Quality Management (MTKA 5243) Group Assignment: Prepared For

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Quality Management(MTKA 5243) Group Assignment

Prepared For : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Izaidin Bin Abdul Majid

Prepared By : Harma Ezzura Binti Hamzah Hawa binti Ismail

M061020005 M061020009

Section A
Describe clearly one of the following international quality standards The Japan Quality Award

The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award(MBNQA) was a huge success in promoting management innovation and excellence across the U.S. This encouraged many to take notice. In very quick progression in the 1990s, national quality awards started to sprout all over the region. In Japan the award is called the Japan Quality Award (JQA).

Japan quality award

"The accomplishments of the Malcolm Baldrige Award in promoting management innovation prompted a widespread view in Japan that companies should aim for quality enhancements not only in products and services, but also in the quality of their overall management. There was also a feeling that Japan should promote its own award system.
- Mr. Shoichi Saba, Adviser to the Board of Toshiba Corporation & the Chairman of Japan Quality Award Committee.

Japan quality award

Established in 1995 by the Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development (JPCSED) It was modelled after the self-assessment theory of the MBNQA in the United States, modified to accommodate Japanese management practices.

Japan quality award

Main Objective :
to support a structure that will create values needed by customers and markets, so that can maintain long term competitiveness

Japan quality award

Organizations in the following sectors are eligible to apply for the Japan Quality Award: i) manufacturing, ii) service, and iii)small and medium enterprises

Each year, a maximum of six companiestwo from each eligibility categorymay be recognized with the JQA.

Japan quality award

The applicant undergoes a three-stage review process:
The first stage, Independent Review (July), -involves the examiners creation of comments and scores that show the strengths and areas for improvement for every assessment item in the application. During the second stage, Consensus Review (August/September), - examiners bring their comments and scores, and all team members confer and decide on comments and scores as a team. The third stage, Site Visit Review (October), - involves the confirmation of unclear points in the application. Based on the consensus review and/or site visit review findings, comments and scores are reviewed and a feedback report is prepared and submitted during the month of November (for site-visited applicants). The feedback report is a description of the strengths and suggestions for improvement based on the consensus comments for every assessment item. The applicant then utilizes the feedback report to plan and implement improvements.

Stages in the Award Cycle

Scoring Guideline: Levels of Maturity of Management

Japan quality award

The JQA is more than a competition for winning an award. It is also a tool for management reform. By applying the JQA framework, a company could reap benefits like: creating a competitive management culture; identifying management areas that need improvement; determining effectiveness of internal communication and compliance in implementation of directives; building a continuous improvement process

Japan quality award

The JQA has eight examination criteria which are further divided into 22 items. The criteria are:

Japan quality award

The criteria are based on the following concepts: Quality as judged by the customers Senior executives' leadership Continuous improvement of systems and processes Education and training of human resources, and development of skills aligned to strategy Quick response to market/customer needs Partnership and teamwork Commitment to environment protection and public responsibility

Japan quality award

The award is presented to Japanese companies and other corporate entities displaying excellent overall management qualities. These are companies that continue to create new values through the continuous process of self-innovation to transform their overall management systems into customeroriented structures.

Japan quality award

The JQA differs from that in many other countries in that it is not administered by government but by industry itself. The award winners are expected to widely introduce their excellent management activities as "best practices" for a three-year period after being awarded and lead the development of the industrial community in Japan.

Japan quality award

JQA winners 1996 - 2003.doc

Section B
Study one company/organization/firm of your choice and evaluate/assess its standing in terms of quality standard achievement based on the quality standards that you have discussed earlier.

Japan quality award

JQA was modelled after the self-assessment theory of the MBNQA in the United States, and it was modified to accommodate Japanese management practices. So, for this section, we would like to choose a company who has won the MBNQA due to the similarity with JQA.

2010 MBNQA Recipients

Source : http://www.quality.nist.gov/Contacts_Profiles.htm

Nestle Purina MBNQA Application Summary.pdf

Nestle Purina U.S

Nestle Purina MBNQA Application Summary.pdf

Nestle Purina Japan

1. Management Vision and Leadership 2. Understanding and Interaction with Customers and Markets 3. Mapping Out and Deploying Strategies 4. Human Resource Development and Learning Environment 5. Process Management

1. Leadership 2. Strategic Planning 3. Customer Focus 4. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management 5. Workforce focus 6. Process Management

6. Sharing and Utilizing Information 7. 8.

Results of Enterprise Activities 7. Business Result Customer Satisfaction

Section C Provide suggestions for quality improvement of the company/organization/firm

Suggestion for Nestle Purina Japan (1 of 2)

If Nestle Purina Company in Japan wants to apply for JQA, they must add the customer satisfaction criteria in their organization profile. Since the MBNQA has 7 main criteria for assessment, they need to add this 8th main criteria for JQA application.

The trusting and harmonious relationships of people in Japan have a positive impact on reaching out to customers and their needs. Japanese management stresses valuing customer feedback, service customer with a friendly culture, and identifying the root causes of customer problems. Japanese companies are well known for placing the needs of customers above nearly all other company matters. In ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction, great commitment is demonstrated by all employees, as well as top management. Apart from trust, Japanese employees are trained to express politeness and humbleness when dealing with customers.

Suggestion for Nestle Purina Japan (2 of 2)

Thank you for your attention to this presentation.

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