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Unit 23

Adjectives and adverbs

Intensive 3 Grammar
Unit 23
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Use adjectives to describe or give more
information about nouns (people, places, or
things). An adjective usually goes right before
the noun it describes.


It’s a nice building.

That is a small house.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Use adverbs to describe or give more information about
verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. An adverb usually goes
right after the verb it describes.
The apartment rented quickly.
She played well.

Adverbs usually go right before the adjective or adverb it


It’s an extremely nice house.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Use adverbs of manner to describe or give more
information about action verbs. these adverbs
often answer “How?” questions.


A: How did they decorate the apartment?

B: They decorated it beautifully.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Adverbs of manner are often formed by adding –
ly to adjectives.

adjective + -ly = adverb

We need a quick decision.
You should decide quickly.

Be careful! Some adjectives also end in -ly ---for

example: friendly, lonely, lovely, and silly.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Adverbs of manner are often formed by adding –
ly to adjectives.

adjective + -ly = adverb

We need a quick decision.
You should decide quickly.

Be careful! Some adjectives also end in -ly ---for

example: friendly, lonely, lovely, and silly.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Some common adverbs of manner are not
formed by adding -ly to adjectives.

He’s a good driver. He drives well.
The students behave badly.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
A few adjectives and adverbs have the same form – for
example: early, fast, hard, late, and wrong.

She is a hard worker. She works hard.
The visitor was late. He woke up late.

Be careful!
Hardly is not the adverb form of hard. Hardly means “almost

Lately is not the adverb form of late. Lately means “recently”.

Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Use adverbs of frequency to say how often something
Adverbs of frequency usually go before the main verb.
They usually go after a form of be.

AlwaysUsually Often SometimesRarely


She usually rents a room.
The are always late.
Unit 23
Adjectives and adverbs
Participial adjectives are adjectives that end with – ing or -
ed. They come from verbs.

Participial adjectives often describes feelings.

Use the – ing form for someone or something that causes a feeling.

Use the – ed form for the person who has the feeling.

Bored vs Boring
Amazed vs Amazing
Disgusting vs Disgusted

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