CH1 Listening 1...

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Lesson’s Answer 1 pt


1 Topic (50 words)

Yes, several times I have been in situations in which it got me crazy, for example one time with a teacher in class he made a baseball
field type on the blackboard and it depended on the strikes, the strikes were us, the teacher put our names and If someone got to the
first strike and another misbehaved, the first one was transferred to the second strike and the other was put to the first strike, and if
another misbehaved, the second was transferred to the third strike, the first to the second and the one who barely He got down badly,
went in for the first strike and when you got to the 4th strike you were already reported even though it wasn't your fault.

Although in several scenarios I had to try new things and I didn't want to, but later it gave me a positive change in attitude and I liked it.

I consider myself open-minded since I really like to learn new and different things from what I do on a daily basis to do different things
and then I get bored of following the same plan.

8 Sharing Experiences (100 words)

What a teacher could do to get us students interested in the topic is first of all to conduct a
class based on moving, what I mean by this is that they make them dynamic and that they
know how to approach the topics, Putting interesting titles or telling experiences from your life
that have to do with the topic to understand it better. Learning about myself is my way of
learning things, my tastes, what I dislike.
If you get to take English classes with a private tutor.
The place of the conference took my strengths as a student, that is, it started taking tests to
see what my strength was in English, I felt comfortable with the approach since it was dynamic,
that is, it made me speak and participate, I did well in the tests and exams that I took, and
thanks to those classes I now understand English very well.
It is not about memorizing it as is, it is about reading it in its entirety and thereby summarizing
it in your words and talking about it in a way that is interesting.
My type of study is visual, verbal and logical .

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