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CE 315

Structural Theory

Week 1 Review of Statics of Rigid Bodies and Mechanics of Deformable Bodies,

Introduction to Structural Analysis

Prepared by:
Engr. Aldous Neil Jocson
This will serve as your attendance.

For the given simply supported beam,

calculate the following:
a) Reaction at A
b) Reaction at B
c) Maximum Shear
d) Maximum Moment

For the given truss below, solve for the

forces on the following members. Indicate
if Tension or Compression.

a) AH
b) AB
c) HG
d) HB
Introduction to Structural
Intended Learning Outcome:
• To reorient the class with TIP Mission and Vision, Graduate attributes and
Student Outcomes
• To familiarize the class with the course policies and requirements
• To have a basic understanding of structural theory and analysis as well as its
application to the real world
Stages of Designing a Structure
(a) planning phase
(b) preliminary structural design
(c) estimation of loads
(d) structural analysis
(e) revised and finalization of the structural design.
Planning Phase.
• The design process normally includes setting
the functional specifications of the proposed structure, general layout and
dimensions of the structure, determining of type of structures, and the kinds of
materials to be used. This phase also involves consideration of non-structural
constraints, such as environmental and aesthetics. Designers usually took this
phase as the crucial stage in the design because it requires knowledge and
experience in construction practices to understand the behavior of the
proposed structure.
Preliminary Structural Design
• Engineers do assumptions in the sizes of the structural members and the
structural system of their design. Estimations of such structural designs are
based on approximate analysis from the past experiences of engineers and
code requirements.
Estimation of Loads.
• This stage involves the identification of all loads that can be expected present
on the structure.
Structural Analysis.
• In structural analysis, the approximate structural system and estimation of
loads from phase 2 to 3 are being analyzed and evaluated in order to
determine the stresses in the structural members and identify deflections at
various points of the proposed structure. Checking the safety and
serviceability is also being analyzed in this phase. Engineers evaluate the
proposed structure whether or not the structure satisfies the safety,
serviceability, or any constraints that considered in the structure
Revised and Finalization of Structural Design.
• From phase 4, if the constraints of the structure are not satisfied, engineers
will do revisions in their design depending on what area or member of the
structure failed. The structural engineer will revise their design from phase 2
until it will satisfy the desired constraints of the project. After further analysis
and revisions, the structural engineer may finalize their design and do detailed
specifications for the implementations of the project.
Structures in the real world
Structural Elements
Tie Rods

• Tie Rods – structural members

subjected to a tensile force are often
referred to as tie rods or bracing
struts. (See figures)
Examples of tie rods
• are usually straight horizontal
members used primarily to carry
vertical loads. This are primarily
designed to resist bending moment;
however, if they are short and carry
large loads, the internal shear force
may become quite large and this
force may govern the design.
Examples of Beams
• members that are generally vertical and
resist axial compressive loads are
referred to as columns, (see figure
below). Tubes and wide-flange cross
sections are often used for metal
columns, and circular and square cross
sections with reinforcing rods are used
for those made of concrete. Occasionally,
columns are subjected to both an axial
load and a bending moment as shown in
the figure. These members are referred
to as beam columns.
Examples of columns
Types of Structures
Types of Structures
The combination of structural elements and the materials from which they are
composed is referred to as a structural system. Each system is constructed of
one or more of four basic types of structures. Ranked in order of complexity of
their force analysis, they are as follows.
• When the span of a structure is
required to be large and its depth is not
an important criterion for design, a truss
may be selected. Trusses consist of
slender elements, usually arranged in
triangular fashion. Planar trusses are
composed of members that lie in the
same plane and are frequently used for
bridge and roof support, whereas
space trusses have members
extending in three dimensions and are
suitable for derricks and towers.
Examples of Trusses
Cables and Arches
• Two other forms of structures used to span
long distances are the cable and the arch.
Cables are usually flexible and carry their
loads in tension. They are commonly used
to support bridges, (see figure below), and
building roofs. When used for these
purposes, the cable has an advantage
over the beam and the truss, especially for
spans that are greater than 150 ft (46 m).
Because they are always in tension,
cables will not become unstable and
suddenly collapse, as may happen with
beams or trusses
Examples of Cables
Cables and Arches
• The arch achieves its strength in
compression, since it has a reverse
curvature to that of the cable. The
arch must be rigid, however, in order
to maintain its shape, and this results
in secondary loadings involving
shear and moment, which must be
considered in its design. Arches are
frequently used in bridge structures,
(see figure below), dome roofs, and
for openings in masonry walls.
Examples of Arches
• Frames are often used in buildings and
are composed of beams and columns that
are either pin or fixed connected, (see
figure below). Like trusses, frames extend
in two or three dimensions. The loading
on a frame causes bending of its
members, and if it has rigid joint
connections, this structure is generally
“indeterminate” from a standpoint of
analysis. The strength of such a frame is
derived from the moment interactions
between the beams and the columns at
the rigid points.
Examples of Frames
Typical RC Frame Building
Surface Structures
• A surface structure is made from a material having a very small thickness
compared to its other dimensions. Sometimes this material is very flexible and
can take the form of a tent or air-inflated structure. In both cases the material
acts as a membrane that is subjected to pure tension.
Examples of Surface Structure
Structural Code
• The design loading for a structure is often specified in codes. In general, the
structural engineer works with two types of codes: general building codes and
design codes. General building codes specify the requirements of
governmental bodies for minimum design loads on structures and minimum
standards for construction. Design codes provide detailed technical standards
and are used to establish the requirements for the actual structural design.
Dead loads
• Dead loads consist of the weights of the various structural members and the
weights of any objects that are permanently attached to the structure. Hence,
for a building, the dead loads include the weights of the columns, beams, and
girders, the floor slab, roofing, walls, windows, plumbing, electrical fixtures,
and other miscellaneous attachments.
Minimum Design Dead Load from ASCE
Minimum Design Dead Load from NSCP
Live loads
• Live Loads can vary both in their magnitude and location. They may be
caused by the weights of objects temporarily placed on a structure, moving
vehicles, or natural forces. The minimum live loads specified in codes are
determined from studying the history of their effects on existing structures.
Usually, these loads include additional protection against excessive deflection
or sudden overload.
Minimum Live Load from ASCE
Minimum Live Load from NSCP
The floor beam in the figure shown is used to support the 1.83 m wide of a lightweight plain
concrete slab having a thickness of 102 mm. The slab serves as a portion of the ceiling for
the floor below, and therefore its bottom is coated with plaster. Furthermore, a 2.44-m-high,
305-mm-thick clay brick wall is directly over the top flange of the beam. Determine the
loading on the beam measured per meter of length of the beam. Use the given table below
Wind load
• When structures block the flow of wind, the wind’s kinetic energy is converted
into potential energy of pressure, which causes a wind loading. The effect of
wind on a structure depends upon the density and velocity of the air, the angle
of incidence of the wind, the shape and stiffness of the structure, and the
roughness of its surface. For design purposes, wind loadings can be treated
using either a static or a dynamic approach.
Wind load
Earthquake load
• Earthquakes produce loadings on a structure through its interaction with the
ground and its response characteristics.
• These loadings result from the structure’s distortion caused by the ground’s
motion and the lateral resistance of the structure. Their magnitude depends on
the amount and type of ground accelerations and the mass and stiffness of the
Earthquake load
Thank you!
End of Week 1

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