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Nuclearization of the Indian

Ocean and its implications for


Muhammad Haider Farooq

• The security and stability of the region are seriously
threatened by the nuclearization of the Indian Ocean, a new
nuclear arms race has been sparked by India’s 2018
deployment of nuclear submarines into the Indian Ocean,
upending the precarious balance of power in the area.
Pakistan is especially worried about the effects of

nuclearization in the Indian Ocean because it is a nuclear
armed nation with a protracted competition with India, it is
harder to avert a nuclear war when there are nuclear bombs in
from obtaining the upper hand. A decline in the stability of
deterrence could result from the nuclearization of the Indian
ocean, this is due to the possibility that, in an effort to preserve
their nuclear deterrent powers, both sides would be enticed to
produce new, more advance weapons. To sustain its deterrence
capabilities in the event of nuclearized Indian Ocean, Pakistan
will have to increase its military spending, resources will be
taken away from other crucial areas like social welfare and
economic development as a result of this.
• •The security and stability of the region are seriously
threatened by the nuclearization of the Indian Ocean, new
nuclear arms race has been sparked by the India’s 2018
deployment of nuclear submarines into the Indian Ocean,
upending the precarious balance of power in the area, Pakistan
is especially worried about the effects of nuclearization in the
Indian Ocean because it is a nuclear armed nation with a
protracted competition with India. Nuclearization the Indian
Ocean is a complicated, multidimensional issue, its foundations
include geopolitical tensions, historical grudges and the absence

Problem of a regional nuclear non-proliferation system. The fact that the

Indian Ocean is a strategically important waterway for the
economic interests of numerous nations further exacerbates the
statement issue. Pakistan is facing some unique issues as a result of the
nuclearization of the Indian Ocean, it first raises the possibility
of a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan. Secondly it
weakens the strategic stability of the area which makes crisis
management and conflict prevention more challenging. Thirdly,
it compels Pakistan to increase military spending in order to
sustain its capacity for deterrence, resources that may be used
for social welfare and economic development are instead
diverted to other crucial sectors, Pakistan national security and
interests are so seriously threatened by the issue of
nuclearization in the Indian Ocean, to further regional peace
and stability, this issue needs to be addressed.
• Identifying the unique risks and problems that Pakistan
faces as a result of the nuclearization of the Indian
Ocean, including the need to invest more in military

Research modernization, the threat of nuclear conflict and the

erosion od strategic stability, evaluating Pakistan’s
current military capabilities, its nuclear doctrine and its

objective diplomatic alternatives in order to confront these

dangers and problems, formulating policy suggestions
for the Pakistani government about the handling of
nuclearization’s effects and advancing both regional
stability and nuclear non-proliferation in the Indian
• What are the costs and benefits of Pakistan developing a
h sea-based nuclear arsenal in response to the
nuclearization of the Indian Ocean?

Research • A mixed methods strategy will be used to conduct the
research for this proposal, this implies that information

Methodology will be gathered and examined from both qualitative and

quantitative sources, qualitative sources include
interviews of experts and quantative data include from
secondary sources.
• The nuclearization of the Indian Ocean is a serious
threat to regional stability and security, especially for
Pakistan, a nuclear-armed country with a long-
Conclusion standing rivalry with India. This research proposal
outlines a plan to conduct research on its implications
for Pakistan and to produce policy recommendations
for the Government of Pakistan on how to address
these implications and promote regional stability and
nuclear non-proliferation in the region.

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