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Watch the video and discuss the classical period.

Haydn Facts:
1. Known as Father of the Symphony and Father of the String Quartet.
2. Unlike many other composers of this time period, he became very wealthy from composing music.
3. Symphony No. 96 got its nickname, the “Miracle” Symphony because a huge chandelier fell from the
ceiling during the performance, but no one was injured.
Critical Thinking: Haydn was known as the Father of the Symphony. What type of pressures do you
think “living with a label” has on a person

Mozart Facts:
1. Started playing the harpsichord at age three.
2. Began composing music at age five. His father had to write down his music, as Mozart did not know
how to write music.
3. Began a European concert tour with his sister and father when he was seven.
Critical Thinking: Mozart’s musical career began at a very early age. What are the benefits of exclusively
pursuing one talent from an early age?
What are some sacrifices you think need to be made in order to achieve a goal
Beethoven Facts:
1. By the age of 26, Beethoven began to lose his hearing.
2. There were actually three versions of his opera, Fidelio, premiering over a span of nine years.
3. His Symphony No. 9 is the first example of a major composer using voices in a symphony.
Critical Thinking: Beethoven suffered from hearing loss. How do you think living with a disability affected his life?
Why do you think Beethoven’s hearing loss
drove him to compose even more emotional pieces

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