Individual or Modern Menus First Appeared in A Restaurant in Paris in Early 19 Century When Courses Started To Be Formulated

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Individual or modern menus first appeared in a restaurant in Paris in early 19th century when courses started to be formulated.

A special occasion might have 7 courses

Hors-doeuvre Soup Fish Entre Sorbet Roast Sweet Savoury

A good menu will inform customers about:

Price and any extra charges Quality Fresh green beans / freshly cooked

Portion Size 10Pizza / 100g Rump Steak

How meal is prepared grilled/pan-fried/roast

A good menu will inform customers about:

Ingredients used Explanation of any foreign or unusual terms

What it is served with side salad / potato

Suitability for people on special diets - vegan

Style will depend on type of establishment Examples:

Bistro on a blackboard Pub stand on the counter Gastro -Pub menu on each table plus specials on a board

Size of menus Menu illustration Quality of paper Graphic character Wording Terms used

Balance the choice of dishes modern & traditional Be nutritionally balanced with some healthy eating options Have sufficient choices Use a variety of ingredients flavours, textures, and colours Balance expensive with cheaper ingredients Used seasonal or readily available foods

Use a mix of cooking techniques Offer fewer good-quality dishes rather than many lower-cost dishes Charge a fair price to ensure value for money

Use language that customers understand Take account of space and kitchen equipment

Take account of number and capability of staff

Have analysed the type of customer being catered for

la carte (means - From the Card) Each dish is individually priced Usually cooked to order Divided into courses

Starters Main courses





Table d'hte (Table of the host)

Number of courses may vary from 3 to 7 Some choice within each course Some preparation done ahead of service quicker service and fewer staff

Set menu Mainly used for large functions

All meals are predetermined no choice of dishes Set price charged per person Complete task on P. 163 Worksheet 63

Breakfast menu formats

Continental, la carte, Table d'hte, Buffet Fruit, Fruit juices, Stewed fruit, Yogurts, Cereals, Eggs fried, poached, boiled, scrambled, omelettes with bacon, tomato, mushrooms or saut potatoes

Breakfast menu formats Fish kippers, smoked haddock, kedgeree

Meats (hot) fried or grilled bacon, sausages, kidneys with bacon, tomato, mushrooms or saut potatoes, potato cakes

Preserves -marmalade orange, lemon, grapefruit, ginger; jam, honey

Lunch & Dinner A set price with 1, 2 or 3 courses

List of well varied dishes priced individually customer can make own menu and decide how many courses Buffet - hot or cold served or self-service

Afternoon Tea - a particularly British concept Assorted sandwiches , buttered buns, scones with clotted cream, pastries, gateaux, tea cakes (toasted), Scotch pancakes, waffles, sausage rolls, jams, crumpets Eggs, Fried Fish, grilled meats, cold meats, salad Various ices, coupes, sundaes Tea (Indian, China, iced, fruit, herb)

Eating out - Rise in popularity

Convenience No time or inclination to go home and cook a meal Variety Trying a new experience a break from home cooking Labour Have someone else prepare, serve and wash-up

Eating out - Rise in popularity

Status because others of the same socio-economic group do so Culture / tradition special events getting to know people Impulse a spur of the moment decision No-choice Welfare, hospitals, etc.

Meal occasion time of day

How hungry are they

How much time do they have How much money they have to spend

Purpose of the meal e.g. quick bite, business lunch Their tastes and style influenced by fashion
Where they come from? Do they have special dietary needs?

Linked to cost of food

Represent value for money for the customer Predict what items they will buy and how much they will spend Complete task on page 169 work out the average food cost

1.20 0.80 1.40 2.75 2.50 2.90 11.55 divided by 6 (dishes) = 1.93 (1.925)

Possible to get most ingredients at any time

Seasonal ingredients are more plentiful and cheaper

Out of season freshness and cost, financial and to the environment food miles

Customers seasonal menu expectations

Complete task on p. 170 (worksheet 63)

Create a seasonal table d'hte menu

Only select dishes for your menu that the kitchen can produce If the space or equipment is not available then the menu items should be removed


Numbers Availability Skills of the brigade ability and experience

Provides a means of communication

Establish the essential and social needs of the customer

Accurately predict what the customer is likely to buy and how much he or she is going to spend
Purchase and prepare raw materials to preset standards in accordance with predictions and purchasing specifications

Skilfully portion and cost the product in order to stay profitable

Effectively control complete operation from purchase to service on the plate

Customer satisfaction is all-important: remember who pays the bill!

Description of ingredients MUST BE true and accurate e.g. British, home-made, fresh Prices must be accurate Any additional charge should be included in the menu price or clearly stated - e.g. Service Charge Dishes containing genetically modified(GM) soya / maize must be clearly labelled

Price Marking (Food and Drink on Premises) Order 1979 Consumer Protection Act 1987 Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 Sale of Goods Act 1979 Trade Descriptions Act 1968 Food and Safety Act 1990

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