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UN 2017




Short message Announcement

Greeting Card

Procedure Narrative





Latar belakang/alasan


– Topik
What is the topic of the text?
The topic of the text is ....
– Gambaran Umum
The text tells us about ....
What does the text mostly tell us about?
– Tujuan Komunikatif
The text is written to ....
What is the text written for?
@direktorat psma_2008
The writer’s intention to write the text is to....

– Tempat ditemukannya teks
The text can be found in/at....
Where can you find such text?
– Target/sasaran penulisan teks
The text is useful for....
Who is the text addressed to?
– Manfaat adanya informasi tersebut
What is the advantage/benefit of reading the text?
@direktorat psma_2008
– Isi Pesan (short message)
What is the message about?
– Unsur Penting yang Menjadi Fokus (advertisement)
What product is advertized in the text?
How is the product offered in the text?
– Ide Utama Paragraf (Essay)
The main idea of the third paragraph is....
What does the second paragraph tell us about?
– Tindak Lanjut stlh membaca teks
After reading the message, Dinda will likely....
What should Dinda do after reading the message?
What will the readers likely do after reading the text?
– Opini /karakter (narrative, descriptive, recount)
Based on the text, the writer’s brother is a....
Based on the text we know that the old woman is a....
– Pentingnya mengikuti langkah-langkah dalam teks (procedure)
We have to stir the mixture gently in order to....
We should spray the water regularly to....
– Dampak apabila langkah-langkah tidak diikuti dengan baik (procedure)
If we do not .... it will likely...
– Latar belakang peristiwa (narrative, recount)
Snow white escaped to the forest because...
The writer was frightened because....
– Karakter tokoh utama dalam teks
Paragraph ... tells us that the man is a....
Cinderella is a kind hearted girl. It can be found in paragraph...
– Menentukan hal-hal yang terjadi/.tidak terjadi berdasarkan isi
teks.(recount, narrative)
What would likely happen to Cinderella if she did not return
home at midnight?
What would the writer find at home if he ....
– Makna kata/ungkapan tertentu dalam teks
The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
The phrase “....” means....
– Rujukan kata tertentu
The underlined word refers to....
– Kata atau bentuk gramatika yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks. (based on
the text).
– Menyusun kata acak menjadi kalimat yang padu
– Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi paragraf/teks yang padu
1. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

From: Karina
Hi, Dinda!
Naraya and I will wait for you at the library at 2pm. We’ll discuss the biology project.
Please come on time and don’t forget to bring some books for our references.
See you!

1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. Discussing the the biology project in the message.
B. Informing Dinda that they will have a discussion at 2 pm.
C. Promoting about the biology project to Naraya and Dinda.
D. Sharing about the discussion of the agenda of biology project.
2. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TINDAKAN YANG DIAMBIL SESUAI
DENGAN PESAN dengan tepat.

From: Karina
Hi, Dinda!
Naraya and I will wait for you at the library at 2pm. We’ll discuss the biology project.
Please come on time and don’t forget to bring some books for our references.
See you!

2. What will Dinda likely do after reading the text?

A. She will come late.
B. She will come punctually.
C. Dinda will wait for Kirana.
D. Dinda will wait for her friend for discussing.
3. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

All students of grade IX should gather at the school’s hall on August 12 th at 7.30 pm.
Please be punctual.
The Principal

3. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A.To retell the students to gather at scool on time.
B.To let the ninth graders know about the school hall.
C.To announce to the ninth graders to gather at the school hall.
D.To persuade the ninth graders to leave for school at 7.30 pm.
4. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang ISI PESAN TEKS dengan tepat.

All students of grade IX should gather at the school’s hall on August 12 th at 7.30 pm.
Please be punctual.
The Principal

4 When will the event be held?


A. At noon.
B. At midnight.
C. Early in the morning.
D. In the evening.
5. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEKOLAH, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.
All students of grade IX should gather at the school’s hall on August 12 th at 7.30 pm.
Please be punctual.
The Principal

5. “Please be punctual.”
What is the closest in meaning of the underlined word?
B.On time.
C.In time.
D.Past time.
6. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa dapat
menentukan apa PROFESI orang yang menerima pesan tersebut dengan tepat.

To: Aisha
Don’t forget to bring your umbrella. I think it’s going to rain. I’ll be
back from work a bit late today. I’ll ask your brother to pick you up
from school.

6. The text receiver is likely a/an….

A. artist
B. teacher
C. student
D. employee
7. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa
dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang RINCIAN TINDAKAN YANG

To: Aisha
Don’t forget to bring your umbrella. I think it’s going to rain. I’ll be
back from work a bit late today. I’ll ask your brother to pick you up
from school.
7. Based on the text, what will the writer do for his daughter?
A. Asking his son to pick Aisha up from school.
B. Asking Aisha’s son to pick her up from school.
C. Sending his brother to pick Aisha up from school.
D. Sending his brother to pick his daughter from school.
8. Disajikan sebuah PESAN SINGKAT yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa
dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang RUJUKAN KATA dengan
To: Aisha
Don’t forget to bring your umbrella. I think it’s going to rain. I’ll be back from work a
bit late today. I’ll ask your brother to pick you up from school.
8. “I’ll ask your brother to pick you up from school”.
The underlined word refers to....
A. Dad’s
B. Aisha’s
C. The writer’s
D. The reader’s
9. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI,
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TEMPAT
DITEMUKANNYA dengan tepat.
Passengers planning to drive and park at the airport should be aware of
several changes due to construction at the terminal. Short term parking is
available in new parking lot on the west end of the terminal.

9. Where will you probably find the text above?

A. Airport.
B. Harbour.
C. Bus station.
D. Railway station.
10. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI,
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TINDAKAN YANG

Passengers planning to drive and park at the airport should be aware of
several changes due to construction at the terminal. Short term parking is
available in new parking lot on the west end of the terminal.

10. What will the readers do after reading the text above?
A. They will take part in the construction.
B. The readers will park at the airport.
C. The readers will drive at the airport.
D. They will be aware of several changes.
11. Disajikan sebuah PENGUMUMAN yg memuat KEGIATAN SEHARI HARI, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang UNSUR GRAMATIKAL dengan tepat.

Passengers planning to drive and park at the airport should be aware of
several changes due to construction at the terminal. Short term parking is
available in new parking lot on the west end of the terminal.

11. “….the construction at the terminal, passengers planning to drive and park at the airport
should be aware of several changes.”

The correct word to fill in the blank is....

A. Therefore
B. Although
C. Because
D. Unless
12. Disajikan sebuah UNDANGAN PRIBADI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

is celebrating her
Sweet Sixteen Birthday
Let's celebrate with her
on Saturday, March 25th, 2017
at 5:00 p.m.
de’Classe Gelatto & Pizza
Regrets only to Karlina (888) 789-9896

12. The writer’s intention to write the text is for ....

A.sharing information about her invitation
B.asking to Aninda for coming to her birthday party
C.inviting Aninda’s friends to celebrate her birthday party
D.informing to Aninda’s friends to celebrate her birthday
13. Disajikan sebuah UNDANGAN PRIBADI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
is celebrating her
Sweet Sixteen Birthday
Let's celebrate with her
on Saturday, March 25th, 2017
at 5:00 p.m.
de’Classe Gelatto & Pizza
Regrets only to Karlina (888) 789-9896

13. After reading the text, those who cannot come will likely.... Aninda or text Karlina
C.come to Karlina’s birthday party
D.come to Aninda’s birthday party
14. Disajikan sebuah UNDANGAN PRIBADI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
tentang RINCIAN KEGIATAN DALAM TEKS dengan tepat.

14. Where will likely the celebration be held?

A. at de’Classe Gelattos Aninda

B. at Aninda’s de’Classe pizza is celebrating her
C. at Karlina’s de’Classe pizza Sweet Sixteen Birthday
Let's celebrate with her
D. at de’Classe Gelatto & Pizza
on Saturday, March 25th, 2017
at 5:00 p.m.
de’Classe Gelatto & Pizza
Regrets only to Karlina (888) 789-9896
15. Disajikan sebuah UNDANGAN PRIBADI , siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KATA dengan

15. “Aninda is celebrating her Sweet Sixteen Birthday”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. rejoicing
B. attending
C. educating
D. informing
16. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN PRODUK tertentu
(MAKANAN/MINUMAN/ELEKTRONIK) , siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.



16. The text is written in order to ….

A. invite the buyers
B. retell to the buyers
C. share the promo code
D. advertise about minoburgers
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang BAGIAN/ISI PESAN
dengan tepat. MINO’S


17. What should we do if we want to buy minoburger?

A.Coming to minoburger every day.
B.Calling minoburger to get 50% off.
C.Ordering by online at
D.Ordering by phone at
18. Disajikan teks iklan produk yang sama siswa dapat
menentukan MAKNA SALAH SATU KATA dalam teks tersebut


What is the closest in meaning of the underlined word?
A. giving.
B. selling.
C. buying.
D. advertising.
19. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN JASA mengenai service KURSUS/HOTEL , siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang untuk siapa text tersebut ditujukan.

The advertisement will be useful for those who.....

A. like to sing English songs
B. want to speak English well
C. want to be a native speaker
D. like to be expert in writing in English
20. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN JASA KURSUS/HOTEL , siswa dapat menentukan jawaban

Based on the text we can conclude that we study in that course ….

A. carefully
B. slowly
C. classically
D. individually
21. Disajikan sebuah IKLAN JASA KURSUS/HOTEL , siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang PERSAMAAN MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.

21. The closest in meaning of the word “service” is....
22. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE terkait ORANG TERDEKAT , siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
TUJUAN TEXT dengan tepat.

Rini Murtini is 49 years old and lives in Bandar Lampung. She is a simple
lady who is trying to do big things for her environment. She encourages
people in her kampong to lead a green life. She gives them example of
using any space in the kampong as the media to plant trees. Now the
kampong is green and shady.
According to Rini, living green doesn’t cost much because people
can use domestic garbage as the compost. Rini and the people in her
kampong work together to separate the organic and non-organic garbage.
They turn the organic garbage into the compost and recycle the non-
organic one.
Rini started her effort several years ago. Her struggle was not
easy. People didn’t accept her idea easily. At first, they were reluctant to
follow her idea. However, gradually, people know that living green is
healthier and cheaper. This kampong is becoming famous for its green
environment. Many university students come to do a study about this
kampong, even some domestic tourists sometimes visit it.
On July 1st 2012, Rini Murtini got a reward of her hard work as the
environment heroin of Bandarlampung. The reward was given by
22. What is the intention of writing the text?
A. To explain the programs of green environment held by
Bandar Lampung city.
B. To inform people about the importance of green
C. To describe an admirable woman named Rini Murtini.
D. To describe how to eliminated heroine plantation.
23. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE yang sama , siswa dapat menentukan RINCIAN
By reading the text we can conclude that Rini Murtini is a/an ….woman.

B. talkative Rini Murtini is 49 years old and lives in Bandar Lampung. She is a simple lady who is trying to
C. cheerful do big things for her environment. She encourages people in her kampong to lead a green
life. She gives them example of using any space in the kampong as the media to plant trees.
D. tough
Now the kampong is green and shady.
According to Rini, living green doesn’t cost much because people can use domestic
garbage as the compost. Rini and the people in her kampong work together to separate the
organic and non-organic garbage. They turn the organic garbage into the compost and
recycle the non-organic one.
Rini started her effort several years ago. Her struggle was not easy. People didn’t
accept her idea easily. At first, they were reluctant to follow her idea. However, gradually,
people know that living green is healthier and cheaper. This kampong is becoming famous for
its green environment. Many university students come to do a study about this kampong,
even some domestic tourists sometimes visit it.
On July 1st 2012, Rini Murtini got a reward of her hard work as the environment
heroin of Bandarlampung. The reward was given by Bandarlampung mayor, Drs. H. Herman
24. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE YANG SAMA, siswa dapat
menentukan IDE POKOK salah satu paragrafnya.
Rini started her effort several years ago. Her struggle was not easy.
People didn’t accept her idea easily. At first, they were reluctant to
follow her idea. However, gradually, people know that living green is
healthier and cheaper. This kampong is becoming famous for its green
environment. Many university students come to do a study about this
kampong, even some domestic tourists sometimes visit it.

24. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. Rini’s struggle was not easy.
B. People were reluctant to follow her idea.
C. This kampong is becoming famous for its green environment.
D. Gradually people know that living green is healthier and cheaper.
25. Disajikan satu kalimat yang dikutip dari text descriptive yang sama, siswa dapat
menentukan MAKNA KATA tertentu yang terdapat dalam kalimat tersebut.

Rini started her effort several years ago. Her struggle was not easy.
People didn’t accept her idea easily. At first, they were reluctant to follow her
idea. However, gradually, people know that living green is healthier and
cheaper. This kampong is becoming famous for its green environment. Many
university students come to do a study about this kampong, even some domestic
tourists sometimes visit it.

21. “At first, they were reluctant to follow her idea.”

The underlined word has similar meaning to….
26. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE tentang IKON OBJECT WISATA DI LUAR NEGERI , siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TOPIK TEKS dengan tepat.

Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the major
waterfall on the Zambezi River in Africa. It is famous for being the largest
waterfall in the world in the wet season. The African people who live around the
falls call it Mosi-oa-Tunya which means "smoke that thunders". The water
makes a roaring noise as it falls over the cliff and down into the Zambezi River
below. A cloud of water vapor is always seen around the falls.

26. What is the topic of the text above?

A. Zambezi River.
B. Mosi-oa-Tunya.
C. Victoria Falls Facts.
D. Seven Natural Wonders of the World.
27. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE tentang IKON OBJECT WISATA DI LUAR NEGERI , siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang GAMBARAN SALAH SATU BAGIAN OBJECT dengan tepat.

Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and the major
waterfall on the Zambezi River in Africa. It is famous for being the largest
waterfall in the world in the wet season. The African people who live around the
falls call it Mosi-oa-Tunya which means "smoke that thunders". The water
makes a roaring noise as it falls over the cliff and down into the Zambezi River
below. A cloud of water vapor is always seen around the falls.

27. How is Victoria Falls in the wet season?

A.It is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.
B.It is famous for being the largest waterfall in the world.
C.It is the major waterfall on the Zambezi River in Africa.
D.It makes a roaring noise as it falls over the cliff and down.
28. Disajikan sebuah DESCRIPTIVE tentang IKON OBJECT WISATA DI LUAR NEGERI , siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TINDAKAN YANG MUNGKIN AKAN DILAKUKAN dengan

28. What might travelers do after reading the text?

A.They will not care about it.
B.They won’t go to that place.
C.They likely want to visit it soon.
D.They likely won’t have any programme.
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang RUJUKAN KATA dengan

29. “It is famous for being the largest waterfall in the world, in the wet
What does the underlined word refer to?
A.The world.
B.Victoria Falls.
C.The Zambezi River.
D.The Seven Natural Wonders.
30. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT terkait dengan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan peserta didik dapat
menentukan TOPIK TEKS tersebut dengan tepat.
The road in front of my school is a narrow one. It is also very busy. Every afternoon when school is
dismissed the road becomes almost impassable as children, bicycles, cars and buses jostle and struggle to use it.
Sometimes a policeman is there to help things out, but generally chaos reigns and we have to be careful not to
get involved in an accident. A few accidents had already occurred. I was a witness to one.
It happened just after school. As usual the road was an utter mad house. Children were running across the
road to get to their cars and buses. Cars and buses honked angrily at them. Just then I saw a young boy make a
dash across the road. There was a loud blare of horn, a squeal of brakes and I saw a car knock into the boy. He
fell as though his feet were swept from under him. Fortunately the car was not moving very fast and the driver
managed to stop the car before a wheel could run over the fallen boy.
All traffic stopped. I ran over to the boy and saw blood on the road. He was bleeding from a cut on his head.
A man came and examined the boy. Then he lifted the boy and carried him to a car. They sped off, presumably
to the hospital. Many people surrounded the driver who looked dazed and bewildered. A policeman came to
calm things down.
As there was nothing I could do, I turned and walked down the road carefully. It was terrible to witness an
accident. I certainly would not like to be involved in one. Source:
30. What is the text above mostly about?
A.The boy.
B.An accident.
C.A policeman.
D.Cars and buses.
31. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT yang sama , siswa
dapat menentukan RINCIAN PERISTIWA.

31. The accident happened ....

A.after school
B.when the car was moving backward the writer was jogging
D.after the police came
32. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT yang sama , siswa dapat

32. What did the writer do for his friend in the

A. He helped him.
B. He did nothing.
C. The writer drove him.
D. The writer examined him.
33. Disajikan salah satu kalimat yang dikutip dari text
recount yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan MAKNA KATA
tertentu yang terdapat dalam kalimat tersebut dengan
33. “They sped off, presumably to the hospital”.
The underlined word can be replaced by ....
A. capably
B. countably
C. reasonably
D. responsibly
34. Disajikan satu text PROCEDURE terkait petunjuk mengoperasikan alat tertentu peserta didik
dapat menentukan TUJUAN TEXT tersebut dengan tepat

34. The text is written to ….

A. describe the ways to draw a tie
B. tell the procedure of making a tie
C. describe tips on how to tie a tie
D. inform tips on how to draw a tie
35. Disajikan satu fungsi langkah tertentu dari text procedure yang sama,
peserta didik dapat menentukan rincian langkah

What should we do when we slide the knot up

A. We should hold knot loosely.
B. We should hold the narrow end of the tie.
C. We should pass the wide end up through
the loop.
D. We should cross the wide end over the
36.Disajikan satu text procedure yang sama peserta didik dapat menentukan

Why should we pass the wide end up through the loop?

A. To finally place it in the front position.
B. To finally place it in the back position.
C. To hide it behind the narrow end.
D. To keep it tight.
37. Disajikan satu kalimat yang dikutip dari text procedure yang sama,
peserta didik dapat menentukan RUJUKAN KATA TERTENTU yang terdapat
dalam kalimat.

“Start with the wide end on your right. Extend it about 12" below the narrow end of your necktie”.
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. mirror
B. necktie
C. wide end
D. narrow end
38. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE teerkait CERITA RAKYAT LUAR NEGERI siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang TOPIK TEKS tersebut dengan tepat.

Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly by
farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of a
flood. He prayed to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, passing by his house,
took a pity on the farmer. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any
expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your
hardship.” A week later to his surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. It was
not an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was filled with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten
his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. The goose only laid
one golden egg every six months.
However, the farmer became greedy and lost his patience. He slaughtered his
goose thinking there were plenty golden eggs inside its stomach. He found nothing!
Poor him! Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too late.
38. What is the story about?
A. A joyful moment.
B. A greedy farmer.
C. A poor goose.
D. A wise man.
39. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE terkait CERITA RAKYAT
LUAR NEGERI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang MASALAH YANG DIHADAPI dengan

39. What made the farmer slaughter the

A. He lost his patience.
B. He liked slaughtering.
C. He wanted to cook the goose.
D. The goose was old and sick.
40. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FOLKTALE LUAR
NEGERI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
40. What happened after the farmer was
being instantly rich?
A. He lost all of his properties.
B. He became generous
C. He had a lot of geese.
D. He became lazy
41. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FOLKTALE LUAR
NEGERI, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
tentang DESKRIPSI TOKOH dengan tepat.

Which of the following words best described

the farmer?
A. nice
B. cheerful
C. helpful
D. ungrateful
42. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang TOPIK (FRASA) dengan
Sometimes during their orbits, the moon and the Earth form a line with the Sun.
When this happens, an eclipse occurs.
There are two kinds of eclipse - lunar and solar. A lunar eclipse happens when
the Earth moves between the Sun and the moon, blocking part of the Sun's light from
reaching the moon. During a lunar eclipse, you will see the Earth's shadow on the moon.
In a solar eclipse, the moon moves between the Earth and the Sun. When this
happens, part of the Sun's light is blocked. The sky slowly gets dark as the moon moves in
front of the Sun. When the moon and Sun are in a perfect line, it is called a total eclipse.
These are very rare. Most people only see one in their lifetime.

42. The text above mostly talks about....

A. The moon.
B. The Earth.
C. The Sun.
D. Eclipse.
43. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang ASPEK YANG DIDESKRIPSIKAN
dengan tepat.

43. The Earth moving between the Sun and the Moon, blocking
part of the Sun's light from reaching the moon is called ....
B.a total eclipse
C.a lunar eclipse
D.the Earth's shadow
44. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM,
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang

44. What is a total eclipse?

A.When the moon and Sun are in a perfect line.
B.When we see the Earth's shadow on the moon.
C.When the Earth moves between the Sun and the
D.When the sky slowly gets dark as the moon
moves in front of the Sun.
45. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang PERISTIWA ALAM,
siswa dapat menentukan RINCIAN YG DIDESKRIPSIKAN
jawaban pertanyaan tentang dengan tepat.

45. Based on the text we know that there are ....

A.only total and blocking part eclipses
B.two kinds of eclipses, lunar and shadow
C.two kinds of eclipses, lunar, and solar eclipses
D.three kinds of eclipses, lunar, solar, and total
46. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang BINATANG ( REPTILE), siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEKS dengan tepat.

The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world. It has special muscles and ribs in its neck
that spread out to form a "hood" when the cobra feels threatened. This makes the snake look bigger than it
really is, and may help scare away predators.
King cobras make a deep, loud hissing sound. Like the rattle of the rattlesnake, the hiss is a warning
signal that can be heard from a distance. The message is: "I am big, bad, and will bite you if you come any
Most cobras are known to protect their eggs after laying them, but the female king cobra does even
more. She uses her body and head to move leaves around to build a nest. After she lays her eggs, she
covers them with more leaves, and stays on top of the nest until the eggs hatch.

46. What is the intention of the writer write the text above?
A. To retell about the body of cobra.
B. To share about the eggs of cobras.
C. To describe the snake as a predator.
D. To describe the King Cobra in general.
47. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang BINATANG ( REPTILE), siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang JENIS-JENIS YANG DIDESKRIPSIKAN
(rincian deskripsinya) dengan tepat.

47. What does the female king cobra use to

move leaves around for building a nest?
A.Her eggs.
B.Her body.
C.Her head.
D.Her body and head.
48. Disajikan sebuah REPORT tentang BINATANG ( REPTILE), siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang PERNYATAAN YANG TEPAT

48. After reading the text we can learn about ….

A.cobra’s behavior and stay away from it

B. cobra’s behavior and how to catch it cobras make their nest to protect cobras

49. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT tentang HAL YANG MENYENANGKAN, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang AKIBAT KEJADIAN YANG TERDAPAT DALAM
It was a bright Sunday morning on 22 April 2014 when 20 members of the Social Society set out
by school bus to Taman Cheras for a good cause: to visit the orphans in RumahSayang. The Teacher-
Advisors who accompanied these caring students were Jenny Ling and John Khoo.
The school bus arrived at the venue at about 10 a.m. The Matron, Mrs. Edwards, was there to
welcome us. The orphans had lined up in the hall waiting for us. The welcome we received from
them was very warm and touching.
We started off with an ice-breaking session. Then, we taught them how to make paper cranes
which were stuffed into a lovely glass bottle. It was a lot of fun especially towards the end. As for
performances, we enjoyed one of the orphans, June, dancing to a hip-hop song and 7-year-old Barry
sang a Japanese song.
The children were really adorable. There was a little boy named Rick, who stuck to June and
liked sitting on her lap. There were other volunteers there on that day too. There was one group of
people who gave them haircuts. Another group of volunteers gave them tuition lessons.
The trip ended with a lot of hugs, goodbyes and a huge group picture. Overall, it was a great and
enjoyable experience and I think some of us are already thinking of visiting them again soon.
49. What might the readers learn by reading the text?

A.Children are really adorable.

B.Volunteering needs a lot of money.

C.They might think that the children are annoying.

D.Making others happy bring happiness to ourselves.

50. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT tentang HAL YANG MENYENANGKAN, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang PERNYATAAN YANG MENJELASKAN ALASAN
TERJADINYA PERISTIWA yang ada dalam text.

50. Why do the writer think some of them were already

thinking of visiting them again soon?
A.The trip ended with a lot of hugs.
B.Good bye and a huge group picture.
C.It was a great and enjoyable experience.
D.Another group of volunteers gave them tuition lessons.
51. Disajikan sebuah RECOUNT tentang HAL YANG MENYENANGKAN, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang KATA SAMBUNG UNTUK MELENGKAPI kalimat
dengan tepat.

51.Because it was a great and enjoyable experience ... the writer

and friends think some of them are already thinking of visiting
them again soon.
52. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FABLE, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN penulisan TEKS dengan tepat.

A Wise Owl
There was an old owl that lived in an oak. Every day he saw incidents happening around him.
Yesterday he saw a boy helping an old man to carry a heavy basket. Today he saw a girl shouting at her
mother. The more he saw the less he spoke.
As he spoke less, he heard more. He heard people talking and telling stories. He heard a woman
saying that an elephant jumped over a fence. He also heard a man saying that he had never made a
The old owl had seen and heard about what happened to people. Some became better and
some became worse. But the old owl had become wiser each and every day.

52. What is the purpose of the text above?

A.To describe about an owl in general.
B.To share to the readers about the owl.
C.To amuse the readers about a wise owl.
D.To advertise to the readers about the owl.
53. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FABLE, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang HASIL DARI TINDAKAN

53.1. Why did the old owl have become wiser each and every day?
A. Some became better and some became worse.
B. The owl heard a man saying that he had never made a mistake.
C. The old owl had seen and heard about what happened to people.
D. The owl heard a woman saying that an elephant jumped over a fence.

53.2. Why did he speak less?

A. He heard more.
B. He was lazy to speak.
C. He didn’t like to speak.
D. He prefered to be silent.
54. Disajikan sebuah NARRATIVE tentang FABLE, siswa
dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang
RUJUKAN KATA dengan tepat.

51.“Every day he saw incidents happening around him.”

The underlined word refers to....

A.a man

B.a boy old owl elephant
55. Disajikan sebuah LABLE tentang MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang MANFAAT ADANYA INFORMASI dengan tepat.

Serving Size per 1 Slice
Serving per Container 22
Amount per serving
55. What is the adventage of the label above?
Calories 50 Calories from Fat 20
A. We can buy the product expensively.
5% Daily Value *
B. The writer will give the readers information.
Total Fat 1g 10%
C. We know the contain of the product in detail.
Saturated Fat 0g 0%
D. The readers can get the sugar from the product.
Cholesterol Omg 0%
Sodium 115mg 5%
Total Carbohydrate 10g 3%
Dietary Fiber 5g 20%
Sugars 2g 20%
57. Disajikan sebuah LABLE tentang MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KATA dengan tepat.

57. “Total Fat 1g 10%”.

The closest in meaning of the underlined word is….
56. Disajikan sebuah LABEL tentang MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN,
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang UNSUR

56. How many percent is the 5g of Total

Carbohydrate? (indicator no 56)
58. Disajikan sebuah GREETING CARD tentang KEBERHASILAN ORANG, siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang TUJUAN TEXT dengan tepat.

Dear Dias,
Congratulations! You won three gold medals in the
swimming contest. Sweet after sweat. Keep on
practicing and we will always support you to reach
your dream of becoming a professional swimmer.
Your teacher,
Mr. Edi Wijaya
58. The writer writes the text in order to .... (indicator no 58)
A.give warm to Dias
B.congratulate Dias’ teacher
C.give warm to Mr. Edy Wijaya
D.congratulate Mr. Edy wijaya
59. Disajikan sebuah GREETING CARD tentang KEBERHASILAN ORANG, siswa dapat
menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang MAKNA KALIMAT TERTENTU dengan tepat.

59. “Sweat after sweat.” (indicator no 59)

The sentence means Dias is....
A. a lazy student
B. a handsome
C. a hard worker
D. a friendly person
60. Disajikan sebuah GREETING CARD tentang KEBERHASILAN ORANG, siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang PERSAMAAN KATA/ SYNONYM dengan tepat.

60. “Keep on practicing and we will always support you to reach your
dream of becoming a professional swimmer”.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to .... (indicator no 60)
Ph. 081391709344

Nur Zaida You Tube

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