Tense adalah “was / were” (pemakaian to be sesuaikan

dengan subject).
AV : Claudia helped Laura last sunday.
(Claudia menolong Laura minggu lalu.)

PV : Laura was helped by Claudia last sunday.

(Laura ditolong oleh Claudia minggu lalu)

AV : She wrote a letter last night.

(Dia menulis sebuah surat tadi malam.)
PV : A letter was written by her last night.
(Sebuah surat telah ditulis olehnya tadi malam)

AV : Billy painted the door.

(Billy mengecat pintu itu)
PV : The door was painted by Billy.
(Pintu itu dicat oleh Billy)
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yo u Change the sentences below into the
y d active or passive voice !!!!
Wh try?

 Were some poems written by Debby last month?

 The thief stole his parent’s car last night.
 He called me.
 Jokowi built that bridge a year ago.
 My best friend and I watched the Deadpool Movie
on the theater
e rs:
n sw

 Debby wrote some poems last month.

 His parent’s car was stolen by the thief last night.
 I was Called by him.
That bridge was built by Jokowi year ago.
The Deadpool Movie was watched by me and my
best friend on the theater

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