Tropical Evergreen Forest

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Tropical evergreen forest

What are tropical evergreen forest

Tropical evergreen forest are dense,multi-layered forests that comprise
several kinds of fauna and flora.
• These forests are found in the region having heavy rainfall.
• These forests are found on the western slopes of the Western Ghats.
Characteristics of tropical forest
• In the tropical evergreen forests, the trees do not shed their leaves
altogether, as there is no specific dry season in the regions where they
are found.
• In the tropical evergreen forests, the canopies are so thick that they
do not permit the sunlight to pass through.
• The soil in tropical evergreen forests has low nutrients levels as there
is continuous rainfall which cause the nutrients to flow of with the
Features of tropical evergreen forest..
• There are no season and a hot or humid atmosphere is found here
• The forests have a dense canopy here and sunlight does not reach the
• The temperature is almost the same the whole year and never comes
below 20°C and exceeds 35°C rarely.
• Tropical evergreen forests are usually in areas with more than 200 cm
of rainfall.
The differences between forest and
agriculture land and their needs...
• The conversion of forest into agricultural land is a process that
involves the clearing of trees and other foliage to make way for
husbandry conditioning. This process has been passing for centuries,
and it continues to this day. The need for agricultural land arises from
the growing demand for food as the world’s population increases.
• One of the main differences between forest and agriculture land is
their ecological function. Forest are home to a different range of
animals and species, and they play a pivotal part in regulating the
Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Agricultural land, on the other hand, is primarily used for growing
crops or raising cattles to produce food.
Changes in land, agriculture and industry has
affected the forest..
• Cutting down the tress for establishing industries and factories leads
to deforestation.
• Deforestation leads to the loss of habitats, which can lead to species
extinction and can have a domino effect on the entire ecosystem. The
removal of trees can also lead to soil degradation, which can reduce
the capacity of the land to store carbon, exacerbating climate change

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