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What is Positive Peace and How Does it

Impact Communities?
It is not often that we get a chance to really
get to grips with what positive peace
means, to reflect on how it is used and to
understand how the different communities
involved in peace work define and pursue
the goals of positive peace.
What is positive peace? It’s a term familiar to all of us
who have been working in the field of peacebuilding,
whether as academics and researchers, policy makers,
or field workers and activists.
It is not often, however frequently we use the term, that
we get a chance to really get to grips with what positive
peace means, to reflect on how it is used and to
understand how the different communities involved in
peace work define and pursue the goals of positive
Poster Making: Collaborative
poster making
Theme:”Education is the best
weapon for peace”
Poster Making: Collaborative
poster making
Theme:”Education is the best
weapon for peace”

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