Grade 7 CZP Winter HW

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Winter Holidays

SelaQui International
Winter Vacation Time for Fun & Frolic
What do we see when we think of winters?

Snow's soft descent, a winter's tale,

Frosty breath in the crisp, cold gale.
Cozy fires, a warm retreat,
Nature's canvas, a pristine sheet.
Icy beauty, magic spun,
Winter whispers, a tranquil hum.
Dear Explorers and Parents
The highly anticipated season of the year has finally
arrived – winter! Winter break stands as the most
coveted segment of the school calendar,
synonymous with joy, outdoor activities, and
invaluable family time.
The winter break offers a wonderful opportunity for
leisure, exploration, and bonding. It's a time for
picnics, games, and the discovery of new places.
Most importantly, it's a period dedicated to self-
discovery and quality moments with family.
At DPSG, we firmly believe in the pivotal role that
family plays in a child's development,
alongside the school. Our aim with this
'Project Based Learning' initiative during the
winter holidays is to encourage children to
explore, discover, and connect with themselves
and society, including their immediate
environment. As responsible global citizens,
each of us has a role to play in making the
Dear Explorers and Parents
Suggested ideas for Project Submission:

• Photo frames/ Wall Hangings/ Artefacts/

Photo wall
• Pocket diaries/ Picture book / Scrapbook
Storybook/ Cookbook
• Blog/ Travelogues/ Journals
• Brochures/Pamphlet/ Poste
• Jingles / poems / Advertisement
• Graphic Organizers /Family Tree
• Presentation tools like Powerpoint /
Look into the nature, and then you Canva/ Prezi
will understand everything • Board games/ Card games
• Documentaries/ Films
- Albert Einstein
Guidelines for the Learning Journey
Important Note:
Materials to be used for projects should be Eco-friendly and based on the principles of ‘Reuse, Reduce
and Recycle’ as we are committed to ‘Saving the Planet and ourselves’.

1. Read the project details carefully and conduct the activities with utmost authenticity and originality in
ideas and expression. Parents support is solicited for family projects but let the child lead the activity/

2.One project is to be submitted – Personal Project, Make sure to include relevant experiences ,
evidences/pictures/ reflections of the project journey.

3. Presentation of the project work will be done by each student. Student will present his/her own project
to the class.

4. Each project presentation will be peer-reviewed on the following criteria:

a. Originality of idea and Expression
b. Presentation in a Confident & Creative manner
c. Neatness and Organization
d. Timely Submission

Leading Questions for the child

Project Title- : (sample given)
Materials Required: (sample given) ● What do you think we need to do?
● Paper ● How should we do it?
● Pencil ● Can we do it differently?
● Crayons ● What is something you know already?
● What did you discover something
Description of Project:
End Product
● Steps for the engagement.
● New Year's Extravaganza: A Global Celebration ● What tangible item the
Tour child will bring post the
● Objective: Embark on an exciting journey to summer holiday?
explore and understand how different countries
around the world celebrate the arrival of the New
Year. Through a mix of research, creative ● Power Point Presentation
expression, and interactive experiences, discover
the diverse traditions that make each celebration

● Instructions for the same are provided on the next

● Week 1: Country Selection and Research
1. Choose Your Destination (Days 1-3):
1. Select a country you find intriguing or one with unique New Year's traditions. It could be Japan, Brazil,
Russia, or any other country. Research and make a list of interesting facts about their New Year
2. Cultural Countdown (Days 4-6):
1. Create a visual or written countdown showcasing the days leading up to New Year's in your chosen
country. Include interesting facts, cultural symbols, or traditional activities associated with each day.
● Week 2: Traditions and Crafts Exploration
1. Tradition Spotlight (Days 7-9):
1. Dive deeper into one specific New Year's tradition from your chosen country. It could be a unique
custom, ritual, or festive activity. Prepare a short presentation or a creative poster showcasing this
2. Crafting Corner (Days 10-12):
1. Engage in a hands-on activity related to your chosen country's New Year traditions. Create a craft or
artwork that represents a key element of their celebration. This could be masks, decorations, or
Week 3: Interactive Experience and Cuisine Exploration
1. Interactive Celebration (Days 13-15):
1. Organize a mini–New Year's celebration inspired by the traditions of your chosen country.
Involve family members in the festivities. It could include music, dance, or a special activity
associated with that culture.
2. Global Feast (Days 16-18):
1. Explore and prepare a traditional dish or snack from the country you've been researching.
Share the experience with your family, explaining the significance of the chosen dish in the
New Year's celebrations of that culture.
● MR. SAHIL KUMAR- 8218049699

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