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I. Rationale:

 What are the Educational Gap?

In the last 18 months, students have adapted to new ways of learning–
including switching between virtual and hybrid learning models on the fly.
During this time,many learners experienced significant disruptions in their
curriculum –such as schedule changes, glitchy technology, midyear teacher
replacements, and at-home distractions. Unfortunately these disruptions have
led to may students experiencing learning loss and learning gaps in their
I. Rationale

Although school district and teachers did their best to protect their students
and provide adequate distance learning environments, a research reports the
impact of the pandemic on K – 12 learning left students an average of five
months behind in mathematics and four months behind in reading by the end of
the 2020 – 2021 school year. Whats more, about the report shows that pre-existing
educational inequalitites were widened, as low income schools with fewer
resources felt the effects of this transition the most.
As we approach the second half of the 2020 -2021 school year, we are now
realizing the long –lasting effects that learning gaps have had on our students –
and it’s important to help bring them back up to speed while caring for
ourselves, too. Making changes to a learning environment affects both students
and educators, so let’s pause before consediring any hard and fast solutions.
I. Rationale

Moving forward, educators should keep listening closely and look at what others
are doing, so we can collaborate on finding ways to address this learning gap and avoid
further learning losses – which could include getting creative with the resources we
have, experimenting with new solutions, and learning from our fellow educators.
For us, as a school administrator in the near future, we are fully oriented this
learning gaps because this is very evident in our current situation. If I/you will be the
administrator,the question is, How can we address this learning gaps in education?
What are the programmes, actions, and solutions needed to be done in order to
achieve my objectives?
I. Rationale:

What is educational Manangement?

 Refers to the administration of the educational system in which a group
combines human and material resources to supervise,plan, strategies, and
implement structures to execute an education system.
A field which is concerned with operation of educational
organizations. It is the process of planning,organizing, and directing
activities in a school, effectively utilizing human and material
resources, in order to accomplish the school’s objectives.
I. Rationale:

What is the role of educational management for improving the

quality of education?
 The role of educational management for improving quality of education is
that, Education management involves the management of all processes of
education and technologies which are used in the process of learning in
order to improve the learning conditions of students. School improvement is
ensuring that students are provided with conducive learning conditions.
II. Schematic
Diagram The top 8 components of educational
(Theoritical Management
Framework) 5. Educational Co -
1. Educational
Planning ordination

2. Educational 6. Educational
Administration Supervision
Management 3. Educational 7. Educational
Organization Controlling

4. Educational 8. Educational
Direction Evaluation
1.Educational planning
 Being the first aspect in the scope of educational management, planning
implies a basic function that is how the aims and objectives to be realized.
Before launching upon a particular educational programme and
implementing it to the person or authority in – charge or at the helm of
affairs is required to take dicisions about the methods and strategies for
effectively and efficiently achieving the objectives. This means planning to be
done for mananging the total educational programme and for this, the basic
facts and figures, backgrounds, date and profile are necessary.
 A plan is conceptualized as a predetermined strategy, detailed skills or
programmes of action related to the achivement of an objectives. It implies
some kind of mental activity during the course or laying out a method of
achieving something.
1. Educational Planning

 As educational plan for making efforts to plan and bring deliberate change
stands in the system of education for achieving identified and relevant
objectives. Modern planning which are prevailing now and top most
necessity of the prevailing society needs to be democratic, scientific and
decentralized. There must be adequate participation of all concerned in the
planning process. The decisions which can affect others must be taken in
consultation with others.
1.Educational Planning

 “Grassroot Planning”
 Which means planning from the bottom,not from top. Decissions need be taken
from within not from without. Nothing should be emposed from top, but should
come from bottom.
In view of the objectives and size, the plans maybe long term, medium
term and short term. This kind of planning usually promotes high moral,
enthusiasm and motivation for work and sucession of the institutions or
1.Educational Planing

Nature and characteristics

1. Goals and objectives Principles:
1.Educational planning must be one aspects of
2. Teamwork general national planning.
3. Decision – Making 2. Research is planning based on system analysis.

4. Forecasting 3. Planning must be a continuous process.

4. Planning should be find a definite place in
5. Social and economical Goals educational organization.
6. Anticipation 5. Planning should take into consideration
resources and establish conditions of work.
7. Remedial measures
8. Choices of best alternatives
2. Educational Administration

Educational administration is another vital task of educational managements

so far its scope is concerned. It plays a vital role in making management of
every educational programme grand success. It is a specialized set of
organizational functions whose primary purpose is to ensure the efficient and
effective delivery of relevent educational services as well as implementation
of legislative policies through planning, decisions making and leadership
behaviour. This keeps an organisation to make focus on predetermined
objectives of the programme or system.
2. Educational Administration


1. Making all efforts and agencies work together in joint venture.

2. Assisting in the realization of the aims and objectives of education.
3. Rendering services to society in its progress of individuals.
4. Educational administration is concerned with diverse human beings, the teachers,
students, parents, and public and co- ordination of their efforts.
5. It is concerned with all those activities undertaken and fullest utilization of
resources for education.
2. Educational Administration

Scope Functions
To delegate authority and responsibility.
1. Production 1.

2. To strengthen local initiative and local control.

2. Assuring rubrics 3. To secure the greatest return from the money spent.
3. Finance and accounting 4. To secure the goodwill of personnel, public education
department and other social agencies and institutions.
4. Personnel, and 5. To implement a democratically determined programme.

5. Co - ordination 6. To determine policies and implement them.

7. To utilize special capacities of personnel and material
3.Educational Organisation

An organisation be defined as stable pattern of interaction, among conditions or

groups having a collective identity (a name and a location) pursuing interest and
achieving given tasks and co-ordinated through a system of authority. Orgnisations
are social units deliberately constructed and reconstructed to seek specific goals.
Here it is essential to mention that the educational organisations or institutions are
also considered as the social organisations. So schools, colleges, universities and
training institutions may well be considered as social organisations. Educational
organisations means two things; one is the Educational Institutions and the other is
Organisations of Resources.
3. Educational Organisation

Educational Resources Educational Institution

All types of resources meant for the educational The hierarchical structure of administration is
programme are organised or made available in an to be vested upon every person involve in the
organization or istitution for realizing the
educational objectives or goals that are prefixed.
programme. It is desirable to create the
Because poor organisation leads to wastage and bad feeling of involvement and to develop
outcomes. adequately various advisory and consultative
Any formal organisation has to be strengthened and services within the organisations. Here the
supported by informal network of personal contacts educational organisation means the school
and relation. There should be decentralisation of organisation.
facilities, delegation of powers and greater
autonomy among personel.
4. Educational Direction

It is esential that there must be an authority or an order or a policy

for providing direction to the management of every educational
programme and for taking decisions in solving the problems. For this
direction is necessary for giving leadership in order to implement the
programmes and carrying out the entire management.
Democratisation of management seeks to encourage the pride,
enjoyment and growth aming in the individuals working in the
organosations. Each individual must work according to his or her needs,
interest and capabilities.
5. Educational Co – ordination

For making smooth management of every educational

programme for resulting in adequate realization of its goals or
objectives, there is need for ensuring co – ordination and co –
operation among the multifarious resources. Through this
coordination all facilities will be unified and all services are
harmonized. So through this aspect of educational management
different kinds of resources especially human reseources have to
be interrelated or co – ordination for utilizing the resources
properly in an effectice manner.
6. Educational Supervision

Educational administration and supervision are now regarded as the total process of making any
educational programme a grand success. For this, there is the need of ensuring and maintaining good inter –
personal relationship between the administration and supervisor, the supervisor and teachers, teachers and
pupils, school and community etc.
Educational supervision is the means to co – ordinate stimulate and direct the growth of the teachers, to
stimulate and direct the growth of every individual pupil through the exercise of his talents towards the
achievement of richest goals.
In the modern perspective, educational supervision is an expert technical service primarily concerned
with studying and improving the conditions that surround learning and pupil growth. So educational
supervision is now conceived as process which has for its purpose for the general improvement of the total
teaching – learning situation.
6. Educational Supervision

1. It is creative and dynamic expert technical service.
2. It provides leadership with extra – knowledge and superior skills.
3. It promotes co – operative educational efforts in a friendly atmosphere.
4. It stimulates the continuous growth of a teachers and development of pupils.
5. It gives co – ordination, direction and guidance to teachers activities.
6. It helps in achievement of appropriate educational aims and objectives.
7. It improves instruction and the teaching – learning situation.
7. Educational Control

Controlling is exercised through proper technique that is the

evaluation. Controlling is not similar to evaluation but it is meant to fulfill
the purpose of evaluation. In order to fulfill the purposes of evaluation,
the techniques or control are the policies, the budget, auditing, time table,
curriculum, personal records etc.
Educational controlling involves the human elements in relation to the
management of an educational programme. Both men and women
involved in the educational programme should have to discharge their
duties efficiently and effectively by being controlled.
8. Educational Evaluation

Being the last but not the least aspect of educational management, educational evaluation is an integral
part of it as it determines the degree of realisation of educational objectives or goals as well as the
effectiveness of it; for this there must be evalution short – term or long – term, periodic or continuos and
fomal or informal.
This is necessary for bringing about improvement as desired in the management of educational
institutions in the light of past experiences that may be failure or success or both. It is also desirable that both
internal and external agencies need to be involved in evaluating the achievement and performance of the
individuals concerned with management.
Various system and sub systems should be assessed and reviewed from time to time. For this evaluation
of students achievement and teachers performance should be done in a comprehensive and continuous way.
8. Educational Evaluation

At last in the light above discussion on the scope of

educational management it can be strongly said that the
management of any educational programme will be meaningful
and successful if there will be proper co – ordination and
integration among its different aspects Are interrelated and
II. Schematic Diagram (Conceptual Framework)

Educational Direction
Educational Administration

Educational Evaluation
Planning - Management of every
- Aims and educational programme Co -
objectices are
to be realized. ordination
- Take decisions
Educational about the
method and
Management strategies for
Services effectivly and Educational Supervision
efficeintly Organisation
achiving the - Schools,
objectives. colleges,universities
, training institution Control
III. Identified gaps in the topic presented

The most identified educational gap is the learning gap. Most of the identified
learning gaps that students could experience are knowledge gaps, Skills gap, Motivation
gaps, environmental gaps and communication gaps. These learning gaps is very evident
specially in our current learning modality. Sadly, this pre-existing educational
inequalities were widened, as low – income schools with fewer resources felt the effects
of this educational problem the most.
To address this educational gap, collaboration of ideas in finding ways includes
getting creative with the resources we have, experimenting new solutions, enhancing
practices and strategies that would fit in addressing the problem, and learning from our
fellow educators would be a big help.
IV. Way forward
I believed that studying and understanding eah of the top 8
components is the way forward. This components would help us to accept
challenges and new solutions in finding ways to achieve educational plans
and objectives as part of the organisation.
A well –planed educational programmes (that is using the “Grassroot
Planning”) with a corresponding sufficient and efficient organisation and
resources would be the best way forward for my fellow educators in order to
achieve the goal of education. I truly believed that this would be a big helo
in addresing educational gap if this would taken seriously.
Thank you for listening

God bless everyone..😊❤

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