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Name: ____________________ Date: _____________________

Review for Test Monday

November 13, 2023

Part # 1 Match each word with the correct definition.

____ 1. A conflict with the mind or heart.

____ 2. Works against the main character. A. External

B. Character vs Society
____ 3. A conflict against the forces of nature. C. Protagonist
D. Character vs Self
____ 4. Struggle with a force outside one’s self. E. Internal
F. Antagonist
G. Character vs Nature
____ 5. A conflict against the laws or ideas. H. Character vs Character

____ 6. The main character in the story.

____ 7. A conflict between two characters.

____ 8. Struggle with a force within one’s self.

Part # 2 Write one example for each type of conflict. *Remember to use a complete
sentence and demonstrate the use of capital letter at the beginning and punctuation
mark at the end. Also your sentence has to do with the type of conflict.

CC – _________________________________________________________________

CN – ________________________________________________________________

CS – _________________________________________________________________

CHS - ________________________________________________________________
Part # 3 Classify the statements according to its conflict. Write the abbreviation on the line
next to the number.

Character vs Character (CC)

Character vs Nature (CN)
Character vs Society (CS)
Character vs Him/Herself (CHS).

____ 1. A child wants to eat the whole candy bar, but he has a lot of cavities.

____ 2. The family struggled to get home with the heavy rain.

____ 3. Ana competes with María in the big race.

____ 4. Two men argued over the same parking spot.

____ 5. The new home owners were upset of the maintenance fee increase.

____ 6. Adam is afraid of closed spaces.

____ 7. An eskimo must fish in extreme cold to feed his baby.

____ 8. The people protest against the government because of the taxes.

Part # 4 Read the description of the story. Determine the protagonist and antagonist.
Write the type of conflict described.

After years of saving money, John bought his dream house. It was a two-story
beach house in a secluded area. John thought it was absolutely perfect, until he notices the
termites. First there was just a few, nibbling away at the back deck, but soon there were
thousands. This is the story of how John went through war with the termites, a war that he
eventually won, but one that cost him his dream house.

Protagonist: ______________________ Antagonist: ________________________

Type of conflict: _______________________________________________________

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