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Introduction to Thinking

Thinking skills are a set of cognitive abilities that enable individuals to process
information, analyze situations, and make sound decisions. These skills are
essential for problem-solving, decision-making, and critical analysis in various
aspects of life.

by Rahnuma Bano
What are Thinking Skills?
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking involves actively and systematically processing information to evaluate its
credibility and relevance. It helps in making informed decisions.

Creative Thinking
Creative thinking encourages the generation of innovative ideas and solutions, often by
exploring unconventional perspectives and approaches.

Analytical Thinking
Analytical thinking focuses on breaking down complex problems into smaller components to
gain a deeper understanding of the underlying issues.
Importance of Thinking Skills
1 Enhanced Decision Making
Strong thinking skills facilitate better decision-making by enabling individuals to weigh
various options and anticipate outcomes.

2 Effective Problem Solving

Proficient thinkers can identify, analyze, and solve complex problems more efficiently,
leading to better results.

3 Innovative Solutions
Thinking skills foster the generation of innovative solutions, contributing to personal and
professional growth and success.
Types of Thinking Skills
Convergent thinking Divergent thinking
Also known as linear or critical Also known as horizontal or creative
thinking. Convergent thinking focuses thinking, divergent thinking is a
on developing a single, well- thought process used to develop ideas
established answer to a problem. by exploring several possible
Lateral thinking
Lateral thinking refers to your ability
to use both logic and imagination.
Critical Thinking
1 Evaluating Information 2 Recognizing Biases
Critical thinking involves assessing the Proficient critical thinkers can identify
credibility and relevance of information and account for biases, ensuring a more
to make well-informed decisions and objective understanding of issues.
Five types of critical thinking skills

Observational skills Analytical skills

If you have strong The ability to analyse and assess a Inference skills
observation skills, you can problem effectively involves Inference refers to your ability to
easily sense and identify a knowing what information, data draw conclusions about the data
problem before it becomes or facts about the issue are you have gathered.
worse. important.

Communications skills Problem-solving skills

Communication skills refer to your ability Problem-solving typically requires you
to speak appropriately with a wide range of to think critically to determine the best
people while maintaining good eye contact, solution and to understand whether the
tailoring your language to your audience solution achieves your goals.
and listening effectively.
Creative Thinking
1 Generating Ideas 2 Embracing Divergent Thinking
Creative thinking involves the Creative thinkers often embrace
generation of unique and innovative divergent thinking, allowing for
ideas through imagination and exploration of unconventional solutions
exploration of possibilities. and perspectives.
Analytical Thinking
1 Breaking Down Complexity 2 Identifying Patterns
Analytical thinking involves breaking down Proficient analysts can identify recurring
complex problems into manageable patterns, trends, and relationships within large
components to gain deeper insights. sets of data for informed decision-making.
Logical Thinking
1 Systematic Reasoning 2 Evaluating Consequences
Logical thinking involves systematic and Proficient logical thinkers consider the
methodical reasoning, ensuring the coherence potential consequences of actions and
and validity of conclusions and decisions. decisions, leading to more effective outcomes.
Problem-Solving Thinking
1 Identifying Challenges 2 Implementing Solutions
Problem-solving thinking involves Proficient problem solvers can evaluate
identifying and defining complex possible solutions and implement
challenges or obstacles in various strategies to address challenges
contexts. effectively.
Conclusion and Summary

Integration 1
Combining different thinking skills leads
to comprehensive and effective problem-
solving and decision-making. 2 Lifelong Learning
Continuous development of thinking skills
supports lifelong learning and personal
Application 3 growth.
Effective application of thinking skills
enhances professional success and
organizational innovation.

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