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How does technology evolution cause
political, social and environmental
Does technological development
provide more positive or negative
effects on the world?
Technological evolution causes political, social and
environmental changes. There is a direct correlation
between development of technology and changes in history.

Technology allows humans to conquer their world; this

causes evolution as cultures, ideas,
people, but physical landscapes are destroyed. Also,
technology allows humans to thrive and become more
successful in their own society.
Stages of technological
According to Richta and later Bloomfield,[1][2]
technology evolves in three stages:

 Tools
 Machine
 Automation.

^ Bloomfield, Masse. Mankind In Transition; A View of the Distant Past, the Present and the Far
Future, Masefield Books, 1993.
^ Bloomfield, Masse. The Automated Society, Masefield Books, 1995.
This evolution follows two trends:

 The replacement of physical labour with more

efficient mental labour, and

 More control over natural environment. (including an

ability to transform raw materials into ever more complex
and flexible products.)

^ Bloomfield, Masse. Mankind In Transition; A View of the Distant Past, the Present and the Far Future,
Masefield Books, 1993.
^ Bloomfield, Masse. The Automated Society, Masefield Books, 1995.
 There was a pre-technological period, was a non- rational
period of the early prehistoric man.
First (1st) Stage of
technological development
 The first technological stage was the creation of a
TOOL. This provides a mechanical advantage in
accomplishing a physical task, and must be powered by
human or animal effort.
Evidence 1: Explain why these tools were so
important for human and technology evolution.

 Hammer ,
 Knife,
 Plow,
Second (2nd) Stage of
technological development
The creation of the MACHINE
 For Example:
Evidence 2:
a. Read the article and identify the
definition, main characteristics and types of
machines. >>MACHINES<<

b. Watch the video:

1. Before industrial revolution – Read the
transcription, complete the chart and practice
Third (3rd) Stage of
technological development
 The third, and final stage of technological
evolution is the AUTOMATION.

The automation is a machine that removes the element of

human control with control systems and information
technologies to optimize productivity in the production of
goods and delivery of services.
For Example: a.

They can be:

 Automatic
 Semi-automatic

Can you identify them??

 Digital Watch
b. d.
 Coffee Machine
 Semaphore
 Smart phone
 Pace maker
 ATM e. f.
UNIT WRAP-UP: Watch the video about Evolution of
technology and discuss your ideas with the class:

Assignment :
½ crosswise,
short sized bondpaper

1. The Greatest Invention I am Most Thankful

2. The Ingenuity of the Human Mind

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