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Unit 2: System Analysis and


Prepared and presented by,

Ganesha Pandian N
• Case tools
• System flow chart
• Decision table
• Data flow diagram (DFD)
• Entity relationship (ER)
• Object oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
• UML diagram

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System analysis

• Process of gathering and interpreting

facts, diagnosing problems and using the

information to recommend

improvements to the system

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System design
• Process of planning a new system or one to
replace or complement an existing system.

• Process by which system analyst, software

engineer and programmers build the system –
system development life cycle (SDLC)

• The main objective of system analysis – to

understand current system – and to determine
importance, complexity and scope of problems.
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Problems/ Issues
1. Paper work bottlenecks/ lack of systematic procedures

2. Delay in loan approval process

3. Lack of standardized procedures

4. Delay in passing purchasing orders

Above listed are some examples of problem in system

This cause firm to lose customers and business

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Process of system analysis
• It is important for the system analyst to:
1. Collect information about procedures and
information needs
2. Interviews, questionnaires and work samples
3. Work distribution analyses
4. Systems and procedures analysis
Methods of collecting information about current

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Tools for information requirement
1. Interviewing

2. Questionnaires

3. Brainstorming

4. JAD (Joint application

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Approaches in system design
• 2 types of approaches in system The tools for structured approaches
design as follows:

1. Structured approach 3. Data flow diagram (DFD)

2. Unstructured approach 4. Structure diagram/structure


5. Decision table

6. Decision tree

7. Entity relationship

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System design
• Consists of both logical design and physical design
and system specification

1. Logical system design:

- involves developing general specifications

- Basic information system activities of input,

processing, output, storage and control

- meet end user requirements – feasibility study

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Contd… 9
2. Physical system design:

- involves the detailed design of user interface

methods and products, database structures and
processing & control procedures

- Knowledge of business operations,

information processing and hardware and software
– to specify the physical design.

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Diagrammatic representation of
system design

User interface Process

Data Design
design design

Screen, form, report and Data element Program and

dialogue design Structure design Procedure design

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System specifications

1. User interface specifications

2. Database specifications

3. Software specifications

4. Network and hardware specifications

5. Personnel specifications
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Phases of system development

1. Conceptualize, clarify, document and

communicate the activities and resources

2. Analyze the present business operations,

management decision making and information

3. Propose and design new or improved information

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System flow chart
1. Terminal - start or stop action here

2. Input/ Output – Take input variables and print output

3. Process - Operational action

4. Entry connector

5. Decision symbol – if condition and 2 paths

No Contd…
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6. Flow lines

7. Connector (transfer)

Additional flow chart symbols

Printed Documents – Produced in hard copy

Display – Displayed on monitor

Keyed Input – Input using keyboard, touch point or mouse

Manual Input – using input device or manual operations

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Offline storage – data stored in hard disks like offline devices

Online storage – data stored in online devices

Auxiliary operation – operation performed by machine

Magnetic tape – storage data device

Magnetic disk – magnetic disk storage device

Communication Links – data transmissions from

one location to another location
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Annotation – Additional explanatory notes

Pre-defined process – group of operations from a

separate module

Merge – Combines two or more set of items

Extract – process that separate one or more specific

set of items

Sort – process that arrange – set of items in sequence

Collate- perform both merge and extract operations

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Rules for drawing flow chart
1. First formulate the main line of logic
2. Maintain consistent level of detail
3. Do not give every detail
4. Be consistent in use of names and variables
5. Words – should be easy to understand
6. Flow from left to right or top to bottom
7. Flow chart – should be simple as possible
8. Use connectors appropriately
9. Check the logic and completeness of flow chart

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• Advantages: • Disadvantages:

1. Convey better 1. Takes more time

meaning 2. Difficult to make
2. Effective joining changes
of part into system3. Non-standardized

3. Efficient coding
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Example for flow chart diagram –
Addition function

Input x


Print Z


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Decision table
• Matrix representation of the logic of a decision

• Decision possible conditions and resulting actions

Decision table – table of contingencies for defining a

problem and action to be taken

Parts of decision table

1. Stub – 1. Condition stub and 2. Action stub

2. Entry – 1. Condition entry and 2. Action entry

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Example for decision table
• Eligibility check of student

First class Indian
If age below 10th
Course A

Then Course B Y N Y

Action Entry
Action stub
Condition stub Condition Entry

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Types of decision table

1. Limited entry form – 2 possible states

2. Extended entry form – more than 2


3. Else form – all other possibilities

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Creating decision table

1. Name conditions and values that each condition can assume

2. Name all possible actions that can occur

3. List all possible rules

4. Define actions for each rule

5. Simplify decision table

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• Advantages: • Disadvantages:

1. Easier to draw 1. Not easily translated into

computer programs
2. Compactness (replacing flow
chart) 2. Do not scale up (not
3. Easy to understand, analyze and

4. Logically complete and


5. Better way of communication

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Data flow diagram (DFD)

• DFD – a graphical representation of the

flow of data through information system

• Visualization of data processing

• It aims to capture the transformations that

take place within a system

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Elements of Data flow diagrams

1. Process - - transformation of data into information

2. Data flow - - Flow from one step to another step

3. External entity - - Send or receive data from external entity

4. Data stores - - Inventory of data / database

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Levels of data flow diagram
1. Context diagram: outlines the information system

- Highest level in the data flow diagram, contains only

one process – representing the entire system.

2. 0-level diagram: detailed process of information system

– more process at this level – difficult to understand

3. Level 1 diagram: next level of 0 level diagram –

decomposed and simplified, more explicit version.
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Logical data flow diagram
• Concentrates on logical flow of data from one to end to
another end of a system

Delivery note Check Accepted note

delivery Update
note inventory
against file

Rejected note
Order file Inventory
data base

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Physical data flow diagram
• Implementation dependent
• Depicts the physical flow of data in the existing system

Delivery note Accepted note

Checking Store
Supplier clerk clerk

Rejected note
Order file Inventory
data base

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Steps to develop data flow diagram
1. Make a list of business activities

2. Create a context diagram

3. Draw zero level diagram

4. Create a child diagram of zero level diagram

5. Check the errors

6. Develop logical and physical flow data diagrams

7. Partition the physical flow diagram

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DFD (Data flow diagram) rules
1. Process:

-no process can have only inputs

-no process can have only outputs

-A process has a verb phrase label

2. Data source:

-Data must be moved by a process

-Data cannot move directly from one data store to another

-Data store has a noun phrase label

3. Source/sink:

-Data cannot move directly from source to sink

-source/sink has a noun phrase label

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4. Data flow:
- Data flow has only one direction or may be both directions

- Fork in data flow : same data flow to different locations

- Join in data flow: different sources to same location

- Data flow can’t go directly to the same process it leaves

- Data flow to data store ; “Update of data”
- Data flow from data store; “retrieve or use of data”
- Data flow has a noun phrase label
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• Advantages: • Disadvantages:

1. Early implementation 1. Imprecise

2. Study independence 2. Absence of control aspects

3. Analysis 3. Highly subjective

4. Tool for communication

5. Reduce costs

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Entity – Relationship diagram
• ER model – proposed by peter in 1976 – to unify the
network and relational database views

• ER diagram or (data map) – another means of capturing

the data and their organization

- represents the interrelationships of the database


- relationship between table (relation) and ER diagram

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Objectives of Entity-relationship

1. Straight forward relational representation

2. Easy conversion of ER to other data model

3. Graphical representation – better


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Notions for Entity – relationship diagram

1. Entity - an entity is an object or concept – store


2.Weak Entity - a weak entity is dependent on another entity

to exist

3. Attributes: attributes are properties or characteristics

of an entity

4. Key attributes: unique, distinguishing characteristic

of the entity

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Multi valued attribute – can have more than one value

Derived attribute – a derived attribute based on

another attribute

Illustrates how two entities store information in the

database structure

Weak relationship - to connect a weak entity with others

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- Mandatory one cardinality

- Optional one cardinality

- Mandatory many cardinality

- Optional Many cardinality

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Components of ER diagram
• 3 primary components:

1. Entity – object that exists distinguishable from others

2. Attributes – Each entity has particular properties

3. Relationships – links various components in ER diagrams

(1) one to one (2) one to many (3) many to many

Example of ER diagram and data flow diagram

Admission management system in an educational system

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CASE tools
(Computer Aided Software Engineering)
- Case tools - generic term – to denote automated
support associated with the software development

- Supports the development, verification, maintenance

and evolution of processes and artifacts

- CASE tools – software programs – designed to assist

the programmers with the complexity of process
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Reasons for using CASE tools
1. To increase analyst’s productivity 6. Reduce development time of
2. Facilitate communication among
analysts and users 7. Develop better quality complex
3. Providing continuity between life
cycle phases 8. Create good quality of
4. To assess the impact of
maintenance 9. Maintenance and controllable
system – can be created
5. Cost reduction – automation of
repetitive tasks

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Characteristics of CASE tools

1. Standard methodology

2. Flexibility

3. Strong integration

4. Integration with testing software

5. Support for reverse engineering

6. On-line help
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Different classes of tools in SDLC
• Fischer and Mc Clare list – tools of an organization’s functional
for each classes based on the requirements
8. Lower CASE tools – used to
1. Analysis, design and generate computer source
specification tools code, eliminating need for
2. Data modeling tools
9. Documentation tools
3. Prototyping tools
10. Inter phase design tools
4. Coding tools
11. Database management tools
5. Testing tools
12. Quality assurance tools
6. Implementation tools
13. Visual and emerging
7. Upper CASE tools – modeling development tools

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Architecture of CASE environment
1. User interface layer – standardized interface toolkit

2. Tools layer – incorporates set of tools management services

(TMS) with the CASE tools

3. Object Management Layer (OML) – performs the

configuration management function

4. Shared repository layer – access control functions that

enable the object management layer to interact with the
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• Advantages: • Disadvantages:

1. Easy revision of system 1. Absence of standard

description and graphic levels of methodology
2. Limited functions
2. Support of system supported
3. Conflicted use of
3. Capability of producing diagrams
working source code
4. Human tasks remains
4. Provide maintenance critical
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Object oriented analysis and design
• OOAD – software engineering approach – models a system
as a group of interacting objects
• OOAD - real world entities in terms of objects having
attributes and events that change the state of objects
• OOD – process of planning a system of interacting objects –
purpose of solving a software problem
• OOA – applies object modeling techniques to analyze the
functional requirement for a system
• What is an object?
An object contains encapsulated data and procedures
grouped together to represent an entity
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Object oriented concepts
• 6 basic concepts of OOD

1. Class – a blueprint to create objects (includes attributes and methods)

2. Object – represents a tangible real world entity

3. Information hiding – The ability to protect some components of objects

from external entities

4. Inheritance – the ability for a class to extend or over ride functionality of

another class (sub class)

5. Interface – the ability to defer the implementation of a method

6. Polymorphism – the ability to take more than one form (different

behavior in different instances)

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OOA (Object oriented Analysis)
• New analysis method that integrates data and processes.

• Used for 2 purposes:

1. Used to study existing system objects and analyze the reusability of

those objects for proposal system

2. Defines new/ modified object that will be combined with existing

objects into a useful business application

Definition: According to Booch “OOA is a method of analysis that

examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and
objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain”.
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Activities in OOA
• OOA techniques used in 3 main things:

1. Study existing objects

2. Define new or modified objects

3. Define responsibilities or operations for

each object

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Object Oriented Design (OOD)
• Refers to the objects that make up that business

Designing concepts:

1. Defining objects, creating class diagram from conceptual diagram

2. Identifying attributes

3. Use design pattern

4. Define application framework

5. Identify persistent objects/data

6. Identify and define remote objects

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• Inputs - OOD • Output – OOD

1. Conceptual model 1. Sequence diagram

2. Use CASE 2. Class diagram

3. System sequence diagram

4. User interface diagram

5. Relational data model

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Advantages or benefits
1. Fosters the use of modern software engineering methodologies
2. It promotes and facilitates software re-usability
3. Facilitates inter-operability
4. Produces solutions that resemble real world problems
5. Facilitates modification, extension and maintenance of software
6. Reduces problems faces
7. Improves traceability of the system
8. Results in smooth transition between analysis, design and
9. Reduces the overall time taken to develop the system
10. Improves the quality of the system
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Process of OOAD
• 3 reasons for using OOAD are:

1. The analysis model is not formal enough to be

implemented directly in an programming language

2. The analysis model has to be transformed to design


3. The analysis results can be validated using object

oriented design

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Unified modeling Language (UML)

• UML (Unified modeling Language) – visual modeling

language for modeling system requirement

• Developed by Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh and Ivars

Jacobsons at Rational software corp.

• Borrows concepts from other methodologies and is

tailored specifically for OOD Contd…

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• UML defines a number of graphical views that

provide different perspective of the system under


• UML – one can build “basic building blocks” –

classes, interfaces, collaborations, components,

nodes, dependencies, generalizations and associations

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UML’s basic building blocks
• -encompasses two kinds of building blocks

1. Things 2. Relationships
Things: abstractions – first class citizens in a model
a. Structural things: static parts a model; representing elements that are
either conceptual or physical
Structural things – “Classifiers”
Size 1. Class – set of objects or instances

<<Interface>> 2. Interface – set of operations


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3. Collaboration – defines interaction between
objects or elements

4. Use case: description of sequence of action,

perform by a system for a specific goal

5. Components: describes the physical part of a system

Server 6. Node: physical element (i.e.) exist at run time

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b. Behavioral things

1. Interaction – comprises a set of messages exchange among elements

accomplish a specific task

2. State Machine – specifies the sequence of states an object or interaction

goes through during its lifetime

c. Grouping things: these are the boxes into which a model can be

decomposed Package

d. Annotational thing: basic object oriented building blocks of the UML.

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2. Relationships: tie things together

a. Dependency – relationship between two models elements

one depends on another (independent) Dependency

b. Association – basically a set of links that connects elements of UML

Employer Employee

c. Generalization – defined as a relationship which connects a specialized

element with a generalized element

d. Realization – relationship in which 2 elements are connected

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UML diagram

• Graphical representation of a set of elements –

connected graph of vertices (things) and paths


Types of UML diagram:

2 types of UML diagram – 1. structural diagram 2.

behavioral diagram
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1. Structural diagram
- To visualize , specify, construct and document the static aspect of a

a. Class diagram – to show the existence of classes and their relationship

in the logical design of a system – includes a concept called cardinality

b. Object diagram – graph of instances that are compatible with a given

class diagram

c. Component diagram – different in terms of nature and behavior -

physical aspects of a system – to visualize the organization and
relationships among components in a system

d. Deployment diagram – shows how the finished system will be deployed

on one or more machines
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2. Behavioral diagram
- To visualize, specify, construct and document the
dynamic aspect of a system

1. Use case diagram – present a graphical overview

of the functionality provided by a system, in terms
of actors and their goals

- Case diagram depicts 1. Use cases 2. Actors 3.

Associations 4. System boundary boxes
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Types of Interaction diagram
1. Sequence diagram – shows interaction between
objects. But employee links rather than sequence

2. Collaboration diagram – interaction diagram that

emphasize the relationship of objects rather than
sequential progression

3. State chart diagram – describe the dynamic behavior of

an individual objects as a number of states and
transition between states Contd…
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4. Activity diagram – special kind of a state chart diagram that shows
the flow from activity to activity within a system
Initial activity



Input signal

Output signal

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5. Concurrent Activities; occur simultaneously or in parallel

6. Final activity – end of activity – bull’s eye diagram

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The End

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