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Harini M
 Pervasive computing is the growing trend towards embedding microprocessors.
 The words pervasive and ubiquitous mean “ existing everywhere”
 The aim of pervasive computing is for computing available wherever it’s needed. It
spreads intelligence and connectivity to more or less everything
 Example….
Ships, Aircrafts, Cars, Bridges, Machines, Refridgerator, Homes even things like
our coffee mugs and even the human body embedded with chips
Mobile internet access, Third-generation wireless communication , and
Bluetooth have made pervasive computing a reality
What is pervasive computing??..
• An environment in which people interact with embedded ( and mostly
invisible) computers ( processors) and in which networked devices are
aware of their surroundings and peers and are able to provide
services or use services from peers effectively
Pervasive computing means…,

Anytime Any
Any device Any data
/Anywhere network
Anytime /Anywhere; 7 days * 24 hours , Global , ubiquitous access.
Any device; PC,Palm/PDA,Cell phone,and so forth
Any network; Access ,Notification, Data Synchronization,Queued
transactions,Wireless optimization,Security,development tools,service and
user management
Any data; E-mail ,Personal Information Manager(PIM),Inter-Intranet;
public services.
 The ultimate goal of “Pervasive Computing” is to "make it
unnecessary to carry around anything with you.“
 Currently, we must carry many items including:
Wallet (money, credit cards, membership cards, driving license,
name cards, passes, tickets, ...)
Cell phone
Laptops, PDA’s
Documents Keys (for houses, cars, offices, ...)
 If computing becomes pervasive to its full potential, there will be
no need to carry these items at any time.
Applications of pervasive computing
• Smart Home: In a smart home , your home computer, television, lighting,
and heating controls, home security system, and many appliances within the
home can “talk” to each other via the internet or a home intranet. This
linked systems can be controlled through various devices. Some of the
tasks supported today by home automation systems are
1. Lighting
2. Energy management
3. Water Control
4. Home theatre
Sales force automation:
• Mobile workers relied on their portable computers in order to access and process data on
the road.
• Availability of wireless moderns has enabled them to travel and allow them to access to
enterprise data.
• Mobile professionals to use the phone book and calendar while working out of office and
stay in contact via Email.
• Use of barcodes has revolutionized processes in many industries.
• Provide fast and accurate identification of goods during transportation.
• Barcodes on all products.
• One dimensional barcode – encodes only few characters.
• Two dimensional barcode – several hundreds of characters of information to be
• Allows tracking of goods – E.g. Airline Luggage.

• Modern medicine already depends on a wide range of computerized
devices, sensors, actors.
• Clinical professionals learn about new methods and how to use them.
• Access to laboratory results surgical reports as well as ordering processes
and physician directory look ups can be improved.
Advantages of pervasive computing
• Manage information quickly, efficiently and effortlessly
• Smart environment will be embedded with computing technologies that will
be mostly out–of–sight
• Removes complexity of new technologies.
• Convenient access to relevant information stored on networks, allowing
them to easily take action anywhere, anytime.
• Environment will be supplemented with interconnected digital technologies.
Interconnectivity will eliminate mundane tasks.
Disadvantage of pervasive computing

• Pervasive computing is not entirely secure.

• Frequent line connections that are broken.
• Slow connections.
• Very expensive operating costs.
Pervasive computing in an increasingly networked world continues to affect
more and more of the world's population. Although this is a global
phenomenon, regional and national social and cultural factors will directly
influence the technologies and promise of pervasive computing.
There is a wide range of potential benefits for government, service providers
and consumers as computing technologies become more pervasive.
There is a debate over how to address concerns over privacy, security safety
and sustainability while still realizing the benefits of pervasive computing.

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