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Your Words
Meaning with Examples
It is a Verb and Noun
Verb Meaning:
1. To make someone or something move by pressing them with your hands, arms etc.,.
2. To press a button, switch etc.,. in order to make a piece of equipment start or stop
3. To use your hands, arms etc.,. to make people or things move, so that you can get past
4. To encourage or force someone to do something or to work hard.
5. To try to persuade people to accept your ideas, opinions etc in order to achieve something.
6. To increase or decrease an amount, value, or number.
7. If an army pushes somewhere, it moves in that direction.

Noun Meaning:
1. When someone, especially a business, tries to get or achieve something.
2. If someone gives someone else a push, they encourage or persuade them to try something .
Verb Examples:
1. I promised to push him on the swings for as long as he wanted.
2. Paul held the door open for a woman pushing a trolley of heavy books.
3. Company representatives are pushing to open foreign markets to their products.
4. She was part of the first generation that really pushed the whole idea of reconciliation.
5. Then, with a sound of disgust, Feargal pushed past her and went into the house.
6. I could be pushing people too hard and they could be planning to walk out the door.
7. Thinking his number was up, Peter pushed down hard and went underneath the glider.
8. During that time he has been pushing hard to make up any lost ground.
Noun Examples:
1. When push came to shove, the Northern California hospitality came through.
2. Just as he reached the top step I gave him a push - not a hard push, just defensive.
3. The sound of the door being opened made her instinctively push the child aside from her.
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