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Python script

1.12.21 - why python popular?

• Python is easy to learn because of its simple
• Many modules (pre-defined and third party)
• Code length is very short because of third
party modules.
• Platform Independent.
• Supports both functional and oops concept.
• Is powerful multi-purpose programming
language created by Guido and Rossum.
• Python versions
• 2.x
• 3.x
• Python install
• Python --version
• Pip –version(require 3rd party modules install)
Python Install Linux

• Sudo yum install wget

• Wget
• tar –xvzf Python-3.7.0.tgz
• Yum install gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-
• ./configure,Make,make altinstall
• Indent  space
• Indentations are used to represent block of
• The amount of indentation is up to you, but it
Consistent throughout the block.
• Don’t include the indent unnecessarily.
Python comments
• Single line - #
• Multi line – ‘’’ or “”” from start, at end.
Author: pradeep
date: Dec01,2021
# adding program
Escap/special charcter
• \n – New line
• \b – backspace
• \t – tab
• \ - escape symbol
• Windows path – C:\\pradeep\\

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