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2 Analysis of Forces
 Equilibrium:
 Unchanging state – state of balance
 Examples:
 Objects are at rest (stationary) relative to the
building are in equilibrium
 Objects within a train traveling at a constant
speed on a straight track, that are at rest
relative to the train, are in equilibrium
 If the train begin increasing or decreasing its
speed, the person standing in the aisle would
no longer be in equilibrium & might lose his
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3.2 Analysis of Forces
 Definition: an object is in equilibrium only if
each point of the object has the same constant
velocity (steady translation)
 The velocity must be measured relative to a
frame of reference in which Newton’s laws are
 A frame of reference fixed with respect to the
earth: inertial

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
 Assumption: objects in steady translation
relative to the earth can be assumed to be in
 Vector sum of external forces acting on an
object in equilibrium = 0:

F=0 (3.2)

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
 Free-Body Diagrams:
 Serves to focus attention on the object of
interest & helps identify the external forces
acting on it
 Also used in dynamics to study the motions of
 Drawing of an isolated or freed object & the
external forces acting on it

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
 Drawing a free-body diagram involves 3 steps:
1. Identify the object to isolate – the choice is
often dictated by particular forces you want
to determine
2. Draw a sketch of the object isolated from its
surroundings & show relevant dimensions &
3. Draw & label vectors representing all the
external forces acting on the isolated object
– don’t forget to include the gravitational force

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
A coordinate system is necessary to express
the forces on the isolated object in terms of
 E.g. to determine the tensions in the 2 cables:
 Isolate lower block & part of cable AB
 Indicate the external forces: W & T
 Introduce a coordinate system

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
Equilibrium equation:
F = TABj – Wj = (TAB  W)j = 0

Tension in cable AB is TAB = W

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
 Isolateupper block
 External forces: W, T

 Equilibrium equation:
F = TCDj – TABj – Wj
= (TCD – TAB  W)j = 0
Since TAB = W, TCD = 2W

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3.2 Analysis of Forces
 Alternatively, treat the 2
blocks & cable AB as a
single object:
 Equilibrium equation:

F = TCDj – Wj – Wj
= (TCD – 2W)j = 0
Again, TCD = 2W

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3.3 2-Dimensional Force Systems
 By orienting a coordinate system so that
external forces acting on an object lie in
the x-y plane:
F = (Fx)i + (Fy)j = 0
where Fx & Fy are the sums of the x & y
components of the forces
 A vector is zero only if each of its components is
zero  Scalar equilibrium equations:
Fx = 0, Fy = 0 (3.3)
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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object
For display at an automobile show, the 1440-kg car
in Fig. 3.1 is held in place on the inclined surface by
the horizontal cable from A to B. Determine the
tension that the cable (& the fixture to which it is
connected at B) must support. The car’s brakes are
not engaged, so the tires exert only normal forces
on the inclined surface.

Fig. 3.1
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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object

Since the car is in equilibrium, we can draw its
free-body diagram & use Eqs. (3.3) to determine
the forces exerted on the car by the cable & use
the inclined surface.

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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object

Draw the Free-Body Diagram:
Fig. 3.1
First, draw a free-body diagram of
the car isolated from its
Complete the free-body diagram
by showing the force exerted by
the car’s weight, the force T
exerted by the cable & the total
normal force N exerted on the
car’s tires by the inclined surface.
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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object

Apply the Equilibrium Equations:
Introduce a coordinate system & resolve the normal
force into x & y components:

Fx = T  N sin 20° = 0

Fy = N cos 20°  mg = 0

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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object
Resolve the 2nd equilibrium equation for N:
mg (1440 kg)(9.81 m s 2 )
N   15,000 N
cos 20 cos 20

Then we solve the 1st equilibrium equation for

tension T:
T = N sin 20° = 5140 N

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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object
Critical Thinking
 How to identify the external forces that act on an
 Free-body diagram to isolate the car:
 Remove cable AB, which exerts the
horizontal force T on the car at A that keeps
the car in place on the inclined surface
 Remove the inclined surface, which exerts
forces on the car’s tires
 The example stipulated that the surface
could exert only normal forces on the tires

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Example 3.1 Using Equilibrium to Determine
Forces on an Object
Critical Thinking
 Free-body diagram to isolate the car:
 Finally remove the earth itself, which exerts
the car’s weight mg
 Thinking about what must be eliminated in
order to isolate an object focuses your
attention on those things that may exert
external forces on it

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Example 3.2 Choosing a Free-Body
The automobile engine block in
Fig. 3.2 is suspended by a
system of cables. The mass of
the block is 200 kg. the system
is stationary. What are the
tensions in cables AB & AC?

Fig. 3.2

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Example 3.2 Choosing a Free-Body
We need a free-body diagram that is subjected to
the forces we want to determine. By isolating part
of the cable system near point A where the cables
are joined, we can obtain a free-body diagram that
is subjected to the weight of the block & the
unknown tensions in cables AB & AC.

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Example 3.2 Choosing a Free-Body
Draw the Free-Body Diagram:
Isolate part of the cable system near point A:

Fig. 3.2
W = mg = (200 kg)(9.81 m/s2) = 1962 N
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Example 3.2 Choosing a Free-Body
Apply the Equilibrium Equation:
Select the coordinate system shown.

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Example 3.2 Choosing a Free-Body
Apply the Equilibrium Equation:
Resolve cable tensions into x & y
Fx = TAC cos 45°  TAB cos 60° = 0
Fy = TAC sin 45° + TAB sin 60°  1962 N = 0

Solving these equations,

The tensions in the cables are
TAB = 1436 N & TAC = 1016 N.
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