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Date: Tuesday 14th November

Title: Alliances
L/O: To understand why alliances are formed in the Hunger Games.

• Starter: Imagine your tribute has made an ally. Who would

this be?
• Write a description from the perspective of your tribute
explaining why you have made this alliance and your
Key Word: Alliance
• What do we know about Rue?
Alliance: a union or association formed for mutual benefit.

Ally: A person who sides with or supports another.

Why are alliances formed in the Hunger Games?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of alliances

Let’s continue reading…
How does Rue’s life compare to Katniss? Consider similarities and
differences between the districts.

What are the benefits of Rue’s and Katniss’ alliance? Consider their

What do you think Katniss’plan is to defeat the Career tributes?

Is it possible to survive the Hunger Games without an ally?
Date: Thursday 16th November
Title: Katniss’ plan
L/O: To explore Katniss’ strategy in the hunger games.

Starter: What similarities do Rue and Prim share?

Bonus question:
The rue plant is often
called the ‘herb of
grace’, Why did Collins
decide to name Rue
Discuss: Is it possible to survive the Hunger Games without an after this plant?
We are going to look at Katniss 'plan..

“Say they didn’t. Say the supplies were gone. How

long would they last?” I say. “I mean, it’s the Hunger
Games, right?”

• Before we do, what do you think it is? (Discussion)

• Why is the mocking jay sign important? What do you think it

• What is Katniss’ plan? Are there any potential flaws in her strategy?
Creative writing
Create your own strategy to help you and your ally take out the Career
tributes. You only have 3 items in your possession collectively.

Consider what your ally can do to help you.

Any possible contingencies to the plan
How you can use these items?

Once you have described your strategy, you can draw a map/blue print to
show this.
• How will your character defeat the stronger tributes?

Start by creating a quick strategy. What will you do? What will your ally
do? Remember you only have 3 items. Write this as a narrative
description from the perspective of your character.
Complete a blueprint for your plan. Make sure you label this blue print.

Extension task: What would you do if you got caught? What would you
do if your ally was captured?
• Make a prediction on the aftermath of the explosion.
Monday 20th November
Title: Rising action
L/O: To explore the rising action in the aftermath of Katniss’ destruction.

Listen to the music, how does it make you feel?

What is the rising action?
Key words- Write this down
• Rising action-a related series of incidents in a literary plot
that build toward the point of greatest interest. Compare
falling action.

• Climax- The climax or turning point of a narrative work is its point

of highest tension and drama.
Extract analysis
• How does Collins show Katniss’ frustrations and concerns for Rue?
• Why is the end of chapter 17 climatic?
Tuesday 21st November

Title: Rue’s death

L/O: To understand how Rue’s death is a turning point in the novel

Starter: We have reached a turning point in the novel, marked by Rue’s

death. Come up with a title for this chapter.

Was Rue’s death unexpected?

• How does Katniss react to Rues death?(PEE)

• What do you think Katniss’ song means?

• Why does Rue’s death change Katniss? (PEE)

Creative task
Imagine you are Katniss, write your own song to mourn for Rue’s death.

Close your eyes and be at peace

The flowers bloom at your feet
Hear my voice and be with me
Sleep forever under the willow tree
Do you think Katniss will be punished for her gesture?
Thursday 23rd November
Title: Tribute writing project
L/O: To understand and create a play script for the Hunger Games.

Starter: What is a play script?

What do we need to include in a script?

Success Criteria
• Bronze- To understand and define the
features of a play script.
• Silver- To create a basic script using some of
the features
• Gold- To develop an effective and engaging
script using a variety of features
Features of a Play Script

Play- A piece of writing that is intended to be performed on a stage.

• Stage directions- These tell us how the characters move/interact on

the stage. They also tell us where the play is set.
• Dialogue- What the characters are saying.
• Characters- They are involved in the play i.e your tribute, their ally,
other tributes.
• Setting- Where it is set? Make sure you are descriptive here.
Creative Writing- Paired Work
Your character has succeeded in defeating the strongest tributes, but sadly their ally didn’t make it.
Wite the next part of your story as a play script.

Amidst the rubble and debris stands Frederick, a sharp grin etched on his face as he looks down at
the bloody massacre below.
Frederick- Ahh success, my trap worked. Those foolish careers stood no chance against my sharp
wit. Now where is that nincompoop Gary.

Frederick hears a scream and immediately darts to the sound. Gary is covered in blood, his body
pierced arrows.

Gary (writhing in agonising pain, his body convulsing.): Help me please!

Tribute Crossover
• You can work in pairs to create a script involving both of your created
tributes. They can be allies or enemies.
• Once your script is complete, we can perform these in front of the class.
Use stage directions to set the scene and describe action. Can you create
imagery in your descriptions.
Follow the format of script writing.
Use ambitious vocabulary.
Consider effective stage conventions.
• What symbolic gesture would you do to commemorate your ally’s
Date: Wednesday 1st December
Title: Speaking and listening assessment
L/O: To understand how to structure and perform a role play.

You will have 5 minutes to rehearse your script. I will make notes and
assess your performance.

Make sure you all have the same script in your book by Tomorrow
please. You may have to write this up and print out copies for your
What I will be observing

The language you use to present

your characters.

How you interact with other


Your ability to stay in character.

Making links to the book.

Reading Time
Date: Sunday 13th December
Title: Katniss and Peeta’s romance
L/O: To explore the relationship between Katniss and Peeta.

• Create an acrostic poem with the word LOVERS to describe Katniss

and Peeta’s relationship.

• Ext: What are star crossed lovers?

• Star crossed- a phrase describing a pair of lovers whose
relationship is often thwarted by outside forces.

Why does Katniss describe their relationship in this way?

What does Katniss realize about Peeta’s actions so

far in the Games?
What are Peeta’s injuries? How has he kept alive?
• Katniss and Peeta’s relationship hangs between reality and
performance. The idea of a star-crossed pair of lovers is
more appealing to a wide audience, because it stands for
the triumph of love over destruction.

Do you think Katniss and Peeta really love each other?

Creative task
• Imagine you are Peeta, write a love letter
to Katniss revealing your true feelings
towards her.

• Challenge: Write a Sonnet to show your

love for Katniss.

Sonnet: A poem made up of 14 lines that

uses rhyme.
Monday 14th December
Title: Dystopian debate
L/O: To identify dystopian elements in the hunger games..

• Starter: Continue your love letter/ poem

What is a dystopia?

What elements of dystopia are present in the Hunger Games?

What social issues are explored in the Hunger Games?

• Oppressive regime
• Poverty
• Constant surveillance
• Inequality and class systems
• Violence and suffering
• Rebellion
Social Issues
• Reality tv
• Class systems
• Child warfare
• Tyrannical regimes
• The nature of a celebrity
Debate topics
“Reality tv has negative effects on society”

“Celebrities are not good role models”

“government surveillance is an invasion of privacy”

What makes a good argument?

Debate structure
Strong opening statement- This will introduce the main points in your
Rebuttals- These are counter arguments to the opposition.
Use evidence to develop points. You could make up facts/statistics. Can
you link to the book?
Strong closing Statement- This will reinforce points made.
• You will be split into groups and will have time to prepare your debates.
Within your groups, allocate the following hats.

• Red hat- your role is to lead the debate and make an opening statement. You oversee
your team.
• Blue hat- your role is to come up with counter arguments by predicting what the other
group will say.
• Green hat- your role is to enforce the points made by the red hat by expanding on
them or by providing examples.
• Black hat- your role is to research the topic. Find statistics to support the points made.
• Pink hat- you role is to record the points of the argument and think of how you can
present your findings.
Date: Tuesday 14th December
Title: Dystopian Debate
L/O: To perform our debates

• Starter: Create a table to show examples of human kindness and

human savagery from the novel.
Human Kindness Human Savagery
• Let’s perform these debates
• Write an article on your findings

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