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Methods of

Primary Research
By: Akhtar
Introduction - Definitions
In marketing, there are two types of primary research, they are:-
1. Quantitative Research : Research where a collection of numerical data can be analysed using
statistical methods.

2. Qualitative Research : Research where collection of information is gathered from consumer opinions
and buying behaviour about products.
Methods of Primary Research
Focus Groups
This method of research is used to collect qualitative data. A group of consumers are asked to review
different things such as new products, packaging or brand names. The discussions are then collected for
qualitative data.
Behavior of consumers is secretly observed and recorded by market researchers. This method is used to
have an advantage of gaining a more accurate behavior of consumers.
Test Market
This method is chosen to represent the total market. Feedback from consumers is used to make changes
to the product or other things such as pricing or packaging.
Method of Primary Research - 2
Consumer Surveys
These are surveys that collect both qualitative and quantitative, usually used with questionnaires.

- Interviews
This method is where an interviewer asks questions to an interviewee and records their answers. They
usually take these interviews in places like the streets, usually interviewing strangers.

- Postal Surveys
Questionnaires are posted to people’s homes, in which residents are then to complete it and submit them
to the original owner. This has a good advantage as it’s much more cheaper compared to other methods.

- Online Surveys
Surveys are posted online and in their own websites, thus allowing anyone in the internet to respond.
The main advantage of online surveys is, it allows a wide geographical area to respond and any one can
respond to the survey.

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