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Art Integration
Mathematics in Daily
• Mathematics is a methodical application of
matter. Mathematics makes our life orderly
and prevents chaos.
• Snails make their shells, spiders design their
webs, and bees build hexagonal combs.
There are countless examples of
mathematical patterns in nature’s fabric.
Anyone can be a mathematician if one is
given proper guidance and training.
• Mathematics is the cradle of all creations.
Be it a cook or a farmer, a carpenter or a
mechanic, a shopkeeper or a doctor
everyone needs mathematics in their day-
to-day life.
Mathematics and
• For physicists, Mathematics is a tool used to
answer questions. For example, Newton
invented calculus to help describe motion. For
mathematicians, physics can be a source of
inspiration, with theoretical concepts such as
general relativity and quantum theory
providing an impetus for mathematicians to
develop new tools.
• All the measurements in Physics need
Mathematics. The coefficient of linear
expansion of different metals, cubical
expansion of liquids, expansion of gases and
conversion of scales are a few to mention.
Mathematics and
• Mathematical biology aims at
the mathematical representation and
modeling of biological processes, using
techniques and tools of
applied mathematics.
• The Calorie and Nutritive values of food
articles are calculated using
• To find the rate of respiration and
transpiration we need the knowledge of
Mathematics and
• In Chemistry, all chemical combinations and
their equations are governed by certain
Mathematical laws. Also, Mathematics is the
foundation of all Engineering Sciences, including
IT. We know that Engineering Sciences deal with
surveying, lending, construction, estimation,
designing, measurement, calculation, drafting,
drawing etc.
• Periodic Table:-Everything in periodic table is
arranged by mathematical figures. For example:-
Atomic Number, Atomic Mass etc.
• Math is also used to calculate energy in
reactions, compression of a gas, grams needed
to add to a solution to reach desired
concentration, and quantities of reactants
needed to reach a desired product.
Mathematics and
• Mathematics permits economists to conduct
quantifiable tests and create models to predict
future economic activity. Advancements in
computing power, big data techniques, and
other advanced mathematics applications have
played a large part in making quantitative
methods a standard element of economics.
• Economic policy decisions are rarely made
without mathematical modeling to assess their
impact and new economics papers are rarely
published without some mathematics in them
Geography and
• Geography requires mathematical calculations
to find the distance of places,gradient of hills,
areas ,and heights of places. Places' location is
also given in terms of degrees and through
calculations the layout of areas can be
• The divisions or portions of geography that
need a mathematical background are:
(a.) Form and Shape of the Earth
(b.) Movements of the Earth and its immediate
gravitational and electromagnetic relations.
(c.) Elements of longitude and variables of time
Mathematics and Fine
• Many of the core skills in art and math are
closely related. Both disciplines require spatial
reasoning skills and the ability to recognize patterns.
Artists and mathematicians use geometry in their work
— including shapes, symmetry, proportion, and
• The Golden Ratio is a term used to describe how
elements within a piece of art can be placed in the most
aesthetically pleasing way. However, it is not merely a
term, it is an actual ratio, and it can be found in many
pieces of art.
• The golden ratio has been used by artists to locate
aesthetically pleasing areas to place our subjects and
distribute weight in our paintings. Another option is to
segment your painting into nine unequal sections using
the golden ratio. The ratio of the columns is 1: 0.618: 1.
Music and
• Music has fascinated mathematicians and
scientists, as a research subject, for
centuries. Conversely, musicians have
been attracted by the possibility of using
mathematics in fields such as composition
and analysis.
• Essentially, harmony is the combination of
musical sounds as perceived by the ear
and is analyzed in terms of math-based
concepts such as frequency, pitch, and
chord progression. Mathematics is also
deeply interwoven with the western
notion of musical scale. Take the ‘diatonic
scale,' for example. The diatonic scale is
the most used scale in Western music and
is most easily expressed as a series of
numeric ratio,
Cinematography is the art of motion-picture photography and filming electronically by
means of an image sensor.

Mathematics in
• A great deal of Mathematics goes into the work of
the cinematographer and their cameramen. Much
of this work has to do with the video camera itself,
which requires the use of math to choose the
appropriate aperture speeds, the location of focal
points, and to decide on the best camera angles for
a given shot
• Animators also use geometry to create characters
and backgrounds of various shapes and
sizes. Animators need a solid understanding of
geometry to make their drawings appear well-
represented on screen.
Mathematics and
• Mathematics is the fundamental tool
of aeronautical engineering. Whether modeling
shapes, designing on a computer, checking
stresses and strains, calculating fluid dynamics
or determining areas, math is the root of all
these activities.
• Lift is the fundamental concept of aviation, how
to calculate linear velocities and area. All of
these actions are very math-intensive.
• The heavier a plane is, the more lift is required
for flight. Math plays a vital role in determining
material strengths and their reactions to various
stresses and strains
Mathematics and
• One of the ubiquitous applications
of mathematics in medicine is the use
of probability and statistics in validating
the effectiveness of new drugs, or
procedures, or estimating the survival
rate of cancer patients undergoing
certain treatments.
• Doctors and nurses use math when they
write prescriptions or administer
medication. Medical professionals
use math when drawing up statistical
graphs for the success rates of
and Traveling

• Mathematics comes in handy

when traveling. Think of it: When
you travel, Mathematics comes along for
the ride--from estimating the amount of
fuel you'll need to planning out
a trip based on miles per hour and
distance traveled.
• Calculating fuel usage is crucial for long
distance travel.
Mathematics and
• Although not always realized, mathematics plays a very
important role in sports. Whether discussing a player's
statistics, a coach's formula for drafting certain players, or
even a judge score for a particular athlete, mathematics is
involved. Even concepts such as the likelihood of a
particular athlete or team winning, a mere case of
probability, and maintain equipment are mathematical in
• Mathematics in cricket is used to calculate the total number
of overs bowled by a bowling side by dividing the number of
times with the overs. It is also used to find the run rate of
the bowler (total number of runs conceded by a bowler per
one over of his career) by dividing the number of .

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