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Name__________________________________ Group: ______

Date: ______________________________________ (3 pts)

Test Unit 8.1 Total:

____ / 50 _____ %
Part #1 Match each word with the correct definition. (8 pts)
____ 1. A conflict against the forces of nature. A. Protagonist
____ 2. Struggle with a force within one’s self. B. Internal
____ 3. A conflict between two characters. C. Antagonist
____ 4. Works against the main character. D. Character vs Nature
____ 5. The main character in the story. E. Character vs Society
____ 6. A conflict with the mind or heart. F. Character vs Character
____ 7. A conflict against the laws or ideas. G. External
____ 8. Struggle with a force outside one’s self. H. Character vs Self

Part #2 Determine the protagonist, antagonist, and type of conflict. (9 pts)

Scott Martin is having a rough year. After a serious car accident, Scott was left in a wheelchair.
Now he has sunk into a deep depression. He is no longer interested in hanging out with his friends
and he feels like a burden everywhere he goes. His friends and family are planning an intervention
to show Scott how much he means to them, but it's going to take a lot to get through to him. Will
Scott realize that life is a gift and that he can still make a difference?

Protagonist:____________________ Antagonist: ______________________

Type of Conflict: ______________________________________________________
When Diego and his buddies accept a dare to stay in an old abandoned house, they knew that it
would be scary, but they had no idea just how scary it would be. As his friends begin disappearing
one by one, Diego learns that the house is not abandoned at all but inhabited by a vampire. Diego
no longer cares about spending the night in the house. All he cares about now is getting out alive.
Will he escape or be a vampire's lunch?

Protagonist:____________________ Antagonist: ______________________

Type of Conflict: ______________________________________________________
Annie and her family live on a farm in rural Kansas. When a huge storm rolls in suddenly, she and
her family must retreat to the shelter, but all the animals are out grazing. Worse still, a tornado has
been spotted in their area. Will Annie and her family be able to rustle the livestock into the barn in

Protagonist:____________________ Antagonist: ______________________

Type of Conflict: ______________________________________________________
Name__________________________________ Group: ______
Date: ______________________________________ (3 pts)

Test Unit 8.1 Total:

____ / 50 _____ %
Part #1 Match each word with the correct definition. (8 pts)
.____ 1. A conflict against the laws or ideas. A. Character vs Nature
____ 2. A conflict with the mind or heart. B. Antagonist
____ 3. Struggle with a force outside one’s self. C. External
____ 4. A conflict against the forces of nature. D. Character vs Self
____ 5. Struggle with a force within one’s self. E. Internal
____ 6. The main character in the story. F. Protagonist
____ 7. Works against the main character. G. Character vs Character
____ 8. A conflict between two characters. H. Character vs Society

Part #2 Determine the protagonist, antagonist, and type of conflict. (9 pts)

When Diego and his buddies accept a dare to stay in an old abandoned house, they knew that it
would be scary, but they had no idea just how scary it would be. As his friends begin disappearing
one by one, Diego learns that the house is not abandoned at all but inhabited by a vampire. Diego
no longer cares about spending the night in the house. All he cares about now is getting out alive.
Will he escape or be a vampire's lunch?

Protagonist:____________________ Antagonist: ______________________

Type of Conflict: ______________________________________________________
Annie and her family live on a farm in rural Kansas. When a huge storm rolls in suddenly, she and
her family must retreat to the shelter, but all the animals are out grazing. Worse still, a tornado has
been spotted in their area. Will Annie and her family be able to rustle the livestock into the barn in

Protagonist:____________________ Antagonist: ______________________

Type of Conflict: ______________________________________________________
Scott Martin is having a rough year. After a serious car accident, Scott was left in a wheelchair.
Now he has sunk into a deep depression. He is no longer interested in hanging out with his friends
and he feels like a burden everywhere he goes. His friends and family are planning an intervention
to show Scott how much he means to them, but it's going to take a lot to get through to him. Will
Scott realize that life is a gift and that he can still make a difference?

Protagonist:____________________ Antagonist: ______________________

Type of Conflict: ______________________________________________________
Part # 3 Classify the statements according to its conflict. Write the (18 pts)
abbreviation on the line next to the number.
___ 1. Brandon did not want to get involved in the struggle of civil rights.
___ 2. Patrick is unsure if he should choose the red team or the blue team.
___ 3. Two women argue about who was next in the line.
___ 4. Ronnie fights to keep the boat afloat during the storm. vs:
___ 5. Mike was frustrated for forgetting his glasses at home.
Character (CC)
___ 6. Sarah broke the law by running the red light. Nature (CN)
Society (CS)
___ 7. A family is stranded in a snowstorm. Self (CHS)
___ 8. Karla knows she has a test, but she is watching Netflix.
___ 9. The community was upset at the politicians for not improving the park.
___ 10. John competes against Ramon for the first prize of the science fair.
___ 11. Amanda was chased by a herd of coyotes.
___ 12. The couple is vacationing on an island with an erupting volcano.
___ 13. Maria is afraid of spiders.
___ 14. Two chef disagree on which plate to serve on the restaurant opening.
___ 15. One man struggles with envy towards the man by the window.
___ 16. Sam debates whether to admit he broke the jar or blame his sister.
___ 17. The student was disappointed for not passing the test.
___ 18. A group of hunters must find a way to escape the fierce winds.
Part # 4 Write one example for each type of conflict. *Remember to use a capital letter at the
beginning and punctuation mark at the end. (12 pts)
CN - ________________________________________________________________

CHS - ________________________________________________________________

CS - _________________________________________________________________

CC - _________________________________________________________________
Part # 3 Classify the statements according to its conflict. Write the (18 pts)
abbreviation on the line next to the number.
___ 1. Sarah broke the law by running the red light.
___ 2. Amanda was chased by a herd of coyotes.
___ 3. The couple is vacationing on an island with an erupting volcano.
___ 4. Ronnie fights to keep the boat afloat during the storm.
Character vs:
___ 5. Maria is afraid of spiders. Character (CC)
Nature (CN)
___ 6. A family is stranded in a snowstorm. Society (CS)
Self (CHS)
___ 7. Two women argue about who was next in the line.
___ 8. Sam debates whether to admit he broke the jar or blame his sister.
___ 9. Two chef disagree on which plate to serve on the restaurant opening.
___ 10. Mike was frustrated for forgetting his glasses at home.
___ 11. One man struggles with envy towards the man by the window.
___ 12. A group of hunters must find a way to escape the fierce winds
___ 13. Brandon did not want to get involved in the struggle of civil rights.
___ 14. John competes against Ramon for the first prize of the science fair.
___ 15. Patrick is unsure if he should choose the red or the blue team.
___ 16. The city was upset at the politicians for not improving the parks.
___ 17. The student was disappointed for not passing the test.
___ 18. Karla knows she has a test, but she is watching Netflix.
Part # 4 Write one example for each type of conflict. *Remember to use a capital letter at the
beginning and punctuation mark at the end. (12 pts)
CC - ________________________________________________________________

CS - ________________________________________________________________

CN - _________________________________________________________________

CHS - ________________________________________________________________

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