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Direction: Choose one question and answer

it in 2-3 sentences or more.

1. What makes you happy?
2. What makes you cry?
3. What is love?
4. What is education?
Public speaking a live oratorical
activity that means a speaker
engages with his/her audience
through speech.
Public speaking
often require a
particular venue or
time and visual aids
to supplement the
speech pre
Public speaking aims to:
1. Enhance
2. Persuade
3. Educate
4. Inform
5. Entertain
Three Important Factors of a Powerful and
Effective Speech:

1. Personality
2. Structure
3. Delivery
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and
Effective Speech:

1. Personality- refers to
your total physical, mental,
and emotional traits.

Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

As you talk, you exhibit your knowledge,

wisdom, upbringing, values, education,
passion, energy, and aspiration, among others.
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

The audience senses, hears, sees, and feels your

personality. Personal grooming, bodily movements and
gestures, and overall attitude also comprise an outstanding
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

2. STRUCTURE (Content of your message)

 Opening Statement?-compelling
& attention grabber
 Main points? Clear and presented
Transition? Were words used
effectively to connect your
ideas to the next one?
Concluding remarks? Strong
and impactful?
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:
2. STRUCTURE (Content of your message)

The structure of your speech will aid and guide the

audience in understanding how the presentation was
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

3. Delivery refers to the quality of your

voice, use of appropriate gestures, and facial
expressions, the ability to pace as you deliver
the lines, incorporate humor, and possess the
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

3. Delivery

Knowing how to adjust the volume and pitch of your

voice greatly helps not only to make yourself heard by the
audience but more so to emphasize important points in
your message.
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

3. Delivery

Do you enunciate the words clearly?

Do you avoid using very specific jargons, slangs, and
idiomatic expressions?
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

3. Delivery

Appropriate gestures and facial expressions, on the

other hand, are nonverbal expressions that
facilitate standing verbal expressions.
Three (3) Important Factors of a Powerful and Effective Speech:

3. Delivery

Humor helps lighten an otherwise

serious topic.
Directions: With your group, combine
the answers that you have on your
chosen question earlier and work
collaboratively to create a master
piece. Present you speech afterwards
in front of the other group.

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