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Why do we fall ill

Biology project
By-Yatharth Singh IX-C
What are diseases
• It is a condition of the living
animal or plant body or of one
of its parts that impairs normal
functioning and is typically
manifested by distinguishing
signs and symptoms
What is health ?
• Health is a state of complete
physical mental and social well-
being. It's not only the absence of
disease. ​A person is said to be
healthy when he/she is free of any
type of disease
(infectious/deficiency) when he/she
is mentally happy and healthy.
• Infectious diseases are
caused by pathogenic
microorganism such as
bacteria's, viruses, fungi or
parasites. They can spread
from persons to persons
through contaminated food
or water or via vectors like
mosquitoes .
• Non-infectious diseases
are not caused by
pathogens and therefore
cannot be spread from one
person to another. Instead,
non-infectious diseases are
caused by factors such as
genetics, malnutrition,
environment and lifestyle.
What is an Immune
system and how it
protects us?

• The immune system is a

complex network of organs,
cells and proteins that defends
the body against infection,
whilst protecting the body's
own cells. The immune system
keeps a record of every germ
(microbe) it has ever defeated
so it can recognize and destroy
the microbe quickly if it enters
the body again.
Prevention measures
for diseases
• Hygienic conditions should be maintained
in the surroundings we live in. There
should be limited exposure to airborne
microbes by providing not so crowded
living conditions.
• Safe drinking water should be provided to
prevent water-borne diseases.
• Provide a clean environment which
prevents the breeding of mosquitoes. This
prevents the spread of vector-borne
What are
• Antibodies are proteins that
protect you when an unwanted
substance enters your body.
Produced by your immune
system, antibodies bind to
these unwanted substances in
order to eliminate them from
your system.
What are
vaccines ?
• Vaccination is the
injection of a dead
or weakened
organism that forms
immunity against
that organism in the

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