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Simplified ICT Project

Process Overview
Romina S. Gante
1. Planning
• Conceptualizing your project
• Researching on available data about your topic
• Setting deadlines and meetings
• Assigning people to various tasks
• Finding a web or blog host
• Creating a site map for your website
• Listing down all applications that you need including web apps
• Funding
2. Development
• It involves the actual creation of the
websites; involves the production of
images, infographics.
3. Release and Promotion
• It involves the actual release of the
website for public view promoting it.
4. Maintenance
• It involves responding to feedback of
your visitors and continuing to improve
the website.
I. Enumerate five things that should be
accomplished during the planning stage of an
ICT project

II. Arrange the following steps in order using
the numbers 1-4. write x if the step is not part
of the process
_____Release and Promotion

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