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Sołomija Polikewycz
Basic information
about China
•The capital city of China is Beijing. China is bordering
with Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Birma, Buthan, India,
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kirgistan, Kazachstan,
Mongolia and Russia.
•China is one of the oldest civilization in the world
that is 5000 years old. Many of things were invented
in China for example compas or paper. At the
moment 1.4 billion peopleleaves there which is about
1/7 part of the whole world population. Chinese
culture is very popular around the world.
Traditions and Culture
•The largest population profess Chinese folk religions. The
main role here is played by Taoism and Confucianism. Another
religious group are Buddhists and Muslims. More than half of
the population is non-denominational. Individual religions
have marked their presence in numerous objects of material
culture. Monasteries, pagodas, palaces and temples are now
some of the country's major tourist attractions. The sacred
Buddhist mountains, Putno Shan, Wutai Shan, Emei Shan, are
also worshiped and attract numerous pilgrims. The most
valuable object of the Buddhist religion is the monastery of
the Thousand Buddhas Grotto in Dunhuang from the 4th
•An important feature of Chinese culture
is ancestor worship. It plays an
important role in the life of every family.
In each house there is an altar in honor
of the ancestors, which is also supposed
to protect family members from
misfortune and evil spirits.
•Another feature of Chinese culture is its
close relationship with the natural
world. From this tradition developed
Chinese folk medicine (acupuncture,
acupressure, massages, aromatherapy,
herbal medicine, breathing exercises),
currently very popular in Western
countries. China is also the birthplace of
eastern martial arts, such as kungfu. The
greatest fame gained fighting combined
with meditation, originating from the
Shaolin temple.
Chinese new year

•The main holiday in China is the New Year,

which is also the Spring Festival. It is celebrated
at the turn of January and February. Crowds of
tourists are attracted by the International Kite
Festival in Weifang (in April), the Dragon
Festival (in June) and the Ice and Snow Festival
in Harbin (winter). The Qing Ming Festival in
April and the Autumn Festival in September are
also important.
•One of the world's oldest civilizations developed in China. China's first culture developed in the Neolithic

(5000-2500 BC). Its rapid flourishing in the following centuries was due to numerous inventions that made
work easier. They began to use a potter's wheel, and irrigation of fields. Learned the principles of rice and
mulberry cultivation and silkworm farming. In the years 1766-1122 B.C.E. China's first historically
documented dynasty, the Shang, reigned. Writing was created, the first calendar was created, and cities
were founded. During the next dynasty - Zhou - a feudal system was introduced. 5th-3rd century BC this is
the era of the Warring States. There were numerous wars between petty kingdoms at that time. It was
also the golden age of Chinese philosophy. It was then that Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism arose.
•The fall of the dynasty was the
beginning of a long economic and
cultural stagnation. Buddhism gained
great importance during this period. The
next stage in the development of the
state fell on the reign of the Tang
dynasty. In the eighth century, the
world's first book was printed in China.
In 1211, the period of conquests and
Mongol rule on the Chinese throne
began. They founded their own Yuan
dynasty with the capital in Beijing. Over
time, the Mongol Empire began to
disintegrate, and in 1368, a new dynasty,
the Ming, took over the rule of China. It
was a period of strong development of
the state and opening up to foreign
influences. However, wars with the
Mongols, pirate raids, internal political
conflicts in the state led to the collapse
of the dynasty in 1644. The Manchurian
Qing dynasty took over.
Important people
•The First Emperor of the Qin [Dynasty], sometimes
simply called the First Emperor, was the first ruler of
the Chinese Empire, who in 221 B.C.E. unified China,
successively conquering the other six Chinese states,
ending the Warring States Period
•Confucius - Chinese philosopher, founder of
Confucianism. Confucius left no writings - his
teachings are collected in the book Confucian
Dialogues. The main topic of consideration was the
everyday life of people and the stability of society
•Zheng He - a Chinese admiral who made a series of
trips to many places in Asia and Africa in the years
1405-1433. He was a Muslim, eunuch and trusted
man of the Chinese Yongle Emperor of the Ming
•Wu Zetian - the first and only official female
emperor in Chinese history.
Traditional food i
•Chinese cuisine is the general name for the
culinary habits of the Chinese people. It
contains several culinary traditions found in
different regions of China. As a whole, Chinese
cuisine can be described as very sophisticated,
aromatic and proper in the oriental ingredient.
It is dominated by tofu, rice, fish, seafood and
vegetables. The most popular chinese food are
dim sum dumplings, moon cakes and bao buns
Traditional Clothes for
•Typical traditional clothes for men in China are long shirts
and mandarin jackets. Both have a round neckline and
narrow sleeves. The mandarin jacket is a type of typically
Chinese garment with buttons down the front. Typically,
the sleeves resemble the shape of a horse's hoof. In
contrast, the front of long shirts is quite loose, and the
buttons are placed on the right side. There is also a type of
dress that combines a long shirt with a mandarin jacket - it
consists only of the buttoned lower part. A long shirt and a
mandarin jacket give the impression of comfort, freedom
and seriousness.
For woman
•The Cheongsam dress has its roots in the clothing of the
Manchu women of the Qing Dynasty and is considered a
typical example of traditional Chinese dress. Cheongsam
not only exhibits the harmony typical of Chinese culture,
but also the oriental richness of decorating techniques. In
addition, the cheongsam emphasizes the slender figure of
a woman, and when worn with high-heeled shoes, it helps
to raise the center of gravity, thus revealing elegance and
dignity. Cheongsam dresses have developed their own
fashion trend, and there is no end to its popularity in sight.
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