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Vinayak Sonthliwal
Aeronautic (Ar)
year 2

Airport police units are a security police agency assigned to

perform law enforcement functions at airports.

They provide a wide range of law enforcement duties and

responsibilities including patrol, investigation, traffic
flow management, and control and response to airport

Airport police provide enhanced safety to airport employees,

and to passengers.

Officers can be found at security gates, throughout the terminal

area, and around the airport’s perimeter
Airport Police Duties and Functions

•Enforce Airport Security Program • Serve Court Orders

•Enforce Federal and State Aviation Regulations • Obtain/Execute Arrest and Search Warrants
•Provide Public Service and Information • Testify in Court (State and Federal)
•Enforce Vehicular Traffic Regulations •Transport/Escort Prisoners
•Conduct Field Interviews on Suspicious Individuals •Animal Control/Wildlife Hazing
•Investigate Missing Persons/Intercept Runaway •Vehicle and Aircraft Impounds
Juveniles •Notification of Death Services
•Conduct Criminal and Non-Criminal Investigations •Assist with VIP Details/Vehicle Escorts in Restricted
• Aircraft, Industrial, Vehicular, Security, Criminal Areas
•Collect/Process/Preserve Evidence •Cooperative Task Forces and Special Duties as
•Conduct Interviews and Interrogations Assigned
•Develop Informants to aid in Criminal Investigation
•Write Police and Incident Reports
•Interact with and Assist Local/State/Federal Agencies
•Coordinate w/District Attorneys Office
The primary function of the Dog Unit is to patrol
Airport’s boundary.

Dog unit plays an integral part in the security and policing

of Airport.

They also provide assistance to their colleagues in the Airport Police Service with public
order situations and searches for persons.

is a highly skilled law enforcement agent who protects passengers and crew members from security threats
aboard a civil aircraft. Air marshals board domestic and international flights to ensure the safety of American
aviators and passengers.
Air rage is aggressive or violent behavior on the part of passengers and crew of aircraft,
especially during flight. Air rage generally covers both behavior of a passenger or crew
member that is likely caused by physiological or psychological stresses associated with
air travel, and when a passenger or crew member becomes unruly, angry, or violent on an
aircraft during a flight. Excessive consumption of alcohol is often a cause.

Extremely unruly passengers or crew members who must be

restrained are restrained using a variety of methods.

Sometimes a flight must be diverted to allow an aircraft to

dispose itself of the offender as soon as possible.

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