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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran”


Talk about money

The role of
Financial Technology
in the Indonesian

By: Rifqi Dzaky (142220278)

The way financial technology has

evolved over the years
Fintech Explained

Development of Financial Technology

Financial Technology Classification

In This
Presentation The role of Financial Technology for developing countries

The Relationship between Financial Technology and Economic

Growth (Indonesian)

Supervision of Digital-Based Financial Services

About Fintech
Fintech is technology, tools or platforms that help
& improve financial transactions and services.
Without Fintech With Fintech
Banks have sole control over the People have more control and access
world's wealth. over their money.

Transactions are troublesome and time Fast and easy transactions.


Transaction tracking is limited and All financial transactions can be

incomplete. recorded easily.
1838 The first electric telegraph was

A Brief History Diner's Club launches the first universal

of FinTech credit card.

1982 The world was introduced to TradePlus,

an online stock brokerage platform.

2009 The first Bitcoin version is launched.

Arner, Douglas. “The Evolution of Fintech: A New Post-Crisis Paradigm?" ["Evolusi Tekfin:
Paradigma Baru Pasca-Krisis?"] Oleh Douglas W. Arner, Janos Nathan Barberis, Ross P. Buckley :: 2013 Google was first launched, followed by
SSRN. Social Science Research Network, 1 Oktober 2015,
abstract_id=2676553. Diakses pada 5 April 2021.
Apple Pay in 2014.
FinTech Classification

Services that bring together people who have excess funds with
P2P Lending people who need funds.

Pay for any goods and services you want without taking cash out
Payment of your wallet or ATM

This type of fintech company provides financial planning and

Investment investment services more cheaply and easily in the form of
mobile applications

This type of intech is fintech which collects data on goods and

Market Aggregator services including financial products from other companies with
the aim of providing useful information to users
The role of Financial
Technology for
developing countries
FinTech has a big role in the country's

Through the various products and

convenience offered, consumers prefer to use
this financial-based technology
The Relationship
between Financial
Technology and
Economic Growth of
Technology is revolutionizing
personal finance so that
individuals have more
convenience and control over
their money.
Risks in FinTech
Things to watch out for and perfect

Low Security Low Literacy Low Adaptability

FinTech companies are always vulnerable to Users need to be financially and Technology in FinTech changes drastically
being targets of cyber attacks. technologically literate to make the best use of every year. Institutions that do not adapt
FinTech tools. quickly will be left behind.
Financial Activity
Supervisory Institution in
"Technological progress is based on its
suitability until you don't realize it has
become part of everyday life."
The combination of technology and financial
is the perfect combination

— Rifqi Dzaki

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