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UNIT 3 单词

1. rubbish n. 垃圾、废弃物
= trash/garbage/litter/waste
take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

take…out of… 把…从…取出 / 带出

Eg. Take the shirt out of my drawer.

2. Fold v. 折叠、对折
Fold your clothes, kids!

3.Floor n. 地板
On the floor 在地板上
On the + 序数词 +floor 在…层楼
He lay ( down ) on the floor and fell asleep.
4. Mess n. 杂乱、不整洁
Make a mess 弄得一团糟
(be) in a mess 乱七八糟

E.g. My mother would never let me cook because she thinks I’ll make a mess in the kitchen.

5. Throw v. 扔、掷
Throw down 扔下
Throw away 扔掉、抛弃
E.g. The fish has gone bad. You can throw it away.
Throw to 扔给
Throw at 向…扔去

6. Neither 也不
Neither + 助 /be/ 情 + 主语 …也不
I don’t like monkeys. Neither does he. = He doesn’t like monkeys, either.
Neither…nor… 既不…也不…
7. As soon as 一…就…
As soon as he gets the news, I’ll go to the hospital. (主将从现)
= The minute (that) …

8. Pass 给、递、走过、通过
Pass away 去世
Pass by 经过
Pass the exam/test 通过考试
Pass the salt to me, please.

9. Borrow v. 借、借用
I borrowed that book from my sister.
Lend v. 借出、借给
Lend sb sth = lend sth to sb
I lend my bike to my brother.
10. Hate v. 厌恶、讨厌
Hate to do/doing sth
E.g. I hate watching sports shows.

11. Chore n. 杂务、乏味无聊的工作

Do chores/housework
E.g. I stayed at home and did the chores.
My mother always make me do everyday chores like shopping and housework.

12. While conj. 与…同时;当…的时候;而;然而

I was doing my homework while my sister was watching cartoons.

I was doing my homework when my sister came in.

13. Stress n. 精神压力;心理负担

Under stress 承受压力
He was under great stress.
14. Waste n. 浪费、垃圾 v. 浪费、滥用
Waste time/money on sth
Waste time/money doing sth
Don’t waste money on things you don’t actually need.
Don’t waste time calling me up. I won’t go out with you.

A waste of time 浪费时间

E.g. He knows nothing about it. Talking to him is a waste of time.

15. In order to 目的是、为了

In order to do= so that= in order that
否定: in order not to do
E.g. I talked to his parents in order to get to know him.
In order that I can get to know him, I talked to his parents.
I talked to his parents so that I can get to know him.
16. Provide v. 提供、供应
Provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb
I got a fever last night. My roommate provided hot tea with honey for me.

17. Anyway adv. 而且、加之、无论如何

E.g. Catherine wasn’t sure the book was the right one, but she bought it anyway.
They didn’t have any trainers in my size, and anyway I’d already decided I’d rather save the money.

18. Depend v. 依靠、信赖

Depend on 依靠、信赖
E.g. Jim is very good at math. You can depend on him in this exam.
Independence n. 独立
Eg. HongKong gained independence from Britain in ?

19. Develop v. 发展、壮大

Development n.
developing / developed adj.
Is Japan a developing country or a developed country?
20. Fair adj. 合理的、公正的
Unfair adj.
Fairness n. 公正性; 合理性
Fairly adv. 公平地

E.g. Miss Lee is strict but she’s fair.

21.Since conj. 因为、既然、从…以后、自…以来

E.g. My mother won’t let me travel alone since I’m too young.
= because/as/for
I’ve never seen my grandparents since Monday.

22. Take care of 照顾、处理

= look after = care for
Take good care of… = look after… well 好好照顾…
23. ill adj. 有病、不舒服
illness n. 疾病
Fall/be ill 生病
与 sick 的区别 : ill 常用作表语
E.g. He was ill in bed the whole weekend.

24. Drop v. 落下、掉下

E.g. Sam dropped his wallet when he was shopping.
n. 滴、水滴
two drops of water
A drop in the ocean 沧海一粟

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